Again as a demon

At five o'clock in the morning, Chu Mingjin made a cup of coffee, sat on the sofa in the living room, and looked at Chu Qingge's room.

He had already figured it out, if he saw Ye Hanzhi coming out of his daughter's room, he would get him drunk and stupefied tonight, and then throw him at the door of Ye's house overnight!

Let him sleep on the street!

Find a few more media and let him make the headlines!

While drinking coffee, Chu Mingjin thought about his various means.

Suddenly, he heard the door on the other side open.

He immediately turned his head and looked over.

Then he met Chu Qingge who had just come out of Ye Hanzhi's room.

Chu Qingge just didn't want Chu Mingjin to know that she went to Ye Hanzhi's room at night.

She could somewhat understand Chu Mingjin's mood.

That's why she wanted to go back to her room early.

Unexpectedly. Such a coincidence, he was caught right away.

Chu Mingjin did not expect such a situation.

He didn't expect that Ye Hanzhi didn't go to his daughter's room, but her daughter went to Ye Hanzhi's room.

How does this make him cope?

He didn't expect this situation.

The two looked at each other upstairs and downstairs for two seconds, then Chu Mingjin looked away first, lowered his head to drink coffee, and picked up the newspaper beside him, pretending not to see anyone.

Seeing his reaction, Chu Qingge raised the corners of her mouth, and slowly returned to her room.

For such a long distance, Chu Qingge walked unhappily, but at this time, Chu Mingjin never raised his head.

It wasn't until he heard Chu Qingge's door open and close that he heaved a long sigh of relief.

Alas - a little embarrassing.

Ye Han was definitely a goblin in his previous life, and he was fascinated by his daughter like this.

Chu Qingge went back to her room, changed her clothes, and went downstairs.

Chu Mingjin didn't expect that she would come down so soon. He planned to leave after drinking coffee, but this time he didn't have time.

"Qingge, are you awake?" Chu Mingjin said warmly as if seeing her for the first time today, "Why don't you sleep more."

"I can't sleep anymore." Chu Qingge said, "Dad, you woke up very early too."

Chu Mingjin smiled and said, "I can't sleep either."

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows.

"Would you like coffee?" Chu Mingjin asked, "Dad will make it for you?"

Chu Qingge nodded: "Yes."

Chu Mingjin's mood immediately improved a lot, got up and said: "Dad can pull flowers, do you want?"


"no problem."

Chu Mingjin went to the coffee machine, and Chu Qingge followed behind him.

Chu Qingge watched his skillful operation from the side, thinking that he would make an ordinary latte art, but he didn't expect him to make a cat's head on the coffee.

And it's exquisite.

Chu Qingge liked cats very much when she was a child.

"Dad, I'm not willing to drink anymore." Chu Qingge said.

"It's okay. If you like it, Dad will make it for you every day." Chu Mingjin said happily.


Chu Qingge picked it up and took a sip.

Chu Mingjin asked expectantly, "How is it?"

"very good."

Chu Mingjin was satisfied immediately.

Chu Qingge accompanied Chu Mingjin all morning.

Chu Mingjin was happy, and even looked at Ye Hanzhi more pleasingly.

After breakfast, Yun Zhan returned to Continent M.

Chu Mingjin and his wife planned to send them off, but Yun Zhan declined.

So in the end it was Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge who sent him to the airport.

The people Yun Zhan brought from state M were also waiting for him at the airport.

At the airport, Ye Hanzhi went to answer the phone.

Chu Qingge stayed alone with Yun Zhan for a while.

"What? You finally thought about it? Interrupt Ye Hanzhi and let me take you away?" Yun Zhan said with a playful smile.

Chu Qingge glanced at him, and said softly, "Yun Zhan, you take our relationship a bit simpler."

"What do you mean?"

"You use my power, and I use your power." Chu Qingge said, "Our interests are linked, don't talk about feelings."

Yun Zhan's face was so shocked that he couldn't believe what he heard: "Stinky girl, it's too much. Your conscience is gone!"

"When have you ever seen me have a conscience?"

Yun Zhan choked for a moment.

"Isn't it based on the principle of mutual utilization when we first cooperated?" Chu Qingge said.

Yun Zhan choked again.


He didn't deny that he gave up the idea of ​​killing her because she was good-looking, and because she was very powerful and powerful.

It will be very helpful for him to seize power in the future.

But for so many years, so many years. After all, there must be feelings.

For Chu Qingge, feelings do exist, but they are just friendship.

She always thought that Yun Zhan was just talking.Because when I first met him, he was like this.

She didn't expect him to come for real.

"Smelly girl, you're going too far." Yun Zhan pointed at her and said, "Okay. Get blocked. Shake and contact if you need something later."


"You're okay!" Yun Zhan touched his heart and said, "Damn it! I feel sorry for Ye Hanzhi a little bit. How did he get involved with a black-hearted vicious woman like you. Eh? What are you doing?"

"Steal your goods." Chu Qingge bowed his head while holding the mobile phone, "Fulfill the four words of black-hearted poisonous woman."

Yun Zhan thought she was going to delete friends, but it turned out to be even more ruthless.He immediately said: "Wait a minute! Wait a moment! I can find other adjectives. My Chinese is not very good. I'll think about it, think about it again! Don't be impulsive, kindness makes money!"

After sending Yun Zhan on the plane, Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge went to the research institute.

The two stayed at the research institute for a day, had dinner outside at around seven o'clock in the evening, and then went to the hospital to see Chu Yimo.

As a result, the two of them received a call from Chu Qingyan in the elevator of the hospital.

"Sister, where are you?"

"what happened?"

"Look online." Chu Qingyan said angrily, "A man suddenly popped up on the Internet and said that he was having an affair with Tang Xueche. He said that Tang Xueche had cheated in marriage."

Chu Qingge did not expect that someone would make a fuss about Tang Xueche.

She frowned and said, "Okay. Let me take a look."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi didn't enter the ward, and looked at the news on the Internet outside.

A man named Dou Shaobai posted a video online.

The person in the video looks like he drank a lot of alcohol, his face is flushed, and he speaks with a big tongue.

"My name is Dou Shaobai. I'm Tang Xueche's college classmate. I used to be Song Zhengde's good friend."

"I met Song Zhengde two days ago." Dou Shaobai said, raising his hand to wipe his face, "I just realized that people who used to be high-spirited are now living in a mess."

"The Song Group was suppressed, the Song family was squeezed out, Mrs. Song was insulted, and her children were treated as mistresses. I didn't know that the lawsuit had such a big impact on them. I didn't know that it had brought them such a big impact. harm."

Dou Shaobai said, wiping away tears again: "I saw the life of their family, and my conscience really felt bad. So, I don't want this face today, I don't want to live a life of suffering with conscience, I want Tell the truth."

"Actually, before Song Zhengde and the current Mrs. Song knew each other, Tang Xueche was already with me."

"She said that Song Zhengde was too busy with his career to take care of her. She was too lonely, so we stayed together behind Song Zhengde's back."

Dou Shaobai suddenly slapped himself twice: "I'm not human, I'm not human. I even robbed my good brother's wife. We were together for a year and were discovered by Zhengde. In order to protect the face of both of us, Zhengde didn't make a fuss. And his father was not in good health during that time. Zhengde didn't want his father to worry, so he didn't divorce for the time being."

"But Tang Xueche and Song Zhengde had already reached an agreement at that time. Although they will not divorce for the time being, the relationship between the two parties will not interfere with each other. When his old man gets better, they will divorce peacefully."

"So, there is no such thing as who is the mistress and who is the illegitimate daughter."


(End of this chapter)

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