Chapter 470
In the palace music workshop, Fu Xue's pipa is one of the best, and she has been personally taught by Mei Yanchu.

Mei Yanchi never gives advice to anyone easily, unless he feels that this person has reached a certain level and is worthy of his training, then he will give advice.

So. Fu Xue is very confident in her pipa.

Of course, it quickly proved her confidence.

Really well played and played at a high level.

The details are handled very well and the expressiveness is very strong.

Few can reach her heights.

To be able to guide Mei Yanchu willingly, Fu Xue does have her strengths.

In this matter, she also has the capital of pride and arrogance.

Fu Xue was sitting on the bench, the sonorous and powerful music spread around her, and the whole body of her sitting there was glowing.

More and more people gathered around, even Mei Yanchi, who had been chatting with people from a distance, came over and stood on the periphery, looking at Fu Xue from the gap in the crowd.

The person next to him said: "Master Mei, the future of this student from Lefang is limitless."

The corners of Mei Yanchu's mouth lifted slightly, and she smiled politely.

"Master Mei can actually take on another apprentice if she plays so well."

Mei Yanchu looked at Fu Xue with a flat look in her eyes: "It's not bad."

"Compared to Master Mei, of course it's okay."

Mei Yanchu smiled and shook her head: "Compared to my apprentice, it's still okay."

The people around didn't speak anymore.

He has never met Mei Yanchi's apprentice, so he doesn't know what level it is, but he has only heard of it a little bit.

The girl in front of her was already at a very high level, but she was just okay.

So what is the level of her apprentice?

The sound of the pipa stopped, and there was once again warm applause and generous praise.

Mei Yanchi also looked away, not paying much attention to what would happen next.He and the people around him walked back and continued the topic just now.

And Fu Xue got up holding the pipa, bowed slightly to the people around her, and then looked at Tang Zhixi.

The pride and victory in her eyes were undisguised, as if Tang Zhixi had already been trampled underfoot.He didn't even hide his tone: "It's your turn."

Since Fu Xue finished recording the show last time, there has never been a day like this, where she can breathe comfortably.

No matter how capable Tang Zhixi is, she is not as good as her.

Chu Qingge looked at the joy of victory in her eyes, distorted happiness, and then looked around.

She saw a girl holding a lute, and just took a step towards her, intending to borrow her lute.Chu Qingyan suddenly squeezed in from the crowd.

She held the pipa barrel in her arms like a baby, and looked at Chu Qingge with bright eyes.

Chu Qingge looked at Chu Qingyan who was standing in front of her.

Panting lightly, a thin layer of sweat soaked on his forehead, but he was very excited.

Chu Qingge looked into her shining eyes, and for a moment, she felt that everything around her was blurred.There is a time reversal, a change, throughout the venue.

She is ten years old and Chu Qingyan is six years old.

Every time she played the piano, Chu Qingyan would accompany her by her side.

When she finishes playing a song, Chu Qingyan will put her hands on her chin, look at her with bright eyes, and then say: "My sister plays the best."

Chu Qingyan also learned the pipa for a while, but she always felt that it was not because she liked the pipa, but because her sister was playing the pipa.

Chu Qingge's identity was not made public, so Chu Qingyan didn't call her sister, but handed her the pipa barrel directly.

Chu Qingge came back to her senses, raised her hand and rubbed the top of Chu Qingyan's hair, then let Chu Qingyan open the pipa bucket with her hand, and took out the pipa from inside.

It was the pipa she often used in the court band when she was a child.

Well preserved, very careful.

Chu Qingge's hand touched the strings involuntarily.

If this circle is compared to a realm of comprehension, then this pipa is the sword she has recognized as its master since she was a child.

This is her most comfortable pipa, even though she hasn't used it for many, many years, it will always be the first.

"Madam Ye, it's getting late." Fu Xue's voice suddenly sounded.

Chu Qingge didn't seem to hear it, but Chu Qingyan turned her head and glared at her.

"I haven't played it for many years." Chu Qingge looked at Chu Qingyan and said, "Maybe I can't reach the level in your impression."

Chu Qingge didn't deliberately control the volume, so some people around heard it too.

Chu Qingyan looked at her hand subconsciously, she knew that her finger was injured.After a pause, she repeated what she said when she was a child: "You play the best."

Chu Qingge slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Pick." Chu Qingyan handed her another box.

After putting on the plectrum, Chu Qingyan stepped aside holding the pipa barrel.Chu Qingge took the pipa and walked to the stool.

She picked up the stool with one hand, walked a few steps towards Ye Hanzhi, put it away, and then glanced at Ye Hanzhi.

When their eyes met, Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows.The look in his eyes was anticipation for her.

Chu Qingge raised the corner of her mouth, looked away, and sat on the stool.

She held the pipa and tested the sound, and then adjusted the sound.

It has not been used for many years, and it should be wiped by someone, so the pitch is off.

Fu Xue stood aside with the corner of her mouth twitching, waiting for a good show.

After adjusting the sound, Chu Qingge simply moved his fingers again.

Then hold the pipa well, press the strings with your left hand, and move your right hand.The must-have song from the Palace Orchestra flooded into everyone's ears again.

It was just a piano piece just now, but now it is a pipa piece.

Chu Qingge's fingers were beautiful, long and fair, like priceless white jade.

She was holding the pipa, and the fingering of her right hand was constantly changing, so fast that afterimages could be seen.

But every sound is very accurate, and every transition is very smooth.

The song is aggressive from the beginning, and needs to be played with a strong momentum.But on this basis, Chu Qingge displayed a higher aura.

She didn't exaggerate her performance, she always held the pipa indifferently, and sat on the stool gracefully.Occasionally look at the pipa with drooping eyes, but most of them feel the music with drooping eyes.

There is a huge contrast between the calmness of the person and the excitement of the song.

But this sense of contrast gives another feeling that people are in control of everything.

No matter how everything changes, whether it is a steady flow or an angry and radical, it is always under the control of people.

That's why people are indifferent, detached, and calm.

This state is very difficult to achieve, whether it is being a human being or playing the piano.But someone will always reach it.

Fu Xue's complacent look changed when Chu Qingge played the first note, and then changed even more.

She looked at the person in front of her in disbelief, her head turning white.The more I think about it, the more I can't remember it.

Gradually, she didn't even know why she was standing here.

I wanted to leave, but my legs seemed to be filled with lead, and I couldn't move.

Also shocked was Mei Yanchi who was chatting outside the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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