Chapter 461 Check

A dim yellow bedside lamp was turned on in the room, and the surrounding darkness struggled with the weak light, constantly approaching.

Chu Qingge sat by the bed and kept looking at the things on the computer.The whole person looked cold and numb.

After a long time, she moved her fingertips, closed the page on the computer, and then opened the page for appointment registration in the First Hospital.

Hang up an account for tomorrow morning and turn off the computer.

Chu Qingge lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

The person who can make Xia Luoqing hide outside for three days without going home, go in and out of the hospital for three days in a row, and her eyes turn red from crying, and she still has this kind of problem, if it's not her, it will be Chu Qingyan.

But her mother checked so many medicinal materials again.

Then there is a 90% chance that this person is herself.

She is the only one in the family who is taking herbs.

Xia Luoqing asked her a long time ago what she drank every morning.

She said it was for conditioning the body.

She really didn't think about it, she really thought it was to regulate her menstrual period.

She didn't even know what medicines were in that medicine bag.

Xia Luoqing might be worried and felt that she was coaxing them, so she took the medicine residue to investigate.

Thinking about it now, she still trusted Ye Hanzhi too much.He said he was on guard, but he still believed him psychologically.

Ye Hanzhi gave her medicine, but she took it without even checking.

If Ye Hanzhi is not a good person and poisons her, she will probably have passed her death day.

The next day, Chu Qingge was sent to work in the research institute by Chu Mingjin as usual.

Ye Hanzhi also waited for her at the gate of the institute as usual.

The two entered the laboratory building together, and Ye Hanzhi sent her to the door of the laboratory before returning to his own laboratory.

After Chu Qingge entered the laboratory, he checked the progress of the experiment and arranged tasks.Then an hour later, she left again.

She went straight to the hospital.

First, she checked her body, and after the results came out, she sat in the corridor of the hospital for a while, and then went to the traditional Chinese medicine department.

Ask about the role of that herbal package.

In fact, Ye Hanzhi changed the medicine for her a few times, and she didn't bother too much. She just took it when Ye Hanzhi gave it to her.

She knows to change the medicine because sometimes the taste of the medicine will be different.

After noon, Ye Hanzhi came out of his laboratory on time and went upstairs to find Chu Qingge for dinner.

But after arriving at the laboratory, it was discovered that she was not there.

As he walked downstairs, he called Chu Qingge.

"Little girl, where have you been? Why are you still sneaking out?"

Listening to his voice, Chu Qingge was quiet for a while, and then said: "In the First Hospital."

The smile in Ye Hanzhi's eyes disappeared instantly, and his voice became tense and serious: "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, don't worry." Chu Qingge just came out of the hospital.She consulted a lot of treatment options, but didn't pay attention to the time, it was so late, "Why don't you come and pick me up."

"Okay, wait for me. I'll be right over." Ye Hanzhi couldn't hear anything unusual in her voice, but was inexplicably worried about her.


After hanging up the phone, Chu Qingge looked up at the dazzling sunlight, then walked to the small park in front of the hospital, found a shaded place and sat down.

She took out her phone, found Su Qian's WeChat, and clicked on the dialog box.

Back to Su Qian's news from last night: [I asked.fine.Why have you been in the hospital? ]
Su Qian came back after a while: [He Yuzhe is in the hospital.I deliver meals every day. ]
Chu Qingge: [What happened to him? ]
Su Qian: [It's nothing.He only touches porcelain one-sidedly.I gave him a punch, and he hit the stairs with his lower back. He stayed in the hospital and said he couldn't move.Fortunately, the hospital beds are not tight, otherwise, I would let him live in the corridor.Eating and drinking, I hired people to watch. ]
Chu Qingge smiled: [Why are you beating someone? ]
Su Qian directly sent a voice over, with a very ruthless tone: "The night he came back from the party at your house, he drank some wine. Come back and kiss me! Damn it! Just one kiss, it's not over, I'll make my mother His legs are so soft."

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows after hearing this.

Then Su Qian sent another voice: "Ninth brother, I regret it now. If I knew he was such a rascal, I should have beaten him twice that night. I have to serve him anyway. I might as well let him lie down for real." on the bed!"

After a while, Su Qian sent another message: "Ninth brother—what should I do! Why do I like him? How come I like him. I can't see my little brother anymore, and I can't just add my little brother to contact me in the future. The way. I can’t hook up with my little brother in the future. How did I get to where I am today!!!! I deleted more than 100 contact information in tears last night. How did I give up a sea because of one person. I don’t understand what--"

Listening to her complex tone of excitement, sadness and regret, Chu Qingge raised the corners of her mouth, and then put away her phone.

She leaned back on the bench, listening to the cicadas and watching the dappled sunlight under the leaves.

"It's a permanent injury and the chances of healing are very, very low."

What the doctor said lingered in my ears.

"There are indeed such cases, and most of them have chosen treatment, but so far there has been no success."

"This prescription is almost for infertile people to regulate the body. Because the infertility is caused by physical damage, these medicines are all for regulating your body."

"But it's not for fertility. It's just conditioning your body, protecting your body, protecting your body from hormones and certain factors."

"It is helping you avoid a series of problems that may occur as you grow older. The person who dispensed the medicine chose a very mild method to protect your body. It is completely starting from your body and doing a long-term treatment. A plan to strengthen the body."

"In terms of traditional Chinese medicine, if you want to treat this kind of situation, you will use targeted medication on the premise of consolidating the foundation. But the medication may be a bit aggressive, and there will be a series of medication reactions. Body pain, vomiting, anorexia, everyone's body is different , and may leave some permanent sequelae.”

Chu Qingge's cold phoenix eyes looked at the leaves, thinking about what the Chinese and Western doctors said, but was suddenly covered by shadows, blocking her sight.

She first saw the black shirt on Ye Hanzhi's body and his heaving chest.Then she looked up, and she looked at Ye Hanzhi's face.

Although it was a sight from looking up, Ye Hanzhi was as good-looking as ever.Especially the crystal beads of sweat hanging on the forehead, the translucent skin, the long and narrow eyes, and the thin red lips, making her even more enchanting.

Ye Hanzhi lowered his eyes to look at her, and squatted down in front of her, looking down instead of looking up: "Is there something uncomfortable?"

His voice was gentle, but nervous because of worry.

Chu Qingge's gaze moved with his face, looking at him without speaking.

Seeing that she was silent, Ye Hanzhi looked at her hands and her side, and saw a corner of paper in her pocket.

He took it out directly, it was the result of the inspection report.

When opening it, Ye Hanzhi felt that his hands were trembling a little, but after reading it, he was suddenly relieved.

The heart that has been carrying it has also fallen back a little.

(End of this chapter)

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