Chapter 445 The Little Rabbit
"Going back to the rose garden or Ye's house." Ye Hanzhi took off his white coat and asked Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge looked at the location Nan Cheng sent her, and said, "Why is there no Chu family in the options?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at her and said nothing.

Chu Qingge looked up at him, seeing his pitiful appearance, looked at his phone and said, "Go to Nan Cheng first."

Ye Hanzhi also looked at the location: "What's the matter? Why did you suddenly let me go there?"

"I don't know, there should be something."

"Will it be dangerous?" Seeing her calmness, Ye Hanzhi didn't seem to be in any danger.

"No." Chu Qingge looked at other news, but there was still no news about Dou Shaobai for the time being, "If there is danger, his news will be followed by two exclamation points."

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "Let's go and have a look."


Dijing is a bit congested at this time, and the speed of the car cannot be increased.

Nan Cheng was in the coffee shop, eating cake slowly, dawdling away.

Uncle Rui didn't urge him either, after all, this was the first time Nan Cheng saw his father since he could remember, so it was inevitable that he would be curious about him.

In the same way, although Nan Xiao saw Nan Cheng for the first time, he had seen Nan Cheng many times in the imperial capital from a distance.But this is the first time since Nan Cheng grew up, father and son sat face to face.

This is his and Jingqi's child.
It's Jingqi's child who caught up with Mingsheng
So staying together, I couldn't help but forget the time.

Nan Cheng never went back, but Lin Naiyi called.

Nan Cheng ate the cake, put his mobile phone on the table, and pressed the hands-free button after it was connected: "Grandma."

Lin Naiyi's voice came from the phone: "Nan Cheng, where are you?"

Nan Xiao's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she looked at the phone.

"Grandma, I'm at the coffee shop, I'll be back in a while." Nan Cheng said, "I'll bring you a cake when I go back."

"Okay." Lin Nai said together, "Then grandma is waiting for you at home."


After hanging up the phone, Nan Cheng saw that Nan Xiao had been looking at his cell phone, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Do you like grandparents?"

"I like it." Nan Cheng said, "I also like my uncle, my aunt, and my brothers and sisters."

Nan Xiao smiled, he knew that the family would not embarrass a child.

"Aren't you going back?" Nan Xiao said.

Nan Cheng looked at him with sincerity in his big eyes: "Can I stay a little longer?"


Nan Cheng lowered his eyes, poked the cake with a fork and said, "I don't know when we will meet next time. You don't seem to want to see me very much."

Uncle Rui looked at Nan Cheng from the side, and always felt that there was something weird about him, but he couldn't tell for a while.

"I don't want to see you." Nan Xiao suddenly felt that he had hurt the child, "I have some things to do, so it's inconvenient to see you."

"I can't finish it all the time, so I don't see it all the time?" Nan Cheng looked up at him and asked.

Nan Xiao looked at him without speaking.

He is a dead man in everyone's eyes, and his parents, brothers and children are living well.He doesn't see them, and he doesn't care about anything he does.No emotional ties.

Because in the hearts of others, he was already dead.

And now that he has made himself into this appearance, he doesn't know how to face his parents and family.

What happened today was an accident.

But fortunately, Uncle Rui has no feelings for him at all.And Nan Cheng probably didn't have any concrete concept of his father.

As long as the two of them are reassured, everything will be fine.

Although this brat is difficult to deal with, he cares about Yinghuo very much.As long as it is good for Yinghuo, it is not a problem.

But he didn't expect this little brat to have a mind of his own.He has what he thinks is good for his mother.

Nan Cheng's two words successfully made Nan Xiao dare not say the words to let him go.

So Nan Cheng stayed in the cafe for nearly two hours.

When Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi arrived, Nan Xiao was playing chess with Nan Cheng, so he didn't notice anyone coming outside.

So Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi entered the store smoothly.

Nan Cheng's position happened to be able to see the door as soon as he raised his head. When he saw Chu Qingge, his eyes lit up and he immediately stood up from his seat.

Nan Xiao was serious about playing chess with him, but he didn't realize it for a while.Seeing his eyes suddenly brighten up, he subconsciously turned around and glanced back.

At once, he met Chu Qingge's eyes.

Chu Qingge stopped in her tracks, her cold and careless eyes suddenly fixed on Nan Xiao, her pupils dilated bit by bit, and even the hand hanging by her side began to tremble gradually.

She looked at the person in front of her, and the scene of that rainy night gradually appeared in her mind.

She watched the reflective dagger stab into Nan Xiao's body one by one.

It was pulled out with blood, and after being washed away by the rain, it would stab into the body again.

The blood on the ground mixed with the rainwater and flowed to the low-lying places together.

Jing Yanbai's devilish voice rang in his ears.

Nan Xiao was also stunned, and even a little shocked by the completely unexpected scene in front of him.

Ye Hanzhi also looked at Nan Xiao, his whole body froze.But after he noticed that Chu Qingge was trembling, he subconsciously shook her hand to comfort her.

Nan Cheng walked to Chu Qingge's side, and gently pulled her clothes.

Chu Qingge's eyes blinked slightly, but they kept looking at Nan Xiao.

Uncle Rui looked at Nan Cheng, and instantly knew that the series of operations he just did was delaying time.He stood up and said, "Master, miss."

Chu Qingge looked at him, paused, then looked at Nan Xiao again, and it took a while to find her own voice: "You"

Nan Xiao regained consciousness a little, stood up, and looked at them.It's okay when we don't see each other, but when we stand face to face like this, all the emotions pour out.

It seems like yesterday, he called Ye Hanzhi and talked about his next homecoming day.

It was also like yesterday, when he and Yinghuo were sitting together, discussing why Jing Heng cried so much.

He controlled himself not to look at Ye Hanzhi, looked at Chu Qingge, smiled slightly and said, "Yinghuo."

Chu Qingge's eyelashes trembled, she stared at Nan Xiao in a daze, tears fell down without warning.

Ye Hanzhi's eyes turned red when he heard his voice.

Nan Xiao reached out her hand to wipe Chu Qingge's tears, but just as she raised her hand, she realized that she had grown up and married now.His actions now are inappropriate.

He put down his hand, trying to make his tone sound lighter and said: "The person who did it back then was my own, and the last knife was intentionally missed."

But for those 32 knives, every knife stabbed him firmly.There were even a few cuts that may have hit a nerve.

Even if he didn't die, it might take a few years to return to what he is now.

I don't know how much I will suffer.

Chu Qingge was a little speechless. She was rarely so emotional, so she could only nod her head in response.

Nan Xiao took a few tissues from the table and gave her: "Okay, don't cry anymore. It won't be pretty anymore."

Ye Hanzhi took the tissue from him and wiped away Chu Qingge's tears.

"No, my mother is the most beautiful." Nan Cheng whispered.

As soon as he made a sound, Nan Xiao immediately looked at him.

That look, is simply trying to give himself the best.

Only now did he realize that he had followed his way, all the pity and playing chess were all on his will.

Nan Cheng immediately hid behind Chu Qingge, grabbed Chu Qingge's clothes, and complained loudly: "Mom, he won't let me tell you that I've seen him!"

Nan Xiao: "."

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge both turned to Nan Xiao.

Nan Xiao coughed lightly, and didn't look at the two of them, especially Ye Hanzhi's angry eyes.He wondered what the kid might have discovered.

Otherwise, with just a similar voice, they probably wouldn't recognize it.

 Nan Cheng: "This family depends on me."

(End of this chapter)

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