Chapter 460 Yue Pulin

The labs of Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge have been arranged, and they are going to Shanhaizhou next week.

But when Ye Hanzhi went to ask for leave with Yue Pulin, he was stumped by something.

Yue Pulin's grandson, Yue Guyuan, did not major in pharmaceutical preparations when he was in college, so now he can only enter the research institute in the same way as Chu Qingge.

First pass the exam to obtain the training qualification of the research institute, and then go through two years of training, and pass all the assessments in these two years to obtain the qualification to formally enter the research institute.

When Yue Pulin was attacked last year, Yue Guyuan withdrew from the circle and passed the exam to obtain the training qualification of the research institute.

Now it's the final exam period, Yue Pulin wants Nanchu to guide him.

After Ye Hanzhi heard about this matter, he directly refused: "What's the matter? Give your grandson the back door?"

"I'm still different from you." Yue Pulin said with a straight face, "You can be fair and just to your wife. I can't. I have the resources, so of course I want to help my grandson."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Seeing that he was silent for a while, Yue Pulin hummed and laughed twice.It's still good to mention Nanchu.

Ye Hanzhi looked at him and asked for a moment, "Why did you do this?"

"What do you do?"

"There are so many people in the research institute. Yue Guyuan also has a professor who guides him. Why do you have to ask Nan Chu to guide him?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"Who can guide my grandson casually?" Yue Pulin said, "To be honest, I didn't even like you."

Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes.

Yue Pulin lost his momentum a little, coughed lightly and said, "To tell you the truth, after the end of this semester, the professor who took him has retired, and I want Nanchu to take him."

Ye Hanzhi looked at Yue Pulin and was silent for a while.

Yue Pulin was covered in sweat by him: "What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?"

"Old man, you have something to do." Ye Hanzhi said in a deep voice.

Yue Pulin looked at him, his eyes were like deep ancient wells.After a while, he sighed and said, "Han Zhi, you don't have to be so smart."

Ye Hanzhi looked at him and after he sighed, his whole body became a little listless: "What's going on?"

"I checked my body some time ago. Blood cancer." Yue Pulin said calmly, "Drug control, only one or two years to live. So I want Guyuan to have the ability to take my place as soon as possible."

Ye Hanzhi frowned, paused and said, "Can it be controlled only by medicine?"

"Yeah." Yue Pulin nodded, "I haven't been in good health since I was attacked last time. If I adopt other methods, I may walk faster."

Ye Hanzhi lowered his eyes, remained silent and did not speak.

The office was quiet for a while, and Yue Pulin said, "Human, this is the way to go. I'm over 80, and I can live enough."

"Did you get hurt by chemicals?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"There are a lot of factors in this aspect." Yue Pulin said, "So when you are doing research, you must protect yourself."

Ye Hanzhi remained silent for a while: "I can promise you, but whether Yue Guyuan has the ability to take over the research institute depends on him."

Yue Pulin smiled: "It's not that you and Yi Mo will help him."

Ye Hanzhi shook his head: "I only recognize ability. If he is not suitable, I have to let him go."

"That's your business." Yue Pulin said, "That's all I can do for the research institute and the Yue family. I have fulfilled my obligation. From now on, it will be their business, your business."

Ye Hanzhi remained silent for a while: "Who knows about the illness?"

"It's just you and my assistant." Yue Pulin said, "I don't want to tell the others for the time being. At this time, causing a wave of controversy for the dean is to leave a loophole for the enemy."

So Yue Pulin even carried out the treatment secretly.

"I may not be able to hide it from Nanchu." Ye Hanzhi said, "The experiments in her hands are very important, and you suddenly asked her to bring you a grandson. Can you find a reason to convince her?"

"Then only the four of us know." Yue Pulin said.

Ye Hanzhi nodded.

After sitting in Yue Pulin's office for a while, Ye Hanzhi planned to leave.He walked to the door and stopped after touching the doorknob.

After pausing for a few seconds, he turned around and said, "Old man, if you persevere, you can research the special medicine."

Yue Pulin smiled lightly: "Okay."

Because of Yue Pulin's entrustment, the time for Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge to go to Shanhaizhou was postponed.

Yue Pulin has a kindness to Chu Qingge.

After Chu Qingge heard about him, she went to see Yue Pulin.Then he said something similar to Ye Hanzhi, that special medicine can be researched.

The research institute is so big, many medicines for difficult and miscellaneous diseases are the key projects of the research institute.

Research all the time.

Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi didn't talk about it, but they really had this hope.

Afterwards, Chu Qingge repaid Yue Pulin's kindness of knowledge and encounter to Yue Guyuan.

After carefully understanding Yue Guyuan's abilities, she made a plan for him.

Moreover, Sanye Ye became a teaching assistant, responsible for most of Chu Qingge's contact with Yue Guyuan.

Both of them were taking him seriously.

After Chu Yimo was discharged from the hospital, the Chu family got together.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, the Chu family got together.

The next day I invited some friends over, the Ye family and the He family all came.

Everyone happily finished the gathering, and then the Chu family couple didn't go home for three days.

The old and the young in the family, except for receiving a phone call, have not seen the two of them for three consecutive days.

Chu Mingjin didn't even pick up Chu Qingge to and from get off work.

Chu Qingge didn't notice anything at first.

Chu Mingjin didn't pick her up, so Ye Hanzhi took her back to Ye's house.

Even Chu Mingjin came to pick her up from get off work on the fourth day.Xia Luoqing also returned home, and Chu Qingge didn't notice anything.

The two are normal, like they just went out to play for three days.

Until that night, Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi finished the video and were ready to go to bed.

Su Qian sent her a few photos and said: [Ninth brother, are these your parents?I saw them both in and out of this hospital for three days in a row. ]
Chu Qingge took a look at these photos, the two of them went in and out of the hospital in different clothes for three days.

Moreover, after zooming in on one of the pictures, it can be seen that Xia Luoqing must have cried, and her eyes are swollen.

Chu Qingge's drowsiness disappeared instantly.

She sat on the bed for a while, then turned on the computer and hacked into the hospital's system.

However, no information about Xia Luoqing and Chu Mingjin was found.

So Chu Qingge hacked into the phones of the two of them again.

Finally, I found it on Xia Luoqing's phone.She has searched for the effects of many medicinal materials, and also checked some cases of infertility treatment.

She is checking the cure rate and some pains she suffered during the treatment.

Xia Luoqing checked them out and deleted them all.

Chu Qingge looked at the things found on the computer, her fingertips became cold little by little, and the blood on her lips also slowly faded
 There are always more than 30 days in Cavan every month.

  I scold myself.

  Sorry everyone.That's one chapter for today.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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