The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 441 Interviewed by a Reporter

Chapter 441 Interviewed by a Reporter

After Dou Shaobai's video was released, the popularity rose rapidly.Every time it is refreshed, it will rise a few on the hot search list.

Obviously someone is behind the push.

And this video is very similar to Dou Shaobai being condemned in his heart, drinking too much, and sending out his head in a flash.

But. Although his face is very red, he speaks with a big tongue.But the words in the video don't look like something a drunk person could say.

The speech rate is too flat, and the speech is too smooth for a drunk person.

Should have been prepared in advance.

"Fuck! Look, look, look!" He Yuzhe's voice suddenly came from the ward, "This is definitely not something that can be said after drinking, it must be read from the script."

He Yuzhe's voice brought Chu Qingge back to her senses, she turned off her phone and leaned against the wall behind her.

Ye Hanzhi shook her hand: "Little girl, find this person first."

Chu Qingyan blinked her drooping eyelashes, then stood up straight and entered the ward.

Not only He Yuzhe was in the ward, but Ye Tingjue and Chu Qingyan were also there.

When they saw Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi, they were stunned for a moment, and He Yuzhe said, "Sister Xi, are you here?"

"En." Chu Qingge looked at Chu Yimo, seeing that he was in good spirits, and asked, "Where is the computer your assistant brought you?"

Chu Qingyan immediately looked at Chu Yimo.

The doctor asked him to rest, but he was always thinking about work and the experiments in the research institute, and kept asking his family to give him the computer, but they all refused.

In the end, they carried them behind their backs and asked the assistant to bring them over.

Chu Yimo coughed lightly, knowing that Chu Qingge was in a hurry to use the computer, so he didn't hide it anymore, and said, "In the bottom drawer of the cabinet."

Chu Qingyan immediately squatted down and took out the computer to Chu Qingge, then stood by the bed, with her hands on her hips, looking at Chu Yimo.

Seeing her like this, Chu Yimo smiled and said, "Qing Yan"

"Who is Qingyan? I won't be called Qingyan anymore." Chu Qingyan said with her hips crossed, "Today I'm called disobedient brother."

Chu Yimo smiled again and said: "I don't use it much. Be good, don't affect Qingge."

"It doesn't affect me." Chu Qingge sat aside, typing on the keyboard, without raising her head, "Don't let him go, settle accounts with him."

Chu Qingyan's aura immediately became stronger.

Chu Yimo: "."

He Yuzhe laughed out loud while sitting on the other side of the bed, and patted Ye Tingjue's shoulder while laughing: "Old Chu, how do the two younger sisters feel?"

Ye Tingjue slapped his hand away, moved to the side, and patted his shirt again.

He Yuzhe: ". Problem."

"It's you." Chu Yimo looked at them all and said, "It's the happiness that none of you can experience."

Ye Hanzhi had been looking at the computer in front of Chu Qingge, and when he heard him speak, he said, "Alas."

He Yuzhe said, "Exactly."

"In this cafe." Chu Qingge zoomed in on the location.

Everyone looked over immediately.

"Send me the location." Ye Hanzhi said.

Chu Qingge sent him the location, then looked at the time, and said, "He stayed in this cafe for too long. From five o'clock in the afternoon until now."

Chu Qingge is a person who is located according to the mobile phone.

People have been here without moving. It is very likely that people are no longer in the cafe.

Ye Hanzhi immediately arranged for someone to go over: "Let someone go and have a look first."

"What about the monitoring of the coffee shop?" Ye Tingjue asked.

"There is no surveillance." Chu Qingge said, "Not only the cafe, but in this street, there is only one camera at the street entrance, it's still the same."

Several people gathered around, looking at the surveillance video that was covered by dust and only a little gap could be seen: "."

"Damn, is there such a place in Dijing?"

"This is the old city area in the suburbs." Chu Yimo said.

Chu Qingge nodded, and checked the recent movement track of Dou Shaobai's mobile phone, and then checked the places he had been to, and saw Song Zhengde and Dou Shaobai in the surveillance of a teahouse.

"He has met Song Zhengde." Chu Qingyan said.

"The biggest beneficiary of Dou Shao's white hair video is the Song family." Ye Tingjue said.

"But we don't have any evidence." Chu Qingge said, "It's easy to deal with the Song family. But what evidence can we use to block the mouths of tens of millions of netizens."

How could Tang Xueche be innocent.

Several people did not speak.

Tang Xueche is no longer alive, and there is no one to confront him about what happened back then.

No matter how they make up nonsense, Chu Qingge has no evidence.

Even her Tang Zhixi was a fake.

If she really made things worse, her false identity would confirm Tang Xueche's cheating.

Chu Qingge raised her hand and pressed her temple.

Ye Hanzhi stood behind her and touched her face from behind: "There will always be a solution."

Chu Yimo looked at Ye Hanzhi's hand, and looked away for a moment.

Out of sight is pure.

"Um, do you want to see the current Internet?" He Yuzhe said while holding his mobile phone, "Song Zhengde was interviewed by a reporter."

"Why was he interviewed by the reporter?" Chu Qingyan frowned.

"It looks like the background is at the gate of the dance association." He Yuzhe just watched a lot of screenshots from the Internet, but he hasn't watched the video yet. "On the Internet, it is said that Song Zhengde went to pick up Song Anrou home and met a reporter at the gate of the dance association."

While he was talking, Chu Qingge had found the video of Song Zhengde's interview on the computer and clicked to play it.

Several people looked over immediately.

When the reporter asked Song Zhengde whether the news on the Internet was true, Song Zhengde in the video looked puzzled, as if he didn't know what happened on the Internet at all.

Then the reporter showed Song Zhengde the video released by Dou Shaobai.

After Song Zhengde finished reading, he was silent for a long time.

Song Anrou stood beside him and also watched the video, her face full of surprise, after a while, she looked at Song Zhengde and called out: "Dad?"

Song Zhengde snapped back to his senses.

The reporter then asked him if what the man in the video said was true.

Song Zhengde looked at the reporter, and was silent for a while.He suddenly raised his hand and pressed his eye sockets, lowered his head and sighed, "It's been such a long time, why do you want to talk about it?"

The reporter asked again: "You mean what Dou Shaobai said was true? If it was true, Tang Zhixi sued you in court. Why didn't your lawyer mention this matter? Regarding the court's subsequent judgment on you I also accepted it. And you made your own home like this?"

"I feel ashamed of Zhixi. She is my daughter, and I have lived in a place like Hanqing Village for more than 20 years. I have not fulfilled my duty as a father." Song Zhengde said sadly, "And then Xue Che committed suicide after giving birth. It's always about guilt, I'm sorry for the child. I don't know how to make it up to her. And after telling the truth, what do you ask the child to do? How do you make Zhixi think of her mother."

"Since you feel guilty, why didn't you take Tang Zhixi over from Hanqing Village?" the reporter asked again.

"I went to pick her up." Song Zhengde sighed, "My father, and Yanxin all hoped that I would pick her up. I went back and forth a dozen times. But her grandmother insisted on raising the child by herself. There is nothing we can do."

"So you let your wife and children live a life of criticism?" The reporter was very sharp about every point.

"It's Yanxin. Yanxin thinks that Zhixi's life is too hard. She thinks it's too hard for her alone." Song Zhengde said, "She said, there are so many people in our family, how can we live a better life slowly. Zhixi, she just one person”

Song Zhengde's eyes were moist and red at the end, Song Anrou's eyes were red and shed tears, and she lowered her head to wipe her tears with her back to the camera.

(End of this chapter)

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