Chapter 467 Let's compete?
An empty piano practice room.

A piano is alone in the classroom listening to the brothers and sisters outside playing to their heart's content.

A sudden sound of the door opening broke its loneliness.

Then came in a man and a woman.

The man slammed the door shut, and the woman leaned against the door, looking at the man in front of her indifferently.

Ye Han pressed Chu Qingge's shoulder with one hand, propped the door with the other, and looked down at her.

The two looked at each other, and Ye Hanzhi whispered, "What were you looking at just now?"

"What did you see?" Chu Qingge asked back, "I saw it, didn't you see it?"

Ye Hanzhi: "."

"It turns out that the women around the third master are all so beautiful?" Chu Qingge's voice could not detect any emotion, but was still calm and cold, "The third master is very beautiful."

Ye Hanzhi pinched her chin: "It's really not shallow to have a wife."

Chu Qingge smiled: "How did you know each other?"

"We learned piano together when we were young."

"Qingmei." Chu Qingge didn't say the rest of the words, because Ye Hanzhi kissed her.

Ye Hanzhi looked at her with a smile and said, "I'm asking you, why did you turn against the general?"

"Ask me what?" Chu Qingge said, "I'll just see, why are you jealous of a woman."

"What's wrong with the woman?" Ye Hanzhi said, "The ghost looks at you innocently. She even fought me because of you."

Chu Qingge: "."

She suddenly stopped talking, and Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes suddenly: "Little girl, what's your reaction?"

"If I had thought that way, I would have nothing to do with you now." Chu Qingge said.

Ye Hanzhi smiled, and then said: "I know, I am number one in the little girl's heart."

"Third Master, take back the narcissism."

Ye Hanzhi lowered his head and kissed her on the lips twice, and then said: "Her name is Yu Xihan. She should be younger than me, but she has been a teacher earlier than me, so she is my senior sister. But... not very familiar. We communicate with each other during piano practice. Not much, and then I didn’t play very much, so I couldn’t even see them.”

"Yu Xihan..." Chu Qingge repeated, "Third Lord, she doesn't seem to be looking at you so innocently."

"You read it wrong." Ye Hanzhi said.

Chu Qingge whistled softly.

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Chu Qingge stood up straight, pressed Ye Hanzhi's shoulder and pushed back, then opened the door and said, "Let's go."

Ye Hanzhi followed her out, and said as he walked, "Little girl, why are you reacting so calmly?"

"What reaction do you want me to have, to blow up the Palace Orchestra to the ground?"

Ye Hanzhi: "."

In the open air, some people brought their own musical instruments, and some of the big ones were provided by the Palace Orchestra.

Everyone talks, discusses, and learns from each other.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge stood on the outside, watching the scene.

The two were silent for a while in a tacit understanding.

If it wasn't for Ye Hanbei's accident, if it wasn't for Chu Qingge falling off the cliff.

Perhaps such a scene will have the two of them.

Chu Qingge soon saw Mei Yanchi in the crowd.

Mei Yanchi is still the same as ten years ago, she likes to wear a white robe with a jade pendant around her waist.

The body is straight, the gentleman is like a bamboo, elegant and refined.

The finger holding the wine glass is still beautiful.

Chu Qingge always thought that her master's hands were the most beautiful hands in the world.

Now Chu Qingge glanced down at Ye Hanzhi's hand, with a slight smile on the end of her eyes.

Mei Yanchi was a little older than he remembered.From a distance, Chu Qingge saw the white hair on his head.

"Want to say hello?" Ye Hanzhi said.

"Wait until it's over." Chu Qingge said, "There are too many people."


The venue is huge and there are many people.

But Xiao Nancheng still saw Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge standing outside among so many people.

Because standing there is enough to attract people's attention.Domestic and foreign, people keep looking at it.

Nan Cheng ran up to the two of them, and said in a very low voice, "Papa Ye, Mama."

Ye Hanzhi leaned over and pressed his head: "Have you enjoyed yourself?"

Nan Cheng nodded, then looked at Chu Qingge, but pointed to the field and said: "That beautiful aunt plays the piano super well."

Chu Qingge looked over.It was Yu Xihan.

Ye Hanzhi didn't dare to speak out, and minimized his sense of existence as much as possible.

Nan Cheng took Ye Hanzhi's hand and said, "Grandpa Qiao is over there, go say hello."

Ye Hanzhi shook Chu Qingge's hand: "Together."


Ye Hanzhi took Chu Qingge and Nan Cheng to greet Qiao Yun.

Qiao Yun likes Ye Hanzhi very much. Over the years, he has been with his very unfortunate apprentice everywhere.

This time, I introduced it when I caught someone.Keep saying it's a pity.

It seems that Ye Hanzhi has never formally stepped into this circle, but legends about him are everywhere.

Qiao Yun introduced Ye Hanzhi to the people around him.

And two meters to the right of Chu Qingge is Yu Xihan playing the piano, a very soft and melodious piano piece.

She didn't look, just listened quietly.

But Nan Cheng stood beside her, looking at Yu Xihan all the time, and his little expression was quite intoxicated.

Chu Qingge didn't listen to what Qiao Yun and the others said, but kept listening to the piano music.

Then Qiao Yun suddenly led Ye Hanzhi to the right.

Ye Hanzhi kept holding Chu Qingge's hand, so he also led her to move to the right.

She got closer to the piano, but Ye Hanzhi blocked her.

Chu Qingge: "."

Originally, Chu Qingge listened to the piano seriously, so she didn't want to watch it at all.

But he held back.
The rebellious psychology suddenly arises, and he doesn't want to delay for a second.Chu Qingge took a step back, turned her head to look at Yu Xihan.

Yu Xihan happened to look up, and the eyes of the two met.

Chu Qingge's expression was very calm, clear and cold.Those phoenix eyes, when looking at people, have a kind of cold feeling.

Yu Xihan was stunned for a moment, sighed inwardly at her appearance, then nodded and smiled at her.

Chu Qingge nodded in response.

Yu Xihan's piano sound stopped.

Ye Hanzhi just tugged and failed to pull the little girl back, when he was about to take a step back and block her again.

Yu Xihan suddenly said, "Mrs. Ye, I heard that you play the piano very well. May I have the honor to discuss it?"

The sound of various musical instruments around and the sound of conversation mixed together, it was really noisy,

Yu Xihan's voice was a bit loud.

So the people around quickly looked over.

Outsiders, even many insiders don't know much about Yu Xihan.

But at the top of this circle, everyone knows Yu Xihan.

Not for anything else, just because he plays the piano well.

Yu Xihan has almost never acted before, but she has a hobby, "comparison" everywhere.

Even learned from many masters and pianists.

So at the top of the circle, everyone knows her.Even a little admire her.

Because of this, the people she wants to compete with are top-notch people.

So everyone's attention quickly turned to Mrs. Ye.

There are mountains beyond mountains, and there are people beyond people.Sometimes, the more advanced a person is, the more he likes to hide from the world.

Everyone immediately thought that Mrs. Ye was a piano master, and their expectations were instantly filled.

Fu Xue had been observing the situation here, seeing everyone looking at Tang Zhixi, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

and walked over here
 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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