Chapter 459

Ye Hanbei was completely compromised by the two people's questions one after another.

And it was too difficult for him to deceive these two people.

So he simply compromised and said, "It's a pity that you two don't interrogate the prisoner."

"I'm overwhelmed." Ye Han said.

Ye Hanbei sighed and said: "I did wake up in the M state laboratory. After waking up, I have no memory of Nan Xiao's appearance. Then they told me that my name is Nan Xiao, and I am a researcher in the laboratory. But because of the severe injury and amnesia, I can't continue to do research."

"So they let you live as Nan Xiao." Ye Hanzhi said.

"Yes." Ye Hanbei said, "Later, I also verified that Nan Xiao was indeed a researcher at the M State Laboratory, and his height and blood type matched. But he was injured in the attack. Several researchers who were attacked with him at that time were all dead. In fact, Nan Xiao is also dead, but I replaced him."

"How did you go to continent A?" Chu Qingge asked.

"Because I can't do the experiment, but I have to do something for the laboratory. So I was sent to Jing Yanbai's side as an undercover agent." Ye Hanbei paused for a moment before saying, "The first thing I did , that is, approaching Jing Qi, and then approaching Jing Yanbai."

It is true to use Jing Qi, and it is true to really like Jing Qi.

Ye Hanbei lowered his eyes, rubbed his thumb on the outside of his index finger, and said after a long silence: "The M state laboratory seems to know something Jing Yanbai is researching. They have always wanted it, but Jing Yanbai is too cautious , For so many years, I didn’t even find his laboratory anywhere.”

This time, Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge were silent for a moment.

Then Ye Hanzhi said: "This M state laboratory can't research anything, so we are looting everywhere."

"I'm used to being a robber and a thief again." Chu Qingge said.

Ye Hanbei nodded in agreement.

"So... after you faked your death from Jing Yanbai, you went back to State M?" Ye Hanzhi asked Ye Hanbei.

"So many years. Not only in state A, I also trained my own people in the laboratory of state M. After coming out of state A, I fell into a coma for a while." Ye Hanbei wrote lightly, "After waking up, suddenly I thought of a lot of things. Then I contacted my own people in the M state laboratory. Want to see what they want to do?"

Ye Hanzhi looked at him for a while and said, "So... the memory has been restored for many years?"

Ye Hanbei: " really know how to focus on the key points."

Ye Hanzhi snorted and laughed: "It was still a light day."

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

She saw with her own eyes how badly "Nan Xiao" was injured.Even if the memory is restored, it may take a few years to restore the body.

Ye Hanbei smiled and said, "At first, I was just curious about what State M was looking for from Jing Yanbai. But after further investigation, I found out that they cooperated. What State M wanted was always 319."

Chu Qingge paused and asked, "Have you ever seen Jing Yanbai?"

Ye Hanbei was puzzled for a moment, he didn't understand why Chu Qingge asked: "Haven't you seen it?"

"I've seen it, but I don't remember it." Chu Qingge said.

"Huh?" Ye Hanbei was still puzzled, but after a pause, he asked cautiously, "Is it because of me?"

Ye Hanbei felt that it was his own "death", which stimulated Chu Qingge too much and caused some psychological trauma to her.

Chu Qingge shook her head: "Jing Yanbai should have hypnotized me."

Hearing these words, Ye Hanbei's sense of guilt eased a little.

"You are so beautiful." Ye Hanzhi snorted.

Ye Hanbei: "...Why do you even eat your own brother's jealousy?"

"In front of my wife..." Ye Hanzhi looked at Ye Hanbei and said four words slowly, "I don't have a brother."

Ye Hanbei: "."

Chu Qingge coughed lightly.

The two became serious for a moment.

Ye Hanbei said: "I haven't seen it before. Jing Yanbai is too cautious."

This answer was somewhat expected by Chu Qingge.

Uncle Rui was left to him by Jing Yanbai's father. Although Uncle Rui took care of Jing Qi more, he had been with him since Jing Yanbai was younger, but Uncle Rui had never seen him, let alone other people. people.

