The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 444 He looks the same as Nan Xiao

Chapter 444 He looks the same as Nan Xiao

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, Uncle Rui picked up Nan Cheng from the palace music workshop.

Seeing that there were suddenly two more cars following him, Nan Cheng asked nervously, "Grandpa Rui, what happened again?"

"It's because of the news on the Internet." Uncle Rui held Nan Cheng's hand and said, "The third master was afraid that someone would use you to deal with Miss, so he sent more people."

Nan Cheng saw the news on the Internet, so when he heard Uncle Rui's words, he frowned slightly, "Isn't it resolved yet?"

"Third Master and Miss know it well." Uncle Rui took Nan Cheng into the car, "The cars that follow us are all modified, with good performance, but ordinary appearance. It looks relatively low-key this way."


"Are you tired from class today?"

"Not tired. But today's song is a bit difficult." Nan Cheng said, looking at the street scene outside, and said, "Uncle driver, are you going to Hualu today?"

"Yes." The driver replied.

"I want to go to the cafe opposite the Night View Hotel to buy coffee." Nan Cheng looked at Uncle Rui and said, "Sister Chutong is going back to Ye Zhai today. She likes the coffee and desserts there very much."

"Okay." Uncle Rui said warmly, "I'll accompany you."

The cars stopped one by one in the parking spaces in front of the cafe.

Nan Cheng got off the car, opened the door for Uncle Rui, and followed Uncle Rui to the cafe.

As a result, as soon as they reached the entrance of the cafe, an electric car ran towards the two of them.

The speed was too fast, and the distance was so close. Suddenly, there was no time for the two of them to react.

The Ye family who followed them also let them get out of the car after checking the surrounding safety.So they didn't come very close.

But I didn't expect the danger to come from an electric car.

After Uncle Rui saw it, he subconsciously picked up Nan Cheng and hid to the side.But he was too anxious to hide in the wrong direction, and hid in the direction where the electric car was going to hit.

The people around were also frightened by this scene, those near wanted to help, while those far away kept screaming.

"Grandpa Rui!" Nan Cheng called out to him anxiously.

And the child holding the handlebar on the electric scooter was so frightened that he cried.But the more he cried, the tighter he gripped, the faster the electric car was going.

Uncle Rui protected Nan Cheng, thinking: This game is over.Falling down like this, being crushed, you have to lie down for at least a month.

But the expected impact did not come.

The electric car was pulled.The child on the electric car was picked up, and Uncle Rui was supported.

Uncle Rui stabilized his body, he didn't care about anything else, so he looked at Nan Cheng first.

"Grandpa Rui. Where are you hurt?" Nan Cheng asked quickly.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Seeing that Nan Cheng was fine, Uncle Rui looked at the electric car that fell under his feet, and then looked at the man holding the child: "Thank you, sir."

The man was wearing a peaked cap, his head was lowered, only his chin and thin lips were exposed.Hearing Uncle Rui's voice, he shook his head slightly.Then he turned slightly to his side, comforting the child in his arms.

Nan Cheng was hugged by Uncle Rui and kept staring at the man.

"Sir, thank you so much today." Uncle Rui was still thanking.

The man didn't speak, just shook his head.

Uncle Rui's thanks didn't stop until the mother with the child in her arms ran over.

The woman just saw the whole process and ran desperately to this side.She put down the electric car and forgot to turn it off. She was going shopping with the child, but when she had a few words with an acquaintance, the child ran back by himself.

She found that the child was far away, so she chased after him immediately.But there was an accident.

She took the child over, and seeing so many bodyguards in his house, she was even more frightened for a while, and kept apologizing.

Uncle Rui put Nan Cheng down, and didn't say much, just said: "Be careful next time. The child is still so young, if you touch it, the child will suffer, and the parents will feel distressed."

There were quite a few people watching the excitement, but the Ye family dispersed the crowd.

Woman holds crying baby and apologizes.

The man with the cap on his side was about to leave.

But he took a step and the jersey got caught.

He lowered his eyes and looked at Nan Cheng's little hand.

Then Nan Cheng tightened his grip.

Seeing this, Uncle Rui thought that Nan Cheng wanted to thank the man, so he said a few words to the woman and let her go.

The Ye family also helped the woman set up the electric car, and sent their mother and son outside for a while.

"Thank you very much, sir." Uncle Rui took out his business card and said, "This is my contact information. If you need anything in the future, you can find me. Or."

"Grandpa Rui." Nan Cheng suddenly interrupted Uncle Rui, "I saw his appearance."

Uncle Rui was obviously stunned.

Nan Cheng is very sensible and empathetic.

