Chapter 430 I'm a Bandit

Tang Zhixi's voice was not loud, but the voice fell into the ears of everyone in the banquet hall, which still made everyone dumbfounded.

For a moment, the entire living room was so quiet that it could be described as the smell of a needle falling.

Ye Hanzhi, who was not surprised at all, also looked at Tang Zhixi in a daze, his pupils dilated a little.

Ye Tingjue's expressionless face was even more so.

And He Yuzhe was so surprised that his ears rang. He felt that there was something wrong with his ears or his head.

Li Huo was so shocked that his entire face twisted.

Mr. Chu was also taken aback for a moment, but he quickly returned to normal.
Han Yi and all the relatives of the Chu family also fell silent.

Tang Zhixi didn't care about their reaction, and continued, "How long have you been planning this? My parents lost contact in State M, and my brother and sister were caused a car accident in China. Han Yi, you counted everyone in, you I feel that yesterday was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. But you have never calculated that Chu Qingge is not dead."

After she finished speaking, Lin Nai suddenly reacted.

She hurriedly stood up, because she was too anxious to stand up, and overturned the teacup.

The sound of the teacup breaking brought everyone in the living room back to their senses, except Ye Hanzhi.

Ye Lin also immediately got up and looked at Lin Nai's hand.

Both Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe glanced at Lin Naiyi, and then they glanced at Ye Hanzhi in tacit understanding.

Ye Hanzhi didn't respond at all, but kept looking at Tang Zhixi.

Seeing his reaction like this, Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe suddenly felt balanced.

"How is it possible? How could you be Chu Qingge!" Han Yi couldn't help raising his voice.

"How is it impossible?" Old Master Chu said in a deep voice.

As soon as the old man spoke, everyone looked at him.

Ye Hanzhi also looked at him.

Everyone looked at the calm look on the old man's face, and there was even a very subtle little Tsundere.I understood in an instant.

He already knew.

They are the only ones who don't know.

Ye Hanzhi's gaze shifted to Tang Zhixi again, and he couldn't recover for a long time.It seemed to be judging the authenticity of this matter, and also seemed to want to find some traces of the past from the little girl he was so familiar with.

"Then how do you prove that she is Chu Qingge?" Han Yi looked at the old man, "How do you prove that she is not the substitute you found for the current situation."

"How do you want to prove it? Now that I'm doing a DNA test, you'll think I've tampered with it." Tang Zhixi said.

Han Yi didn't speak, but he acquiesced.

"My brother, my parents gave us three brothers and sisters shares." Tang Zhixi said slowly, "When we gave us shares, we signed and recorded our fingerprints. The system of the Chu Family Group must still have Yes, and there must be a paper version of the file. I can compare the fingerprints."

Master Chu held the longevity lock and looked at Tang Zhixi, his eyes were slightly red.

She remembered it, remembered it.
After Tang Zhixi finished speaking, Han Yi suddenly lost his voice, and even visibly began to panic.

If she dared to say it, she dared to compare her fingerprints, and it was almost possible to compare them.

And there is no need for the Chu family to find a stranger, who is still the daughter-in-law of the Ye family, to impersonate Chu Qingge.

He relied on the fact that it was an internal matter of the Chu family, so he didn't pay attention to the Ye family and the others at all.But now, within the Chu family, he can be dealt with completely.

As far as the shares in Chu Qing singer are concerned, the entire Chu family will obey her orders, and there is no need for outsiders to intervene.

Seeing his appearance, Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows contemptuously.Then he glanced at the concerted action agreement he put on the table, and said: "An agreement of 30.00% three dares to come here to show off its power. You signed the agreement, didn't we sign it? Their voting rights can be in my In my hand, with 60.00% of Qi’s shares, I can veto the opinions of any of you present.”

He Yuzhe let out a sigh of relief.

It had to be her sister Xi.

"Is there anything else to say?" Tang Zhixi scanned all the relatives of the Chu family.

I don't know anyone.

None of the relatives of the Chu family spoke, and all looked at Han Yi.

Han Yi took a few steps back and sat down on the chair.

He stared at the ground for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said: "So what? You are the only one left in the Chu family now. Can you support the entire Chu family as a woman? This is the Imperial Capital, and you still want to use it?" Do you manage the Chu family with your bandit tactics? Or, do you want all of the Chu family to belong to the Ye family in the future!"

Tang Zhixi's eyes were cold inch by inch, calm and bottomless.Listening to him, she raised the corners of her mouth, chuckled and said, "I'd forget if you didn't tell me. I'm a bandit."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Zhixi stepped forward and kicked the chair directly.

Behind them is a whole wooden screen.

Tang Zhixi kicked the chair, and Han Yi and the chair fell backwards, hitting the screen behind.

But Han Yi stabilized his body in time, but the chair fell over.

After he stabilized his body, he immediately stepped forward and moved his hand.

Seeing him walking towards Tang Zhixi, Ye Lin, his wife and Mr. Chu were all anxious.As soon as Lin Nai took a step forward, Mr. Chu immediately stood up.

Only Ye Hanzhi and Ye Tingjue were more indifferent than each other.

Because this Han Yi was not enough for Tang Zhixi.

Moreover, it was a good opportunity for Tang Zhixi to show her prestige in front of these relatives.

Han Yi rushed up, Tang Zhixi caught the wrist that was thrown at him, then raised his leg, and mercilessly put his knee on his ribs.

Han Yi groaned in pain, and even faintly heard the sound of his own bones cracking.

His whole body suddenly retreated, but because his wrist was being held, Tang Zhixi pulled him back again.

While being pulled back, Tang Zhixi raised her leg again, and her knee pressed against his other rib.

Han Yi let out a low growl in pain, and then lost his strength.

Tang Zhixi twisted her backhand, and Han Yi turned around and knelt on the ground on one knee.

Seeing this situation, Mr. Chu sat back on the chair silently. After sitting for a while, he took a look at Ye Lin and Lin Naiyi.

Ye Lin and Lin Naiyi had no extra reaction except surprise.

Tang Zhixi did not let go of Han Yi's hand, her eyes were filled with murderous aura, and all her calmness disappeared at this moment.

The whole person was completely covered with a layer of terrifying gloom.

She said softly: "Han Yi, how many lives you have are enough to pay for the pain of my brother and my sister. Who gave you the courage to attack them."

Han Yi trembled in pain. He resisted for a while, but didn't break free. After a few seconds of silence, he shouted viciously: "Is it just your brother and your sister? What about your parents? Let me tell you! You, Your parents are already two corpses now, you just wait to collect them."

Tang Zhixi twisted his arm hard, making him hold back his words.

Then she took the gun in her other hand from under the clothes behind her waist.Holding the gun with one hand, she slammed it on the table, loaded the gun, and pressed it directly to the back of Han Yi's head.

She took the gun from Luo Nanchen's car and kept it behind her back, covered by her coat.

"Damn it."

With that, she was about to pull the trigger.

"Qingge!" Old Master Chu called to stop her in time, "Don't let the family see blood."

The relatives of the Chu family were all shocked.

Tang Zhixi pointed the gun at him and did not move.

Ye Hanzhi walked up to her, held her hand, and took the gun from her: "I'll do this kind of thing, don't get your hands dirty."

(End of this chapter)

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