Chapter 469 Very cute

In the shortest time, Yu Xihan found a relatively poor solution to make up for the trouble she caused.

Hearing what she said, Fu Xue suddenly frowned.

Didn't it mean that she liked Ye Hanzhi very much?
The person she likes is snatched away, and she still has to find a way for him to step down.

Is there something wrong with this woman?

Perhaps man has always been a visual creature.

Chu Qingge seems to be even worse, she seems to be more tolerant towards good-looking people.

What's more, with Fu Xue's series of operations, she almost thought of Yu Xihan's "heard", maybe she heard what Fu Xue said.

She followed Yu Xihan's path down.Looking at Ye Hanzhi, he said, "Am I so fierce? I need my permission to discuss with you?"

Ye Hanzhi's hostility dissipated in an instant, and he looked at Chu Qingge with a smile and said, "It's not fierce, it's very cute."

Nan Cheng blinked his big eyes twice.Is it cute?

When Chu Qingge heard the word "cute", her eyebrows twitched, and she really wanted to ask him: Are you presbyopic?

People around looked at Chu Qingge's alienated expression and listened to her cold voice.

I thought, cuteness is really in the eye of the beholder.

Since Yu Xihan said that she wanted to discuss with Ye Hanzhi, Ye Hanzhi didn't say anything, and sat down by the piano.

Played a piece of music that the court orchestra must learn.

It was the song that he saw on the wall when he and Chu Qingge came.

That piece of music is very long and difficult, and it is completely used to show off skills.

And because everyone will use different instruments, different parts of this song will also be suitable for the performance of different instruments.

The part that Ye Hanzhi played was suitable for showing off his piano skills.

The fingertips are flying, the sound of the piano is melodious, and every syllable seems to fall on the heart of the person.

Gradually, many people gathered around.

Chu Qingge stood by the piano and looked at Ye Hanzhi with inadvertent affection in his eyes.

She liked Ye Hanzhi when he was playing the piano.There is a sense of contradiction between ancient elegance and modernity.

It set off the quaint and monstrous feeling of Ye Hanzhi very strongly.

She didn't say it, so Ye Hanzhi played less, this was one of the few times when he could be seen playing the piano.

The sound of the melody gradually disappeared, and Ye Hanzhi's hand also left the keys.

Suddenly there was applause all around.

The people around Qiao Yun applauded and said, "It's indeed your most proud disciple, it's really a pity."

Qiao Yun raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

Ye Hanzhi started to learn the piano from a very young age, and worked diligently for more than ten years. Later, he never touched the piano for a few years, and when he came to the palace music workshop, Qiao Yun would let him play.

Some people have that kind of talent, that is, they didn't practice often, but their level will always leave some people far, far away.

Ye Hanzhi is.

So Qiao Yun always felt it was a pity.

Nan Cheng was originally standing beside Chu Qingge, but after Ye Hanzhi finished playing, he moved over bit by bit.He was next to Ye Hanzhi, looking at him with big eyes.

Then he whispered: "I will play as well as you in the future."

Ye Hanzhi pressed his head: "It will be better than me."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chu Qingge.

Seeing him looking over, Chu Qingge slightly raised her eyebrows.

Then when Ye Hanzhi remembered it, Fu Xue said unwillingly: "Mrs. Ye should play one too. It's a good story for a couple to play together."

It was a very annoying sentence.

But Ye Hanzhi suddenly gave up his idea.

He sat and looked at Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge looked into Ye Hanzhi's eyes, feeling the stability Ye Hanzhi brought her.

After a while, she turned her head to look at Fu Xue.Then I repeated the sentence I said just now, and added what was left behind: "I really don't play the piano very well. But... I have dabbled in other musical instruments."

Ye Hanzhi blinked his eyelashes slightly.

And Chu Qingyan, who was behind the crowd, heard her words, turned around and ran to the building of the palace music workshop.

Chu Yimo didn't have time to say "slow down".

Fu Xue's eyes darkened, but she still said, "Really? What did Mrs. Ye learn?"

"Pipa." Chu Qingge said these two words lightly, and gently rubbed the fingertips hanging by her side, "I also heard that Miss Fu plays the pipa very well."

When Fu Xue heard the word pipa, she was startled for a moment, thinking that she had heard it wrong.Then she almost couldn't control herself from laughing.


Fu Xue felt that the blood in her whole body was boiling and getting hot.

This made Fu Xue feel more excited than Tang Zhixi sitting in front of the piano and letting the people around her laugh at her.

Because of this, she could pull Tang Zhixi down herself.

Tell her in person, she still loses to her.

No matter how brilliant Tang Zhixi was, no matter how popular she was.

In the end he lost to her.

Fu Xue was so excited that her skin turned red.She clenched her hands hanging by her side, and after a while, she tried to calm herself down.

But the voice was still a little trembling when he opened his mouth: "So... you want to play pipa with me?"

"Isn't it obvious enough?" Chu Qingge said.

Fu Xue raised her chin, looking confident, her tone was filled with pride: "Yes."

Tang Zhixi, you asked for it yourself, no wonder someone else
 a bit short.

  But I'm too sleepy, so I'm stuck here.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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