Chapter 471 Ensemble
As the protagonist of today's birthday party, Mei Yanchou is actually the most "leisure".

Others are busy introducing their apprentices, communicating, and discussing each other.Only he doesn't need anything, because his apprentice is not around.

So one of the things he does the most today is keep chatting with people and entertaining them.

Everything around seems to be related to him, but it seems to have nothing to do with him.

Until he suddenly heard the familiar sound of the pipa.

It seemed that something suddenly gave him a stick, knocking back his wandering soul.

At first, he thought he had heard wrong.

But after a few seconds, he left the person who had been talking beside him, turned around and walked into the crowd.

Because I was too anxious, I bumped into a few people.

But he didn't pay attention at all, and even lost his usual gentleness.

The sound of the pipa is in the ear, and the person who plays the pipa is in the crowd.

Mei Yanchu's heart beat a little faster.

Finally he squeezed to the front of the crowd and looked at the pipa player with a glance.

He looked at this strange woman holding his familiar pipa in her arms.

If in the past, he saw a stranger holding his apprentice's pipa, he would definitely be furious.

But looking at this stranger now, not only did he not lose his temper, he even lost his head.

Chu Qingge is a person who likes innovation very much, when doing experiments, and when learning pipa.

She will not stick to the traditional techniques all the time, she will innovate some techniques and bring the unique characteristics of pipa to the extreme.

What Mei Yanchi often said at that time was that Qingge was not like learning the pipa, but more like communicating with the pipa.

She knows the pipa well and knows how to express it.

This is a state that is difficult to achieve.

Although the person in front of him is unfamiliar, the way he plays the pipa is not deceiving.

That is unique to Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge is always unique and no one can replace her.

So Mei Yanchu immediately affirmed the identity of this person.

The sound of the pipa fades away, implying an end.

Mei Yanchu suddenly took a step forward, but was quickly stopped again.

He frowned, turned his head, and saw Chu Yimo standing behind him at some point, holding him back.

With a gentle smile on his face, Chu Yimo looked at Mei Yanchu and said, "Master Mei, happy birthday."

Mei Yanchu stared at him blankly for a while, then grabbed Chu Yimo's arm with her backhand: "Yimo, she."

Chu Yimo took Mei Yanchu's hand with a little force and interrupted him.

Mei Yancho understood, but didn't say the following words.Just a questioning look.

Then Chu Yimo nodded towards him: "She came here specially to see you today."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Mei Yanchu held Chu Yimo's hand involuntarily.The corners of his mouth moved, as if he wanted to laugh, but suddenly he couldn't.

He blinked constantly, trying to cover his wet eye sockets.

Finally, he let out a long breath, rolled his throat, and lowered his gaze.

The sound of the pipa became weaker and weaker, and when it was almost gone, Chu Qingge turned her head to look at Ye Hanzhi who had been looking at her.

Ye Hanzhi came back to his senses, smiled at her, and then turned to the piano.

He only wore a black shirt, with a straight back, wide shoulders and narrow waist, extremely elegant.

Put your finger on the piano key, press it, and the moment the sound comes out, the pipa sound that is about to disappear suddenly rises again.

The sound of the piano and the pipa quickly merged together.Cooperate with each other and compete with each other.

The sun was setting, and the sky was dyed a dazzling orange.

As if he didn't want to miss this auditory feast, the orange-red sunset sprinkled on the keys, coating the fingers on the black and white keys with a soft color.

The cool evening breeze blew by, blowing Chu Qingge's broken hair, making the originally cold and stunning person a little softer.

Facing the sunset and accompanied by the breeze, the sound of the piano and the pipa collided and merged, creating a different kind of spark.

Not to be outdone, the two showed off their skills, fought, and entangled each other, reluctant to part.

After one song, the whole venue gathered around, applauding one after another.

Yu Xihan stood aside, looking at the two of them.

Perhaps this kind of evenly matched strength will attract and amaze each other.

She was convinced.

As for Fu Xue, who was standing on the other side, she was completely dumbfounded, without any reaction at all.

But no one cares whether she responds or not.

When Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi saw that someone was coming to say hello, they got up in a tacit understanding.

Ye Hanzhi dropped the piano and took Nan Cheng's hand.

And Chu Qingge held his pipa with one hand.

The family of three quickly emerged from the crowd, left the banquet venue, and went to the practice room in the nearest building.

As soon as the three of them arrived, before Ye Hanzhi had time to say a word to Chu Qingge, the door was pushed open again.

Mei Yanchu stood at the door, followed by Chu Yimo and Chu Qingyan.

Chu Qingge was originally sitting on the table, but when she saw Mei Yanchi, she immediately got off the table.

The two master and apprentice met eyes.

Chu Qingge touched her fingers, and her lips moved slightly.

Mei Yanchu looked at her, her eyes were a little red.

Then Chu Qingge moved first, she walked towards the door, stood in front of Mei Yanchu, and called out in a low voice: "Master."

Mei Yanchi couldn't respond, she kept nodding and looked at Chu Qingge.

Ye Hanzhi took Nan Cheng out.

The practice room was reserved for the two masters and apprentices.

The remaining four went to the end of the corridor.

The master and apprentice in the practice room care about each other.At the end of the corridor, Chu Qingyan and Nan Cheng's words of praise for Chu Qingge jumped out one after another.

In the end, it seemed like we were in a competition, and we were even stronger.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo chose to ignore the two naive ghosts.

Mei Yanchu asked Chu Qingge a lot of things, and was always concerned about how Chu Qingge was doing well outside.The words are full of joy and relief after Chu Qingge came back.

Finally, he cared about Chu Qingge's fingers.

He asked Chu Qingge if his finger was injured.

Although it didn't affect her playing the pipa just now, Mei Yanchi was still keenly aware of it.

Chu Qingge nodded, and told him which fingers were seriously injured.

Mei Yanchu was very distressed.

The two chatted for more than half an hour.If it weren't for the fact that many people outside were waiting for him to greet him, Mei Yanchi might have just chatted for hours.

Chu Qingge made an appointment with him for the next meeting, and Mei Yanchi left.

When we got outside.Mei Yanchu saw Ye Hanzhi, and casually called out, "Master."

The lowered Ye Hanzhi didn't respond, but instead said to him: "You can call me Hanzhi."

Then Mei Yanchi jokingly said: "I never thought that I would be treated like this one day. Thanks to my apprentice."

 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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