Chapter 465 Apprenticeship Day

Ye Hanzhi only posted a few words on Weibo, but it made people feel oppressed.It also makes people feel the bottomless jealousy.

[Sisters, to be honest, I went back and forth under these three people's Weibo, in and out, and I wiped out sparks. ]
[The big injustice has become a big vinegar vat. ]
[Oh my God, what made me laugh at the chairman of the Yunji Consortium. ]
[He is in a hurry, he is in a hurry, he is in a hurry. ]
[It turns out that three men can really play together. ]
[Oh my god, I'm looking all over the place laughing. ]
[Third Ye feels a bit like a domineering president, but not much.As for why there are not many, because under the backdrop of Sister Xi, there are not many. ]
[Depend on!Ye Sanye is scary, okay?His appearance is very aggressive, especially when he has no expression, I dare not look at him across the screen. ]
[Sorry, I haven't seen it.I have only seen photos of the third master standing next to sister Xi and laughing.I don't look at scary pictures, and I tend to have nightmares at night. ]
Not long after Ye Hanzhi posted this Weibo.

Jiuxi's Weibo was updated.

[What are you doing? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]
No one has @, just sent six characters and sixteen question marks, but it is obvious who is talking.

Ye Hanzhi was the first to come to the bottom of the comment section, and answered four words very simply: [Declaration of sovereignty. ]
Then Yan Qi came: [It's okay, I didn't do anything, just chat casually. ]
Finally, it was Mu Fei: [Join in the fun. ]
Although the three people replied differently, it made people feel the "obedience" of the three people.

Ask what you are doing, and you will really reply what you are doing.

Then netizens swarmed to Jiuxi's Weibo to laugh.

[Sister Xi is indeed a woman standing at the top of the food chain. ]
[It turns out that to stop the three men standing in the clouds, only one Jiuxi is needed. ]
[Look at the sixteen question marks, it's more than sixteen question marks. ]
[From these sixteen question marks, I deeply feel the helplessness of Sister Xi. ]
[Helplessly speechless. ]
[There is incomprehension in the speechless. ]
[I don't understand if the three of you are too childish. ]
[Hahahahahahaha, why is it so funny, the more I think about it, the more funny it gets. ]
Ye Hanzhi flipped through the news on the Internet, then got up and went to find Chu Qingge.

It was noon and the weather was a bit hot.

Nan Cheng stood in a military posture on the corridor of the lotus pond, beads of sweat dripped down his face, and the hair on his forehead was completely wet.

And Ye Hanbei was right behind him, walking back and forth, saying as he walked, "Don't move, I'm watching you. Keep your back straight, keep your fingers together, and keep your eyes on the front. What are you staring at? Stand still more random glances." 10 minutes."

Xiao Nancheng pursed his lips and stared at the front with resentment.After a while, Ye Hanzhi's figure appeared in his field of vision.

He watched Ye Hanzhi approach little by little, his figure gradually became clear, then he turned a corner, as if he hadn't seen him, and went to look for his mother.

Nan Cheng: "." Sure enough, no one could come to rescue him.

Next to the lotus pond opposite Nancheng, there is a century-old willow tree.The trunk is very thick, the willow branches are luxuriant, and the willow branches extending towards the lotus pond almost cover half of the lotus pond.

Ye Hanzhi asked someone to make a swing on the willow tree.

When people go up from the lotus pond, they can also be above the lotus pond when they swing.

When Ye Hanzhi walked towards Chu Qingge, Chu Qingge was on the swing, looking at the phone flickeringly.

She was wearing a skirt today, and when the swing was over the lotus pond, the hem of the skirt gently carried the lotus below.

The lotus will sway slightly, and the goldfish under the lotus leaf, sensing the movement, flicks its tail and disappears under the lotus leaf, causing small ripples on the water surface.

If this was in the past, who touched the lotus.

Ye Hanzhi will definitely make him lose money for the next three months.

But now, the status of the lotus in this pool has been dropped again and again.

Perhaps it was Chu Qingge's words that Ye Hanzhi could fill up the 25 mu of lotus pond.

The swing swayed back from the lotus pond, and Ye Hanzhi happened to be approaching, holding the rope of the swing with one hand, leaning over and wrapping around Chu Qingge's waist with the other, and kissed her on the side of the neck.

Xiao Nancheng was standing in a military posture, and he happened to be looking in this direction.

He pursed his lips, and the anger in his big eyes grew even bigger.

Chu Qingge looked up at Ye Hanzhi: "Are you done?"

"Yeah." Ye Hanzhi said, "You just watched them all morning?"

"Yeah." Chu Qingge said, "Three ten minutes of military posture, Nan Cheng talked back in exchange for it."

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "How much longer?"

"10 minutes." Chu Qingge looked at Nan Chengdao, "Did your brother treat you like this before?"

"No." Ye Hanzhi said, "I've seen him make tofu cubes for my quilt at most."

"A younger brother is still different from a son."

"Maybe he's just idle." Ye Hanzhi said.

The two chatted by the lotus pond for 10 minutes, and at one o'clock, Ye Hanbei called to break up.Nan Cheng ran towards Chu Qingge without looking back.

After arriving at Chu Qingge's side, she pouted her mouth and looked at Chu Qingge aggrievedly.

Thousands of words are condensed in these eyes.

Chu Qingge took a handkerchief from Ye Hanzhi's pocket and wiped his sweat: "Don't pretend to be with me. If you really can't stand it, you should play a hundred times and run away."

Nan Cheng's expression collapsed: "I've been exposed like this, why do you feel sorry for me?"

After Chu Qingge wiped his sweat for him, she held his chin with her tiger's mouth and pinched his chubby face: "It's cool under the lotus pond. Is it because I feel sorry for you if I throw you down?"

Nan Cheng: "."

Chu Qingge let go of him and said, "Find a cool place in the afternoon."

Nan Cheng hummed and laughed twice: "Duplicity."

Chu Qingge got off the swing and ignored him.

Nan Cheng went to hold her hand and said, "I'm going to the Palace Orchestra in the afternoon."

"Isn't it a rest today?" Chu Qingge said.

"Look, you all know when I will rest."

Chu Qingge still ignored him.

Ye Hanzhi laughed.

Ye Hanbei took Nan Cheng's water glass and came over to him: "You son of a bitch, drink some water."

Nan Cheng took the water glass, drank a few sips, and said, "Boss Mei has invited a lot of people for his birthday today. I also received the invitation letter."

"Yo, you still have more." Ye Hanbei patted his head, wiped his sweat, and rubbed his clothes in disgust.

Nan Cheng frowned and looked at him.

Ye Hanbei pretended not to see.

Chu Qingge looked at Ye Hanzhi: "When is his birthday in August?"

After Chu Qingge finished asking, remembering what day it is today, she frowned slightly.

Today is her apprenticeship day.

Ye Hanzhi saw that she had guessed it, so he didn't speak.

Nan Cheng held the water glass and looked up at the two of them.

Ye Hanzhi said, "Do you want to go together?"

With Chu Qingge's hand hanging by her side, she touched her finger with her thumb, and said after a while: "En."

In the past two months since she went home, her family told her about meeting Mei Yanchi.

She told her parents that she would see her in person.So her parents didn't speak for her.

But after procrastination, she never went.

Seeing her touching his fingers, Ye Hanzhi took her hand and squeezed it.

 another chapter today

  stuck again

  It made me want to throw up.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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