She just felt that Ye Hanbei, acting as an undercover agent under the identity of Nan Xiao, might have seen Jing Yanbai's appearance through some channels.

"I have a question." Nan Cheng said suddenly.

All three adults looked at him.

"Why do you have to ask Dad to replace Nan Xiao?" Nan Cheng was holding a half-eaten strawberry in his hand again, "Isn't it okay to replace someone else? Is there anything special about Nan Xiao? Isn't he just a researcher?"

The three adults were silent for a while.

Nan Cheng looked at them: "Am I wrong?"

"Have you been listening?" Ye Hanbei asked.

"Yeah." Nan Cheng said, "You've been talking here, of course I'll listen."

Ye Hanbei: "."

Nan Cheng held up half a strawberry: "So why?"

"Because Nan Xiao's similarity with the second brother's is very high." Chu Qingge replied, "For example, height, blood type. They only need to change the appearance of the second brother."

Ye Hanbei raised his eyebrows.She thought Chu Qingge would ignore him.

After Nan Cheng heard what she said, his big eyes rolled, and he immediately figured it out.

The M state laboratory needs someone to go to Jing Yanbai's side.

At this time, the injured Ye Hanbei appeared.

Even if he lost his memory, these skills and kung fu in his body always have a foundation. A little training will be much faster than completely training a newcomer.

He doesn't have to be Nan Xiao's identity.

He just needs an identity to live, an identity related to M state laboratory.Anyone who can replace anyone in the M state laboratory is fine.

It's just that Nan Xiao happened to be very similar to him, so he became Nan Xiao.

"Shouldn't you be more conscious?" Chu Qingge looked at Nan Chengdao, "Eating so much, do you want to spend tonight on the toilet?"

Nan Chenggang put half of the strawberry he was holding in his mouth, and then took a new one.

Suddenly meeting Chu Qingge's eyes, he put the strawberry back in his hand and retracted his evil little hand.

Ye Hanbei looked down at Nan Cheng.

Chu Qingge also devoted all her efforts to Nan Cheng.

Know everything about him, and teach him as best you can.

Nan Cheng is excellent.

Ye Hanbei looked at Nan Cheng for a while, then looked at Chu Qingge and said: "I confess, the people from the Chu family who are opposite the Doomsday Hotel should get out. My brother hasn't been out for a long time. "

The brother who pretended to be a courier and went to the Doomsday Hotel to deliver 319 (ii).

After fleeing into the shop on that street, he never went out again.

Because people from the Chu family have been guarding over there.

"Don't withdraw." Ye Hanzhi resolutely said, "If you don't ask, you won't tell. I don't think your brother is in a hurry to come out."

"What you say doesn't count." Ye Hanbei said, "It's not your house."

Chu Qingge and Ye Hanbei looked at each other for a while, then got up and said, "It's time to sleep."

Ye Hanzhi immediately stood up: "Come on, let's go back to sleep."

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge left holding hands, leaving Ye Hanbei behind.

Ye Hanbei: "????????"

Nan Cheng looked at him, showing the appearance of someone who had experienced it, and said earnestly: "Just get used to it slowly."

On a summer night, the breeze blows across the river, accompanied by the crickets in the grass, it is very comfortable and comfortable.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge walked towards the north courtyard, they were quiet for a while, before Ye Hanzhi said, "Go to Shanhaizhou next week?"

Chu Qingge thought about the experiment in his hand and said, "Yes."

"Then I'll talk to Dean Yue tomorrow." Ye Hanzhi said, "Let's go to Shanhaizhou to rest."

Chu Qingge raised the corner of his mouth: "It has been reduced to the point of going to Shanhaizhou to rest."

Ye Hanzhi also smiled: "Yimo can be discharged from the hospital in two days, right?"

Chu Qingge nodded: "It's just right, let's go to Shanhaizhou. It's miserable for my brother to take over the experiment in the research institute. He just got out of the hospital and he has a lot of work."

"It's a bit miserable."

 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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