Chapter 427 Han Yi
In the First Hospital, Ye Hanzhi, He Yuzhe and Ye Tingjue stayed outside the emergency room for one afternoon and one night.

Chu Yimo just entered the ICU from the emergency room.

The crash was too bad, and it was coming towards them.Chu Yimo tried his best to protect Chu Qingyan in his arms, but when he was hit by the deformed car door and squeezed towards him, the cracked piece of iron pierced directly into his body from his back.

Very close to the heart.

Put it in on the back and out in the front, so you won't be able to touch Chu Qingyan.

Now doctors dare not say whether people can survive.

Chu Qingyan was protected by Chu Yimo, but she also knocked her head down.

I had a moderate concussion, and I haven't woken up yet.

Ye Tingjue stayed with her in the ward for a long time, and he didn't come to the emergency room until people from the Chu family came.

"Third Master, Eldest Young Master, Young Master He." Zhen Lei came from the outside and said, "Han Yi went to the Chu family."

Han Yi is the foster son adopted by Mr. Chu.Actually an adopted son.It's just that something happened later, and he was declared a righteous son to the outside world.

"Fuck! He must have done it!" He Yuzhe said.

Zhen Lei said: "The old man and his wife went to the Chu family."

Ye Hanzhi stayed up all night, the corners of his eyes were very red and full of hostility, making people afraid to look directly at him: "Have you contacted Yi Mo's parents?"

"No." Zhenlei's voice softened a bit, "The people from the Chu family and Hui Yao are all looking for M state, but there is no news yet."

"Then now only Mr. Chu is left in the entire Chu family." He Yuzhe said.

"Zhenlei, take someone here." Ye Hanzhi said, "Chu Qingyan's ward, and here, no one is allowed to come near. The doctor must also be trustworthy, otherwise no one will let them come here."

"Yes." Zhen Lei replied.

"You guys." Ye Hanzhi looked at He Yuzhe and Ye Tingjue.

"Together." Ye Tingjue said.

He Yuzhe said: "We are all outsiders, but we can last for a while. We can't wake up with ink, and our family is gone. Then we are what kind of brothers."

Ye Hanzhi didn't say anything else, and when he was walking out, he called Tang Zhixi.

Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe said: "You guys go first, I'll go and see Yan Qingyan."


Tang Zhixi had just walked halfway when she received Ye Hanzhi's call.

"How are Chu Yimo and Qingyan?" Tang Zhixi answered the phone and asked first.

Ye Hanzhi was quiet for a while before he said, "Have you heard?"

"How are they?"

Luo Nanchen drove the car and turned his head to look at Tang Zhixi.

"Chu Qingyan has a moderate concussion and hasn't woken up yet," Ye Hanzhi said, "Yimo is currently in the ICU, so it's hard to say yet."

Tang Zhixi immediately clenched her hands, paused, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

"I want to borrow some people from you." Ye Hanzhi said, "Yimo's parents lost contact in M ​​state. People from the Chu family and Hui Yao have not found anyone since yesterday."

Tang Zhixi swallowed her dry and sore throat.

Clenched hands, knuckles turned white.

The blue veins on the neck are also protruding from the suppressed breathing.

"Okay." Tang Zhixi said hoarsely, "Who did it?"

"It should be Uncle Chu's adoptive son." Ye Hanzhi said.

"Oh, I see."

Tang Zhixi hung up the phone directly, and called Yun Zhan first.

Yun Zhan answered the phone very quickly, but as soon as he answered the phone, he yelled: "Stinky girl, you actually called me, didn't you block me?"

"Yun Zhan." Tang Zhixi interrupted him directly, "Find two people for me."


"The Chu family in the imperial capital, Chu Mingjin and Xia Luoqing." Tang Zhixi said, "They lost contact in Continent M."

Yun Zhan could hear her anxiety, and immediately put away the joke and said, "No problem. I'll find out for you even if M state is turned upside down, and send them back to China safely. Don't worry."

"En." Tang Zhixi said, "People from the Chu family, Hui Yao, and Baigui Pavilion are all looking for them, so don't start conflicts."

"it is good."

After finishing the phone call with Yun Zhan, Tang Zhixi called Li Gui again and asked her to find someone.

After the arrangement was made, she looked out the car window.

The scenery outside is very good, it is June, the green belt is neatly trimmed, and the flowers are blooming beautifully.

But Tang Zhixi couldn't see anything.

The four words of blood relationship and family affection have never had such a big impact on her at any moment.

When they arrived at the hospital, Tang Zhixi found that the hospital had blocked the news, and they couldn't find anyone at all.

So he called Ye Hanzhi again, and Zhenlei asked someone to come down to pick them up.

Tang Zhixi and Luo Nanchen went to see Chu Qingyan first.

As soon as the two entered, the woman sitting by the bed immediately looked over.

The woman looks like she is in her fifties, her hair is loosely coiled, her clothes are plain, and she looks very quiet.

Just crying with red eyes.

The woman was stunned for a moment when she saw Tang Zhixi, and then she stood up immediately.

The tears that had just been shed immediately gathered again.

She got up in a panic, walked quickly in front of Tang Zhixi, looked at her for a while, and then called out with a trembling voice, "Qingge."

When these two words were uttered, the woman's tears fell like pearls threaded through a thread.

Luo Nanchen stood aside, always feeling that there was something wrong with his ears just now.

But this scenario is not very problematic.

"Aunt Wenren." Tang Zhixi called her.

Luo Nanchen: "?????!!!!!!"

Xiao Jiu knew her?
This woman called Xiao Jiu Qingge?

Did he have ear problems due to his age, or did he have hallucinations from not sleeping last night?
He has always known something about Miss Chu's family...

Xiaojiu is... the Chu family...

Luo Nanchen stared blankly at Tang Zhixi.

What the hell...

Aunt Wenren wanted to respond, but she couldn't make a sound, so she could only keep nodding.

Tang Zhixi raised her hand to wipe her tears.

Aunt Wenren held her hand and looked at her for a long time before leading her into the ward and going to Chu Qingyan's bedside.

Tang Zhixi looked down at Chu Qingyan on the hospital bed.

Her forehead was wrapped in gauze, and her left cheekbone was bruised and bruised.

The small face and lips are sickly white.

Tang Zhixi took a breath, her eyes gradually turned red: "What did the doctor say?"

"Moderate concussion." Aunt Wenren said hoarsely, "I should wake up tonight or tomorrow."

Tang Zhixi leaned over and touched Chu Qingyan's face.

Aunt Wenren said distressedly: "Qingyan has never suffered such a serious crime in her age. This is so painful. And Yimo..."

Speaking of Chu Yimo, Aunt Wenren choked up and couldn't continue.

Tang Zhixi raised her hand and squeezed her shoulder: "Everything will be fine."

Aunt Wenren nodded while wiping her tears.

Tang Zhixi hadn't been in the ward for a long time, she looked at Chu Qingyan and said a few words to Aunt Wenren, and then she came out, planning to see Chu Yimo.

As soon as they came out of the ward, Zhen Lei came over.


Tang Zhixi nodded in response, and then asked, "What did Ye Hanzhi do?"

She called Ye Hanzhi and knew that he was not in the hospital, but she was in a hurry to come to the hospital, so she didn't ask him.

"The third master and the young master went to the Chu family." Zhen Lei said, "Han Yi went to the Chu family. He is the adopted son of the old master Chu."

Tang Zhixi stopped for a moment, her eyes flashed with sternness for a moment, and she immediately thought of Han Yi's intentions.

Then she quickened her pace and went upstairs...

 Changed it several times... oh
(End of this chapter)

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