Chapter 439
About drinking.

Yun Zhan loves food and drinks.

People are already unconscious, and they insist on drinking.

So. Chu Qingge asked someone to change him into a cool drink, and he was still very happy to drink.

Chu Mingjin accompanied him to have a cold drink and went to the bathroom on the way.

Yun Zhan didn't stop when he came back.

"Uncle Chu. Come." Yun Zhan poured water for Chu Mingjin.

"Yun Zhan." Chu Qingge called him across the table, and then said politely, "You should go to bed."

Hearing her cold voice, Yun Zhan became more honest in an instant, then squinted his eyes and looked at her for a while and said, "Stinky girl, you are here too."

All the people at the table looked at Chu Qingge except Ye Hanzhi, who was looking at the wine bottle with his eyes downcast.

Chu Qingge looked at Yun Zhan and said nothing.

Yun Zhan stared at her in a daze for a while, then suddenly stood up, pointed at Chu Qingge and said, "You! Get up! Help me back to my room!"

Chu Qingge's eyes were ruthless for a moment.

Ye Hanzhi also looked up at Yun Zhan.

Yun Zhan looked at Chu Qingge for a while and said, "Forget it. I suddenly remembered that you are married. Damn it! You have the surname Ye."

"Mr. Yun, I'll take you back to your room." Uncle Rui stood up and walked to him and said.

"Okay, thank you Uncle Rui."

Xia Luoqing also followed them upstairs to help.

As soon as Yun Zhan left, the people at the table dispersed.

"Qingge, first help Han go upstairs." Old Master Chu said.

"En." Chu Qingge helped Ye Hanzhi up.

Seeing this, Chu Mingjin also stood up immediately: "I have arranged a room for him, and I will take you there."

Chu Qingge: "."

Chu Qingyan blinked, looked at her sister, and then at Ye Hanzhi.

Mr. Chu also raised his eyebrows, but didn't say much.

Chu Mingjin led them upstairs, where he met Yun Zhan standing at the door of the guest room.

"Hey? Damn girl, why did I see you again?" Yun Zhan leaned against the wall and said, "And Ye Hanzhi, what are you two doing hanging out here at night without going to sleep?"

"I'm mad at you." Ye Hanzhi followed Chu Qingge and suddenly said two words.

"What?!" Yun Zhan immediately started yelling, "I'm mad! You can be mad at me! Are you mad at me!"

After yelling, Yun Zhan lowered his voice again, as if talking to himself: "Oh, you can. You married a stinky girl."

Xia Luoqing cleaned up the guest room again, and when she came out, she heard Yun Zhan's words.She first glanced at her daughter's usual appearance, and then looked at Chu Mingjin.

The couple looked at each other meaninglessly.

"Stinky girl, I can't figure it out. I'm worse than him. We met first." Yun Zhan looked at Chu Qingge and said, "What do you like about him?"

"We met first." Ye Hanzhi said suddenly again.

The voice is thin and light and a little hoarse.

Chu Qingge: "." Why did she stand here and listen to the two drunks talking.

"Let's go." Chu Qingge led Ye Hanzhi away.

Seeing that Ye Hanzhi was about to leave, Yun Zhan chased him two steps and said, "Ye Hanzhi, don't be complacent. If you dare to treat her badly, I'll take her to state M. She married you, so I'm not good." Robbery. But if you let her down, I'll snatch her over."

Ye Hanzhi stopped, pulled Chu Qingge to a stop, and looked at Yun Zhan.

"I don't mind if she's married." Yun Zhan's eyes were out of focus, and he was in a daze, "You can't treat her badly. Although I can't beat you, our royal family of M state is not afraid of you Ye family."

Chu Qingge looked at Yun Zhan, his eyes trembled slightly.

Chu Mingjin and his wife and Uncle Rui looked at the three of them quietly.

All the servants in the corridor also looked over.

Ye Hanzhi looked at Yun Zhan: "I will not let her down. Don't think about it, you have no chance."

Chu Qingge: "..." With so many people, is she shameless?Are you two okay?

"Go to sleep."

It's not loud, but it's cold.

The three people watching the fun upstairs all came back to their senses.

The others quickly looked away.

"Oh." Yun Zhan responded and immediately walked to the guest room.

Ye Hanzhi remained silent.

Chu Mingjin immediately led them to the guest room, and when passing by Ye Hanzhi, he murmured deliberately: "This Yunzhan is really good. Being a son-in-law is also good."

Ye Hanzhi frowned.

Chu Qingge: "."

Xia Luoqing looked at Chu Mingjin's back and gave him a hard look.

To the door of the room.Chu Mingjin didn't let Chu Qingge in, he helped Ye Hanzhi in and let Chu Qingge go back to the room.

Then it got worse.

He was even afraid that Ye Hanzhi would go to Chu Qingge's room in the middle of the night, so he would guard downstairs.

Chu Qingge was in her room, she knew there was someone in the living room without going out.

Then she sent a message to Chu Qingyan after taking a shower: [Take a look to see if Dad is in the living room, do me a favor and let him go back to the room. ]
Chu Qingyan replied quickly: [What are you doing? ]
Chu Qingge: [Kids don't inquire about adults. ]
Chu Qingyan: [Alright. ]
Chu Qingyan went downstairs, acted coquettishly and got Chu Mingjin away.Chu Qingge immediately went from her room to Ye Hanzhi's guest room.

And Chu Mingjin waited for Chu Qingyan to return to the room, then went to the living room.

In the end, she was scolded back to the room by Xia Luoqing who couldn't bear it anymore.

"Is there something wrong with you? The young couple are married, and you let them sleep in separate rooms." Xia Luoqing went back to her room and was still talking about him.

"What's wrong with getting married? Can you do whatever you want if you get married!" Chu Mingjin retorted, "My daughter hasn't come home for ten years, and she was kidnapped by that dude when she came back. I feel uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable when I see him."

Xia Luoqing didn't speak.

Chu Mingjin said again: "I haven't pampered my daughter enough in my hand. It's someone else's."

Xia Luoqing: "Hanzhi loves Qingge very much."

"Don't mention him to me."

Xia Luoqing didn't bother to pay attention to him.

On the other side, Chu Qingge went to Ye Hanzhi's room.

When he went in, Ye Hanzhi was already sleeping on the bed, without taking off his clothes.But when he heard the sound of footsteps, he immediately woke up again. After seeing that it was Chu Qingge, he was startled and said, "Little girl?"


"Why are you here?" Ye Hanzhi went to hold her hand.

"Come and see the joke of Ye Sanye after he was drunk." Chu Qingge said softly.

Ye Hanzhi smiled, sat up and said, "Don't go back tonight, okay?"

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows.

"Three days." Ye Hanzhi whispered, "I've been sleeping by myself for three days."

"Third Master, this is at my house." Chu Qingge reminded.

"I know." Although Ye Hanzhi was drunk, he was not as drunk as last time, and he could still think, but not much, "If I don't do anything, I just want to hug you."

"Really?" Chu Qingge sat on the bedside table, looked at him, and said softly and deliberately, "But we haven't seen each other for several days."

"Not today." Ye Hanzhi looked at her hand and said in a low voice, "I drank too much, it will hurt you no matter how serious it is."

Chu Qingge: "."

"Stay here, okay?" Ye Hanzhi raised his eyes to look at her.

Chu Qingge looked at his reddened eyes, the anticipation in his eyes, and the trace of pity that might be discarded at any time, and gave a soft "hmm".

Ye Hanzhi smiled immediately: "I'm going to take a shower."

"Can you do it yourself?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi stood up and kissed her, "Lie down first, I'll be back soon."

 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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