The man wearing a peaked cap obviously doesn't want people to see his appearance.

So he couldn't understand Nan Cheng's words.

And the man was about to leave, Nan Cheng gripped his clothes even tighter: "You are not allowed to leave, the more you want to leave, the more guilty you are!"

Nan Cheng stretched his clothes out of shape, and said, "Grandpa Rui. He looks the same as Nan Xiao!"

Man: "..." What kind of eyes does this kid have?

"What?" Uncle Rui asked.

"He looks the same as Nan Xiao." Nan Cheng repeated.

Uncle Rui froze in place.Back then he saw Jing Yanbai kill Nan Xiao with his own eyes.

"Don't try to run." Nan Cheng tugged at him, "This is all my people, you can't run away! Have you heard of the Ye family in Dijing? Even if you run away, you will be caught."


"My mother is very powerful, she can catch you in a few strokes." Nan Cheng said.

The man gave up the idea of ​​running away, and looked down at the brat.

He had just seen them coming in the store and had wanted to leave.But he saw the electric car crashing towards the two of them.

He didn't care about anything else, he put on his hat and ran out.

I didn't expect this little boy to have such good eyesight.

He escaped today, tomorrow the Ye family and Yinghuo will look for him all over the capital.

Instead of doing this, it's better to bribe this little brat.

"I'm not going to run, go to the store and talk." The man said.

Uncle Rui was dumbfounded, but his pupils still trembled when he heard this familiar voice.


The people from the Ye family were guarding outside the cafe, and the three of them went inside.

The man took off his hat after entering the store, and Uncle Rui trembled a little when he saw that face.

"you you……"

"Uncle Rui, I'm not dead." Nan Xiao said with a smile.

Nan Cheng looked at him, his eyebrows gradually raised.

"You, but, you..." Uncle Rui was too surprised to say a complete sentence.

"It's fate." Nan Xiao said.

Did not die twice.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Nan Xiao looked at Nan Chengdao.

Nan Cheng folded his hands on his chest, glared at him and said, "Mom misses you so much. Misses you so much. But you hide."

"I have something to do." Nan Xiao said.

"What's up!"

"It's inconvenient to say."

Nan Cheng narrowed his eyes and said, "A man's mouth is a deceiving ghost. An excuse!"

Nan Xiao also narrowed his eyes and said, "Is that how you talk to me?"

Nan Cheng lost his momentum.

"Little brat." Nan Xiao said.

Nan Cheng looked at him, thought for a while, but didn't dare to refute.

Seeing that he had stopped, Nan Xiao looked at Uncle Rui: "Don't talk to Yinghuo should call Zhixi now. Don't talk to her yet."

"Why, why? Miss knows that you must be very happy to be alive."

"I still have some things to do." Nan Xiao said, "She has too many things to do, so don't trouble her anymore. When the time comes, I will see her."

Uncle Rui always felt that there was something in Nan Xiao's words.

It's like he doesn't know if he can live, so don't tell her again and make her sad again.

"Uncle Rui, we all want her to be happy, don't we?" Nan Xiao said.

Uncle Rui and him looked at each other for a while, then nodded, "Okay. You can go see her then."

"Yeah." After solving one, Nan Xiao looked at the other, "You are not allowed to say."

"Why?" Nan Cheng said proudly.

Nan Xiao looked at him.This brat is just as difficult to deal with as someone was when he was a child.

"Do you want your mother to be happy?"

Nan Cheng didn't say anything, he acquiesced.

"If you want to make mom happy, don't say it."

"Why?" Nan Cheng asked again.

Nan Xiao: "..."

Nan Xiao: "Don't inquire about your lord's affairs."

"Oh, okay." Nan Cheng agreed.

"Do what you say." Nan Xiao said.

"En." Nan Cheng responded lightly.

"Okay." Nan Xiao said, "Go tell that brother what you want to drink."

"Will you please?" Nan Cheng asked.

"Yeah. Please."

Nan Cheng went to order something right away.He stood in front of the order counter, ordering food and drink.

Then he looked at Nan Xiao who was talking to Uncle Rui.

He suddenly remembered many things.

For example, a mobile phone at home will often receive bits and pieces of information about him.

Nan Cheng thought about the content on the phone, and after a while, he lowered his eyes and clicked on Chu Qingge's dialog box.


When Chu Qingge received the news, she had just come out of the laboratory with Ye Hanzhi.

Because of things on the Internet, there are a lot of messages on her mobile phone.

But she saw the news about Nan Cheng at first glance.

Nan Cheng sent her a location.

Then he said two words: [Come quickly. ]
 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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