Chapter 431 Are You All Right?
Although Han Yi brought many people here, they filled the courtyard of the Chu family.

But Ye Hanzhi also brought people with him, as well as those who were already guarding the Chu family.

When there was commotion in the living room, Han Yi's people wanted to rush in, but the Chu family and Ye Hanzhi's people blocked the way out.

There was no fight, but the two sides were stalemate outside.

In the living room, Tang Zhixi let go of Han Yi.

Li Huo immediately pulled Han Yi aside.

After finishing him off, Tang Zhixi looked at the group of relatives again, and was about to speak when the cell phone in her pocket rang.

She took it out, saw that it was Yun Zhan's number, and immediately answered it.

"How about it?"

Yun Zhan laughed and said, "Of course I'm safe and sound. This is my territory, you asked me to find someone, how can I not find him?"

Tang Zhixi lowered her eyes, and breathed a sigh of relief calmly: "Are you injured?"

"No." Yun Zhan said, "They originally brought people from the Chu family with them, but they were forced to go to a mountain after encountering danger. There were trees covering the sky in the mountain, so there was no signal."

Yun Zhan's character of always yelling suddenly lowered his voice: "The Chu family, and the two you asked me to find are very powerful. Oh, no, the main reason is that Chu Mingjin is very powerful, and Xia Luoqing has no combat power." , but they didn't hold back at all. Although they didn't lead many people, they fought with so many people for nearly a day and a night. This Chu family is really not easy to mess with."

"Help me entertain you," Tang Zhixi said.

"That's for sure. But they seem to be in a hurry to go back." After Yun Zhan finished speaking, his voice suddenly became louder again, but not to Tang Zhixi.

"Yes, she was the one who asked me to find you. Her name is Tang Zhixi." Yun Zhan almost didn't remember what Tang Zhixi's name is now, "Will you talk to her?"

"Zhixi." It was Xia Luoqing's voice.

Tang Zhixi's eyelashes flickered, and after a reply, she asked, "Aren't you injured?"

"We don't." Xia Luoqing said, "Yimo and Qingyan"

Everyone guessed who she was calling.

Mr. Chu walked up to her on crutches.

Tang Zhixi looked up at him, signaling that he was fine.

Mr. Chu heaved a sigh of relief.

Tang Zhixi said: "They're fine, and the Chu family is fine. Don't rush back, just take a rest there."

"Let's go back, we don't feel at ease here." Xia Luoqing said.

"Okay, let Yun Zhan arrange a plane for you." Tang Zhixi said softly, "Don't be polite with him, he owes me a lot of money, just tell him whatever you want."

Because Yun Zhan heard this sentence through the loudspeaker: #¥%*&#¥......

After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhixi said to Mr. Chu, "They are all fine and not injured. They are making arrangements to come back."

"Okay, okay." Mr. Chu nodded, "It's fine, it's fine."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

And some people are happy and some people are sad.

Han Yi, who was pulled aside by Li Huo, and the relatives of the Chu family were all dumbfounded.

They thought they would get more shares if they were lobbied by Han Yi, but they didn't expect to get nothing and offended others.

And Tang Zhixi answered the phone, although her hostility subsided a little, she had no intention of letting them go.

She raised her hand and pulled Ye Hanzhi aside, then took a step forward and looked at those relatives.

These relatives just saw that she almost killed Han Yi directly, and now they are very afraid of her.

Especially since they knew that Chu Mingjin and his wife were fine, they came here to make a fuss.

Just this Chu Qingge would dare to take their lives.

Tang Zhixi looked at them, and said in a low voice, "I gave you the shares back then because I wanted to take care of my fellow clansmen."

Relatives listened to her in silence.

"But we are thinking of taking care of you, but you are thinking of killing us." Tang Zhixi sarcastically said, "Are you saying it's ridiculous?"

Ye Lin and his wife saw Tang Zhixi's wrist again.

The last time she moved Meng Lanyi, this time she supported the entire Chu family alone.

"What about me? Hold grudges, and you must take revenge." Tang Zhixi put her hands in her pockets and stood upright, but she could feel her idleness and contempt for everything, "You offended me, I I won't let you go."

"You, what do you want to do?" Someone suddenly asked, "We didn't interfere with Chu Yimo, Chu Qingyan and your parents' affairs. We just came here for a while, why do you dare to kill us?"

"That's not the case." Tang Zhixi's voice was very soft, but very intimidating, "Within one month, the Chu family will take back all the shares in your hands."

"What! Take back the shares?"

"How can you take back the shares, why do you take back the shares?"

"You take it back if you say it? You are not the only one who has the final say on the Chu family."

"The distribution of shares to everyone was agreed at the time. How can we take it back as soon as we say it?"

"Unless I die, you don't want to get a penny back."

When they heard that the shares were going to be withdrawn, these relatives suddenly became excited.

The living room looked like a vegetable market for a while.

Tang Zhixi took Ye Hanzhi's hand holding the gun, directly held Ye Hanzhi's hand, and pointed the gun at them.

They shut up immediately, and even took a few steps back to avoid the muzzle of the guns, and the living room fell silent.

"You may not understand much." Tang Zhixi took the gun in her hand and unloaded the magazine, "When I was at home, I was pampered and lawless. In this family, what do I say?"

Mr. Chu looked at her, then nodded in agreement.

Ye Hanzhi also turned his head to look at her.

"In this family, I really have the final say." Tang Zhixi said calmly and arrogantly.

No one spoke.

He Yuzhe scratched his cheek, this is the eldest lady of the Chu family.The Chu family can let her do whatever they want.

Tang Zhixi continued: "As for me, I'm still short-tempered and impatient. Someone will contact you within a month. You'd better cooperate, otherwise it won't be a matter of taking back the shares."

Tang Zhixi looked at Han Yi and said, "This is just an example, but I don't mind turning everyone into this example."

"You, you are too lawless." Another person said, "Old man, don't you care? The Chu family falls into her hands, and sooner or later it will become a den of bandits."

"Yeah yeah."

Everyone joined in.

Leaning on crutches, Mr. Chu cleared his throat and said, "I can't control it. I don't have shares in the Chu family, and I don't have the right to speak."

Dear relatives: "????????" Are you okay?
You just gave Han Yi an output, and now you have no right to speak.

He Yuzhe laughed at the old man's double standard.

"Since you are afraid of becoming a den of bandits, you should quickly return the shares." Mr. Chu continued, "Whether the Chu family is a den of bandits or a den of wolves has nothing to do with you."

Dear relatives: "."

Tang Zhixi raised her eyebrows expressionlessly.

The living room was quiet for a while, and then someone said: "Don't scare people. The old man has been in power for many years and has a good reputation. Do you dare to let the Chu family do something to us? It's just to scare people."

"To deal with you, the Chu family is still needed." Tang Zhixi said, "What do you think I am in M ​​state for?"

All the relatives were taken aback.

Luo Nanchen said, "Let me introduce myself, Tianshu Detective Agency, Luo Nanchen."

Dear relatives: "!"

"The Tianshu Detective Agency is independent of the families, but only obeys Chu Qingge's orders." Luo Nanchen said with a smile, "Welcome everyone to be an enemy of Tianshu."

Suddenly, no one spoke.

They fully understood that if the Chu family didn't take action, there would be various ways to deal with them.

Seeing that they had stopped talking, Tang Zhixi issued an order to chase away the guests: "I haven't prepared lunch for everyone today, everyone should come back earlier."

 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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