The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 452 What is the significance of taking this step?

Chapter 452 What is the significance of taking this step?
The Institute of Pharmaceutical Preparations has a high status and a high prestige in the country.

Not only because it has several big families in the country and the support of the state behind it, but also because as long as the medicine comes from the research institute, it will be cheaper than other manufacturers.

Moreover, the prices of the new medicines researched will be as cheap as possible.

Although many medicines are still expensive for many families, the research institute has tried its best to reduce them to the cheapest level.

The reputation and prestige of the research institute has been earned by himself over the years.

So when the research institute made a sound, the netizens suddenly didn't respond.

Everyone knows what happened in continent A years ago.

At that time, photos of a large number of floating corpses in Continent A were posted on the Internet, and many people saw them, but the control was timely, and the news on the Internet was withdrawn quickly.

Then the rising death toll in state A was also semi-public.

Regarding the 319, Yue Pulin specifically talked about its harm in China at that time.

Let everyone take precautions in life, and report to relevant departments in time if found.

During that period of time, domestic defenses were very strict, and it was almost like spreading the dangers of 319 from door to door.

And at the beginning, Continent A couldn't control it, so it made people panic.

It wasn't until continent A was brought under control that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

However, both Continent A and China kept the personnel involved in the research confidential.It just revealed that the researcher who can control 319 is a domestic person.

Everything else is confidential.

Because to ensure their safety.

This time, the research institute only disclosed Chu Qingge alone, and it was still made public under the banner of "do not insult researchers who have made great contributions".

Clarify for Tang Zhixi why the crew was shut down.

The announcement made by the research institute used Nan Chu's name, but Aite posted Tang Zhixi's Weibo.

Its content not only describes the general process of Nanchu's support of Continent A, but also specifically states that Nanchu is the biggest hero in supporting Continent A.It was she who developed the medicine that could suppress 319.

Later, in order not to be questioned, Nan Chu was also issued a certificate for entering Teikyo University, and obtained a qualification certificate for the training of the research institute.

Some of the experimental projects that have been cultivated in the research institute for more than two years, as well as the proof of supporting continent A not long ago and the proof of officially entering the research institute.

As well as some feasible methods proposed by Nanchu, the contribution of some new experimental methods to the current research, etc.

As soon as the institute's announcement was released, netizens were stunned for a while.

[Uh. What he means is that Tang Zhixi who I am a fan of is the Tang Zhixi who filmed the TV series, the Jiuxi who wrote the script, the Jiutian who is the eye-catching designer, and the one who appeared in the "Go to School" variety show Tang Zhixi.Is he the same person as Nan Chu from the research institute?Am I not mistaken?do you mean this? ]
[Sister, you should understand correctly.Those who entered Imperial Capital University at the beginning of the Nanchu period had the same ID photo as Tang Zhixi on the certificate of admission to the graduate school. ]
[Is this account of the research institute hacked?Or did I not wake up? ]
[Oh my god, who am I a fan of?Who am I crushing on!People who say that we have no academic qualifications and no schooling get out!I can still fight you for another 1 rounds. ]
[So those black fans, and those marketing accounts.Do you know what she was doing when you scolded her?She is saving people with her own life.It can even be said that it is saving you, me, and everyone. ]
[There are a large number of floating corpses in Continent A. Whenever corruption gives birth to infectious viruses, the first people who come into contact with them are the people who support Continent A.But it's not just saving lives. ]
[I heard that he was attacked when he came back from continent A. Isn't this just putting his life on the blade. ]
[If state A is not under control, the death toll will continue to rise.Maybe one day it will be me who will die.Do you know what kind of contribution it is to control 319? ]
[Who doesn't know that several families in the research institute have the Ye family, what are you bragging about?How do you know that the Ye family didn't let the research institute post it on purpose? ]
[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]
[Can you read more before talking?Everyone knows that within the research institute, the power of several families is equal, and the Ye family does not have such great power.Besides, no matter how powerful the Ye family is, this is also within the country.If the country does not recognize it, the research institute would not dare to publish it like this, what kind of rubbish are you talking about. ]
[It turns out that the power behind Tang Zhixi is the country. ]
[The time when the crew stopped working was exactly the same as when she went to continent A. ]
[Sisters, I'm back.I went to sort out the time of Tang Zhixi's photos of entering and leaving Teikyo University in the past two years.It coincided with the time of some experimental projects she participated in in the past two years. ]
[Although it is to clarify to Tang Zhixi that the crew has suspended work.But is it really okay to be so open?The rest of the people are still in a state of secrecy, so it's not dangerous to disclose her alone?They were all attacked when they came back from continent A. ]
[It’s quite safe in China. ]
[The research institute will definitely guarantee the safety of the researchers. ]
[I suddenly had a bold idea, could it be intentional, like luring a snake out of its hole? ]
[Fuck!My sister quickly deleted it, don't reveal anything! ]
Then that comment was promptly deleted.

