Chapter 451

As soon as the content of the two recordings came out, the online trend changed drastically.

Even in the first few minutes, it seemed that the whole network was quiet for a few minutes.

After that, all of them swarmed into the official blog of the Song Group.And because there were too many people rushing in at once, many people couldn't get in at all.

It's even worse than the half-typed words that got stuck.

After that, they all went to Tang Zhixi's Weibo to apologize.

The Song family's slander of Tang Xueche's derailment and even killing Tang Xueche was certain.

The recording released by the police in the morning has been flooded with scolding on the official blog of the Song Group in the past half a day.

And all those sunspots were silent for a long time.

But this afternoon, Heizi, who had been silent for a long time, started to act.

They had nothing to say about Tang Xueche, but they kept repeating about Tang Zhixi playing big cards, using his power to shut down the production crew and cheating.

It seemed that Tang Zhixi would be charged with a crime no matter what, and her reputation would be ruined.

Chu Qingge looked at the news on the Internet in the morning, asked Zhou Kening to post a Weibo on her Weibo, and then continued the experiment.

It wasn't until Luo Nanchen sent her a message in the afternoon that she checked the message again.

Luo Nanchen: [The news about your cheating and playing big names came from the Song family.Now all the people who use these to black you are your black fans.According to my investigation, your black fans have a very large organization.The leader of this organization is Meng Jingyi. ]
Chu Qingge: [So this is how the emoticons in your phone come from?What role do you play in this organization? ]
Luo Nanchen: [I am breaking into the enemy to spy on the enemy. ]
Chu Qingge ignored him.

She came out of the laboratory and turned on the phone to Yue Pulin: "Dean, I think today is a good day, what do you think?"

Yue Pulin was silent for a moment and said, "Is today a good day? Is it really good? Let's not pick another day? Or find someone to count on a good day."

Chu Qingge said: "There are many scolding me on the Internet, I need the research institute to help me clarify."

Yue Pulin was silent for a while: "Then wait until you go home. Hanzhi is in the research institute, so it is very convenient to come to my office. If you are at home, please help stop me."


Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge got off work on time in the afternoon.

Chu Qingge planned to go back to Chu's house tonight, but to prevent Ye Hanzhi from really looking for Yue Pulin, so she followed Ye Hanzhi back to Ye's house.

Ye Hanbei stayed at home with his parents and Nan Cheng all day long.

When Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge went back, they happened to see Ye Hanbei and Nan Cheng who had returned to the main courtyard from nowhere.

Then the two of them watched the two of them froze in place.

Ye Hanbei and Nan Cheng were covered in mud, even on their faces.

In Nan Cheng's hair, face, and clothes, only his mouth and eyes remained.

A proper little clay figurine.

Still grinning.

Seeing the two of them, Ye Hanbei smiled and said, "You're back so early?"

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge looked at them and said nothing.

Both of them couldn't accept the current scene.

"What expression do you two have?" Ye Hanbei laughed.

"What did you guys do?" Ye Hanzhi asked, and he felt his voice drift far away.

"We went to catch fish in the river." Nan Cheng's small voice was very excited.

Go to the north courtyard, the river under the arch bridge.There is a thick layer of mud underneath.

Ye Hanzhi suddenly didn't know what he wanted to say, but he wanted to say something, so he searched for two words and said, "Where's the fish?"

"Release." Nan Cheng said as he walked towards Chu Qingge, even reaching out to hold her hand.

Chu Qingge's expression changed, and she immediately took two steps back.

Nan Cheng paused, and looked at Chu Qingge with big eyes full of doubts.

Chu Qingge glanced at him and said, "Don't look at me, I'm not familiar with you."

Ye Hanbei laughed, and when he smiled, his body shook, and the dried mud on his clothes still fell down.

Ye Hanzhi's forehead twitched twice: "."

After dinner, Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge returned to the North Courtyard, and Nan Cheng left it to Ye Hanbei.

After nine o'clock, Ye Hanzhi was dealing with things in the study.Chu Qingge was using the computer in the bedroom while listening to the voice chat in the group, while looking at the experimental data.

In the group of Baigui Pavilion, Li Gui opened the voice chat, and everyone who had nothing to do clicked in to chat.

At first it was Li Gui chatting with Huang Shirt, and after a while Luo Nanchen came in.

"Xiao Jiu, you're here too."

"Well, I'm afraid you guys will say bad things about me, so come and listen." Chu Qingge said.

Huang Shan said: "How is it possible? How dare we speak ill of the boss?"

Li Gui said: "That's right, boss. It's too late to like you."

"I said it more than once. It's not that I didn't find out." Chu Qingge looked at the data on the computer and said, "Do you want to show you your transfer records?"

Because once they are discovered, they will transfer the money to Chu Qingge once.

Huang Shan and Li Gui suddenly fell silent.

Luo Nanchen laughed and said, "Xiao Jiu, Song Anrou went from M Continent to Shanhai Continent."

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows.

"Not only her, but also Chen Zheng." Luo Nanchen said, "They are backed by the Platinum family."

"The Platinum Family?" Huang Shan said, "After the Qianshan Alliance was eradicated, the Platinum Family has grown rapidly in Shanhaizhou. And it has been a little flustered recently. Heigui and Huiyao are all staring at him."

"That's right." Luo Nanchen said, "The Poke family has always been in chaos. But after Continent M was seized by Chen Zheng, the forces in Continent M and Shanhai Continent united a lot, so they grew rapidly."

"Chen Zheng is seizing power?" Chu Qingge asked with great interest.

"Hmm." Luo Nanchen said, "Didn't expect that. Since its establishment, the Parker family has always been the two patriarchs on both sides of M Continent and Shanhai Continent. They have equal power, check and balance each other, and restrain each other. Chen Zheng pretended to cater to him, but killed his girlfriend and future father-in-law to seize power. Of course, there is help from Shanhaizhou."

"So cruel?" Li Gui snorted softly, "Scumbag. I'll go back to Shanhaizhou tonight and finish him off."

"Song Anrou and Chen Zheng have always been in contact. Because Song Anrou is in the Dance Association, there is a possibility of marrying into the Chu family. In this way, the Boke family can reach out to the Imperial Capital." Luo Nanchen said, "There is another reason that they all want to Kill Xiao Jiu."

Chu Qingge opened a new file on the computer and said, "Li Gui, I don't need you."

Li Gui said: "Do you want to solve it yourself?"


"Eh? Xiao Jiu." Luo Nanchen said suddenly, "The research institute has announced your support for Continent A."

Chu Qingge's fingertips paused: "When?"

"It's almost 10 minutes." Luo Nanchen said.

Chu Qingge immediately closed the computer and walked to the study.

As he walked, he thought, Ye Hanzhi was busy for 10 minutes, so he probably didn't see him yet.

 That's one chapter for today.

  unwell.In addition, there are two points and smoothing.

  Stuck to death.

  I am sorry.

  Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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