Chapter 426
Because the 319(ii) Institute has been busy for a few days.

After confirming that it is 319's new drug.On this day, Tang Zhixi took advantage of Ye Hanzhi's busy work in the laboratory downstairs, and went to the dean without telling him.

In the dean's office, the two chatted for a while, and Yue Pulin said: "Nan Chu, it's very dangerous for you to do this. I don't want you to take this risk, whether public or private."

"There will be no danger." Tang Zhixi said lightly.

"What if?" Yue Pulin asked back, "Now it's not just Jing Yanbai's side, but M State's side is getting involved."

"This method is the fastest." Tang Zhixi did not answer him, but said, "The appearance of 319 (ii) means that there will be another batch of experiments. We don't have that much time."

Yue Pulin looked at her and didn't speak.

"I'm in the capital, they can't take me away," Tang Zhixi said.

"Hanzhi will not agree."

"So...don't tell him." Tang Zhixi said, "He doesn't know I'm here today."

Yue Pulin: "."

"I remember that there is no need for their permission for many things in the research institute." Tang Zhixi looked at Yue Pulin and said.

Yue Pulin didn't speak.

Tang Zhixi paused, raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm afraid Ye Hanzhi will settle accounts with you."

Yue Pulin still didn't speak, but this time he seemed to acquiesce.

Tang Zhixi raised the corners of her mouth and said, "As a favor for you to ask for leave last time, I can help you stop someone."

Yue Pulin was still silent, and said for a moment: "You go back first, I'll think about it later."

Tang Zhixi knew that this matter was 80.00% successful, so she didn't stay long and went back to the experiment.

When he arrived at the entrance of the laboratory building, he happened to meet Chu Yimo who was walking out.

Chu Yimo smiled immediately when he saw her: "What are you doing?"

Tang Zhixi said nonsense in a serious manner: "I met a friend at the door... You left early."

The smile on Chu Yimo's face deepened: "I'm free now. Qingyan and her parents went to M state for a few days, and I'm back today. I'll pick her up at the airport."

"She came back by herself?"

"Well. There is a dance exchange meeting in M ​​state, and my parents will stay there for half a month." Chu Yimo said, "Qingyan went to play with her for two days, and came back when she felt bored. And after a few days The day is about to pay off.”

"The number one scholar is about to come out in the family." Tang Zhixi said.

Chu Yimo looked at her for a while, then called softly: "Qingge."

Hearing these two words, Tang Zhixi's eyelashes trembled slightly, she looked at him and said, "What's wrong?"

Seeing that she agreed, Chu Yimo breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "After parents come back, let's go home and have a look."

Tang Zhixi rubbed her hand in the pocket of her white coat, she was silent for a while and said, "Yes."

Chu Yimo smiled warmly, and raised his hand to touch the top of her hair: "Go in."

When Tang Zhixi entered the laboratory building, Chu Yimo turned around and walked towards the door.

And when he took those few steps, Young Master Chu's steps were smooth.

He walked a distance indifferently, but couldn't control it anymore, and laughed softly.

His sister is going home.

His sister is going home.

His sister agreed to go home.

Tang Zhixi returned to the laboratory. An hour later, when she was cleaning the beaker, she accidentally broke the beaker.

Then Tang Zhixi finished today's experiment and went to Tianshu.

Luo Nanchen called her a few days ago and said that Tianshu had a batch of system tests and asked her to help.

In fact, she can test remotely.

Just test, change, hack, fix.Repeating this process all the time will take some time.

So she hasn't gotten around to testing these days.

Today happened to be free, so she simply sent a message to Ye Hanzhi, and then went directly to Tianshu.

The test was easy for Tang Zhixi, she was in charge of attacking, and the members of Tianshu were in charge of repairing.

It is said to be a system test, but it is actually an assessment and training in disguise.

Luo Nanchen used to do this.

But Jiushen came out of the mountain, and Luo Nanchen invited her here.

Tang Zhixi moved her finger to attack, and the members of Tianshu would spend an unknown amount of time repairing it.

Then this process continued from noon until one o'clock in the morning.

Tang Zhixi and Ye Hanzhi sent a message, telling him that he would not be going back at night and would live in Tianshu.

Ye Hanzhi was probably busy in the laboratory, so it took more than ten minutes for him to reply.

Tang Zhixi didn't think much about it, after the test was over at one o'clock in the morning.She strengthened Tianshu's defense system again before going to the villa in the backyard.

The villa in the backyard has always reserved a room for her, and it has been cleaned regularly.

But Tang Zhixi hadn't lived in this room for more than two years.

I don't know if it's because it's been a long time since I haven't lived here, it's a little strange or something, but Tang Zhixi didn't sleep well all night.

Before seven o'clock in the morning, she simply got up, washed up and planned to go back to the research institute.

When she went downstairs, Luo Nanchen had just returned from the Tianshu Building and planned to take a rest.

Luo Nanchen saw her and said, "Wake up so early?"

"I'm afraid you, the second hacker, will kill me, the first." Tang Zhixi's voice was lazy and a little cold, and she didn't sleep well when she heard it, "Didn't sleep again?"

"Well, this is going to bed." Luo Nanchen said, "There is breakfast on the table."

"En." Tang Zhixi responded softly, and walked downstairs with her eyes lowered.

Luo Nanchen went up two steps, suddenly remembered something, stopped and said: "By the way, Xiao Jiu, how is Chu Yimo?"

Tang Zhixi paused, turned around and raised her eyes to look at him.Most of the sleepiness in his eyes disappeared in an instant: "What?"

"Chu Yimo."

"What happened to him?" Tang Zhixi frowned and asked.

"You don't know? Didn't Ye Hanzhi tell you?" Luo Nanchen's sleepy expression became clearer, "He had a car accident yesterday morning. It was quite serious."

Luo Nanchen said, remembering that Tang Zhixi's test in Tianshu yesterday was almost a closed test.Even he didn't know until after three o'clock in the morning.

He said: "Chu Yimo's car was hit by two cars, and the last truck hit them. The driver died on the spot, and Chu Yimo seemed to be in serious condition. But the news was blocked, what happened to him ,not sure."

Tang Zhixi's pupils trembled violently, and her face instantly turned pale.

"Xiao Jiu, are you okay? What's the matter?" Seeing that something was wrong with her, Luo Nanchen came down the stairs again.

Tang Zhixi swallowed her tight throat lightly, looked at Luo Nanchen, and said in a hoarse voice, "Give me the car keys. Hurry up."

"Where are you going, I'll see you off." Seeing her like this, Luo Nanchen was not only worried about her, but also worried about the traffic safety on the road today.

He is afraid of receiving numerous fines.

"Which hospital is Chu Yimo in?"

Luo Nanchen said: "The First Hospital."

"Go there."

"it is good."


(End of this chapter)

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