Netizens have seen some clues, why Ye Hanzhi doesn't know what Chu Qingge wants to do.

When Chu Qingge found the study, Ye Hanzhi was on the phone with Yue Pulin.

Just in time, I heard Ye Hanzhi say in a cold and frightening voice: "If you listen to her like this, give her the position of dean."

Chu Qingge hurried to his side, trying to grab the phone, but Ye Hanzhi noticed it.

Ye Hanzhi dodged sideways for a while, and held Chu Qingge's raised hand, looking down at her.

Chu Qingge looked up at his angry eyes soaked in frost, and said softly, "It has nothing to do with the dean."

"He shouldn't let you mess around," Ye Hanzhi said.

Yue Pulin heard Chu Qingge's voice, said "you two, let's settle it", and hung up the phone quickly.

Ye Hanzhi threw the phone on the table and looked down at Chu Qingge: "Little girl, what do you want to do?"

Ye Hanzhi's voice changed from deep to serious, and Chu Qingge immediately thought of Ye Hanzhi when he trained her back then.

Although it wasn't this voice, and it wasn't as scary as it was then, it still made people think of it.

Chu Qingge rubbed her fingertips, lowered her eyes and said, "I am in the imperial capital, and Jing Yanbai is here, so he can't take me away, can he?"

"Will he come in person?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

Chu Qingge didn't speak.

"He won't come in person." Ye Hanzhi answered himself, "A person as cautious as Jing Yanbai, there is a 90.00% chance that he won't come. Because this is not his territory, because he knows that if he comes, he will throw himself into a trap." .”

Chu Qingge broke his hand out of his grasp.

"Since Jing Yanbai won't come, what's the point of taking this step?" Ye Hanzhi said, "He sent people to the country, but he couldn't take you away. If we catch the people he sent, there won't be much trouble." Great use."

Ye Hanzhi kept looking at Chu Qingge, who was looking down.After a while, he pinched her chin with his hand and made her look up at him.

His long and narrow eyes looked directly into Chu Qingge's eyes with inquiry: "Little girl, tell me why you took this step."

"I'll bet that [-] percent." Chu Qingge looked at him and met his gaze.

Her expression has not changed, all emotions have not been revealed, she is as calm as usual.

"Really?" Ye Hanzhi looked at her, "Are you betting on the ten percent, or are you going to find Jing Yanbai?"

Chu Qingge didn't move or speak.

"You are in the Imperial Capital. Indeed, no one can take you away." Ye Hanzhi looked at her and said, "What if you want to go with them?"

"Ye Hanzhi"

"Little girl." Ye Hanzhi interrupted her, "Do you remember what I said? If you dare to have any bad intentions, I will lock you up. I"

Chu Qingge looked at his eyebrows and felt that he was about to lose control of his temper.She suddenly grabbed his collar, pulled him down, and kissed him on the lips.

When she pulled him down, Ye Hanzhi cooperated reflexively: "You"

Chu Qingge kissed again.

Ye Hanzhi's aura instantly shrunk by half.

Seeing the effect, Chu Qingge slightly raised his eyebrows.

"I'm talking about business." Ye Hanzhi's tone was uneven.

Chu Qingge raised the corners of his mouth because of his tone: "I don't think so. And I'm not betting 20.00%. I'm betting 20.00%. Third master, I'm safe in the capital, right? Whether it's [-]% Ten or [-]% is hope, isn't it?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at her, trying to make sure if what she said was true.

"And even if I want to go with him, it's not that easy, right? Ye family, Chu family. If these two families stop me, it will be difficult for me to go out."

Ye Hanzhi didn't speak, but acquiesced.

"Third Master, you think too much." Chu Qingge said.

When Ye Hanzhi saw that Weibo post, he was really frightened.But the little girl's attitude seems to be that he really thinks too much.He leaned over slightly and kissed her on the lips: "Little girl, I'm not joking. Don't be so thoughtful, you know?"

"En." Chu Qingge answered for a while, leaned on the desk behind her and said, "Third Uncle, you seem to like locking me up."

Ye Hanzhi frowned slightly: "?"

"Why don't you lock me up for a week?" Chu Qingge's voice was still cold, "There's nothing wrong with the research institute recently, I can cooperate with you. Third uncle, what do you think?"

Ye Hanzhi's face changed again and again, and finally he bit her lips and said: "Next time you make such a wild request, don't call third uncle."

"Okay. Third Uncle."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

(End of this chapter)

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