Chapter 442
[Is this matter so hidden?Then the Song family is too benevolent. ]
[Damn, I'm afraid I didn't expect this matter to be reversed. ]
[The Song family is too miserable.This Song Zhengde is a real man.He Yanxin is also very good. ]
[What do you believe in what they say?How do you know that Song Zhengde's family didn't direct and act to prove their innocence?Look at the news, which one is not about whitewashing the Song family? ]
[If this is the case, how could the Song family swallow their anger for so long?I don't believe that the Song family still doesn't want to clarify when the Song Group has been suppressed to the extent it is today, and they still rely on others to clarify to tell the truth. ]
[How can it not be true?Dou Shaobai obviously drank too much, and his guilt was clarified after drinking.It is said that the Song family's self-directed and self-acted are all Tang Zhixi's brainless fans.Blind fuckers go away. ]
[Song Zhengde's rhetoric is full of loopholes, you are blind, you believe everything. ]
[If the two sides have long since stopped interfering with each other, then why is there Tang Zhixi?Why did he have Song Chengyou with He Yanxin first, and then Tang Zhixi with Tang Xueche? ]
[Dou Shaobai said that he and Tang Zhixi were already together when Song Zhengde met He Yanxin, so is Tang Zhixi Song Zhengde's daughter? ]
[I'll go, it really might not be.Who do you think Tang Zhixi looks like?It is said that a daughter is like a father, but you can see how she looks a little bit like Song Zhengde. ]
[Then she still dares to go to the Song family to recognize relatives? ]
[For money, for my own clean reputation.It's really possible not, otherwise why wouldn't her grandmother let Song Zhengde take her back to Yancheng. ]
[Then Song Zhengde is too pitiful.Leave the grass on your head.Being poached by a brother, the child didn't know if it was his own, and many years later, he was cheated by this child of unknown origin. ]
[It turns out that Tang Xueche is such a bastard, thanks to the fact that I was still sad for her for a long time. ]
[Like a mother, like a daughter, what a good thing Tang Zhixi can be. ]
[We really wronged Rou Rou.No matter how much I suffered, I was always scolded.It's all the damn Tang Zhixi's fault. ]
[If this is what Song Zhengde said?So what happened to the erasure of the marriage record back then?The person involved was sentenced. ]
[Tang Zhixi used the power behind her.How deep is the water behind her, that is the Ye family.Compared with this incident, the start and stop of work by the crew is a trivial matter. ]
There is a lot of noise on the Internet.

While supporting Song Zhengde, while supporting Tang Zhixi.

While Chu Qingge was watching Song Zhengde's video, these comments floated over the video like barrage.

They could feel the murderous aura on Chu Qingge's body getting heavier and heavier.

"Qingge." Chu Yimo called her.

Chu Qingge turned off the computer, then sighed softly and said, "I just thought of a quick solution."

No one spoke.

Chu Qingge's current appearance is indeed a bit scary.

"I'm going to kill Song Zhengde's family." Chu Qingge said, "Then...these people on the Internet...choose a few to scare the chickens and monkeys. Otherwise...I'll block all the websites black and white.

Several people looked at her, but still no one spoke.

Chu Qingge turned to look at them, and saw that they were going to carry "Silence is Golden" to the end one by one, and sighed again: "I forgot, this is not Shanhaizhou."

He Yuzhe and Chu Yimo breathed a sigh of relief.

She acted like that just now, as if she really wanted to do this.

"We can take them to Shanhaizhou Zai." Ye Hanzhi said suddenly.

other people:"??????"

What are you going to do?There's no way around it!
Ye Hanzhi rubbed the top of Chu Qingge's hair and said, "Calm down. Take Tang Xueche and Tang Zhixi out, and none of the Song family can escape."

It's not that Chu Qingge's temper has changed, but he has to restrain his impulse.

She had to return Tang Xueche and Tang Zhixi's innocence.

But before here, the Song family had to keep it, and keep it for clarification.

Chu Yimo looked at Chu Qingge, whose hostility had subsided by half, and thought: Ye Hanzhi knows her too well.

Not only did he understand, but he could also appease her quickly.

"Now Dou Shaobai is the key." Ye Tingjue said.

"His company has been suffering serious losses since last year. Three days ago, 100 million was credited to his account." Chu Qingge just checked, "Cash storage, 100 million."

"The Song family's account just happened to be missing 100 million?" He Yuzhe said.

"200 million is missing." Chu Qingge said.

"A real chicken thief." He Yuzhe said, "If the indirectness is changed like this, it can't be used as evidence."

"Find Dou Shaobai." Chu Qingge frowned and said, "Even if he tells the truth, how many people will believe him if he clarifies the truth. Everyone will not be able to tell which of his words is true and which is false. They may even I thought Dou Shaobai's clarification was threatened by me."

Still not clearing them up.

But things are worse than they imagined.

Because only Dou Shaobai's mobile phone was found in the cafe, and there was no one with him at all.

And Dou Shaobai seems to have disappeared suddenly.

No company, no family.

There is no record of him leaving at any station, train station, or airport.

The Ye family and the Chu family's Tianshu sent more people overnight to find someone.

They even searched secretly where the Song family lives now, but found nothing.

After a night, the incident did not make any progress.

On the contrary, the hot searches on the Internet are updated quickly.

First was Dou Shaobai, then Song Zhengde, the Song family, He Yanxin, and Song Anrou were on the trending searches next to each other.

Tang Zhixi and Tang Xueche have always been on the trending searches.Early the next morning, the Ye family, the power behind Tang Zhixi, was also on the hot searches.

Even the crew shutdown that had been suspended for a long time reappeared.

The news on the Internet is not controlled, so some media and some "righteous people" who rub the traffic are getting more and more lively.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation.

I can't wait to eat Tang Zhixi's meat and drink Tang Zhixi's blood.

Chu Qingge did not return to Chu's house at night.After resting all night, people calmed down a lot.

Discuss with Zhou Kening, Jiang Nian and the others, and decide to respond first on Weibo.

Otherwise, it would really make people feel that she was silent because she was justified.

So Chu Qingge logged into Weibo.

And then... Zhou Kening encountered the Nth hurdle in his career.

Chu Qingge first reposted Dou Shaobai's video, and then wrote: [You can spread rumors like this, don't pretend to disappear.Get out and pick up your father's lawyer's letter. ]
Then she retweeted the video of Song Zhengde being interviewed and wrote: [Sounds so nice.It's not that I'm suing you, it's time for you to call and beg me?I just recorded it, so that everyone can enjoy it. ]
Afterwards, she began to repost the Weibo posts scolding Tang Zhixi and Tang Xueche posted by netizens in Hot Search.

Every time a post is forwarded, she will add a copy to smack people: [Speaking so definitely, have you seen what happened back then? ]
[You give me the address of the station, and I'll send you some walnuts. ]
[You are so thorough in your analysis... It's a good thing you don't do criminal investigation, otherwise you would have wronged many people. ]
[I know you're an elementary school student, so... go and do your homework. ]
[Is the flow fragrant?Wait until I tell you. ]
[Which navy is yours?How much did they pay you.Let you repeat one sentence in eleven comment areas. ]
[I have a big background?Yes, good luck.Envious? ]

 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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