Chapter 466 Miss Yu

As Tang Zhixi, Chu Qingge has nothing to do with the court music workshop, so there is no invitation letter. If she wants to go to the court music workshop, she can only go with Ye Hanzhi.

The birthday party starts at two o'clock in the afternoon.

From two o'clock in the afternoon to the evening, it is mainly time for everyone to communicate.

The palace music workshop is originally a music workshop combining Chinese and Western music.

Mei Yanchi's birthday has been held every year since a long time ago, but the date was changed later, the main purpose is to communicate.

Not only domestic bands, but also foreign ones.

Especially Mei Yanchi's friends are all masters, at the level of world musicians.

Holding a birthday party is equivalent to giving Lefang students, and it can even be said to be an opportunity for domestic students to communicate and make progress.

So almost all the people who came at this time were good at musical instruments and had a certain status in this field.

The rest, for example, Mei Yanchi's friends, almost always come at night.

After Nan Cheng had lunch, he asked Uncle Rui to send him to the palace music workshop early.

And when Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi arrived at the palace music workshop, it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon.

The birthday banquet was held in the open air behind the palace music workshop.

Everyone holds the musical instruments they are good at and communicates with each other.

As soon as Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge stepped into the palace music hall, they heard the sound of various musical instruments.

When the two walked inside, they heard a piece of fighting music.

Erhu and violin.

Chu Qingge walked back and looked at the surrounding scenery.

Familiar bamboo forests, stone benches, and arches.There are also unfamiliar flowers and plants, gallery paintings, and people.

Seeing her looking around, Ye Hanzhi slowed down: "Did you come here often before?"

Chu Qingge looked at the music score painted on the wall, nodded and said: "Yes, I come every day. Sometimes I will stay here for one night on weekends."

"Uncle Chu is willing?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"It's only for one night, not often." Chu Qingge said, "And Aunt Wenren will come to accompany me."

Chu Qingge looked at the score on the wall, and Ye Hanzhi looked at her.

He recalled Chu Qingge when he was a child more than once.

Chu Yimo deliberately didn't let him see his sister, and he really didn't see Chu Qingge much after that.

Occasionally, Mr. Chu would take Xiao Qingge to Ye's house, and when they met, Xiao Qingge would not admit his new life just because he hadn't seen him for a long time.

Always looking at him, undisguised, looking at him openly.Then let him hug and let him play with him.

This has not changed.

Just like now, Chu Qingge wanted to see that he would never hide.Appreciation for him, or occasional desire, possession, has never been concealed.

And all his patience with the child was only used on Xiao Qingge.

But his memory of Xiao Qingge's visit to the Palace Music Square is very shallow.

The two of them are in the palace music workshop, although there is a courtyard between them, but they come and go, so they should see each other.

But the two have never met in the palace music workshop.

It seems that at that time, a little bit of fate was not willing to waste, and it was saved for a long time, and then it was all used when he grew up and met the little girl.

Thinking of this, Ye Hanzhi slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" Chu Qingge turned to look at him.

"I'm thinking about the one-year-old girl who kissed me with a slobbering face." Ye Hanzhi said with a smile.

Chu Qingge twitched her brows, as if letting herself accept Ye Hanzhi's words, then looked at him for a while and said, "Ye Hanzhi, don't spread rumors."

"Little girl." Ye Hanzhi raised his head and touched her face, "You can't renege on your debt just because you didn't remember at that time. Many people can testify."

"Who can testify?" Chu Qingge looked at him, raised his eyebrows for a moment, and said in a slow and arrogant voice, "Tell me. Who can testify?"

Ye Hanzhi was suddenly at a loss for words.

who testified?
The Ye family and the Chu family.

But now, who of these two families will not turn to the little girl?
If she said no, no one would say yes.

Chu Qingge raised her hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Third uncle, I'm a little pitiful."

Ye Hanzhi sighed helplessly, and hooked her chin with his fingers: "Don't call me third uncle, I won't be pitiful."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard footsteps from far to near.

While Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi looked over, a voice sounded: "Hanzhi."

Chu Qingge listened to the gentle voice and looked at the strange woman.

The woman was dressed in a black dress, outlining her sexy figure.Slender and fair neck, beautiful red lips.

A light hook is very confusing.

The whole body exudes the charm of a mature woman.

In a word, this woman is beautiful.

And the beauty lies in Chu Qingge's aesthetic point.

The woman approached, stood still in front of Ye Hanzhi, looked at him with a smile and said, "Hanzhi, long time no see."

Ye Han subconsciously glanced at Chu Qingge, and then she saw Chu Qingge's eyes move down from the woman's face.
Ye Hanzhi: "?????"

Ye Hanzhi moved his toes, blocking Chu Qingge's sight.

Chu Qingge suddenly saw Ye Hanzhi's back, his eyelashes trembled, and then he lowered his gaze.

Ye Hanzhi smiled politely: "Miss Yu."

Yu Xihan joked, "I thought you forgot about me."

Ye Hanzhi raised the corner of his mouth and did not speak.

Yu Xihan looked at Chu Qingge and said, "Who is this?"

"My wife." Ye Hanzhi didn't mean to introduce the two to each other.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Yu Xihan's face: "Are you married?"

"En." Ye Hanzhi held Chu Qingge's hand and said to Yu Xihan, "Let's go say hello to Master Mei."

After finishing speaking, Ye Hanzhi nodded to her, and then took Chu Qingge away directly.

Yu Xihan stood where she was, staring blankly at the back of Ye Hanzhi and his wife.

Didn't you say you won't have a family?
It's only been a few years since I got married.

Yu Xihan was looking at the two of them, when suddenly a voice came from behind: "Senior Sister Yu."

She was a little distracted, and didn't even notice when someone came behind her.

She turned around and looked at the woman behind her.Qiao Yun introduced her to her just now, saying that she plays the pipa very well and is highly valued by the court orchestra.

It's called Fu Xue.

Yu Xihan smiled: "You are here too."

"Yeah. I've been playing the pipa for too long. Take a walk and rest for a while." After Fu Xue finished speaking, she said, "Senior sister knows Ye Sanye?"

"Yeah." Yu Xihan said, "We used to learn piano together. You know them too?"

"I'm not familiar with the third master, but I'm more familiar with his wife. Let's record the show together." Fu Xue said.

"She's from the entertainment industry?" Yu Xihan asked.

"Well, it's been quite hot these two years."

Yu Xihan doesn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, so naturally she doesn't understand it.And she didn't expect Ye Hanzhi to find someone in the entertainment industry.

She took a look just now, and she was indeed very beautiful and amazing.

Ye Hanzhi also liked it very much.

"Senior sister, she is very powerful, you can compete with her later." Fu Xue said.

"Really?" Yu Xihan looked a little dazed, and smiled a little forcedly, "Is she also learning the piano?"

Fu Xue smiled, as if acquiescing, and then said: "Senior sister and her competition will definitely be the biggest highlight of today."

Yu Xihan raised her eyebrows, "Then I can't waste such a good opportunity to learn from each other."

Fu Xue smiled in agreement, her face full of innocence.

Tang Zhixi, you want to come by yourself, you can't blame others for making a fool of yourself.

At that time, you will lose the face of the Ye family.

(End of this chapter)

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