Chapter 472
After Mei Yanchi left the practice room, Chu Qingge and the five of them did not go out again, and chatted in the practice room.

Chu Qingyan was combing Nan Cheng's hair again.

Nan Cheng was also very obedient, allowing her to fiddle with her back and forth.

After a while, perhaps a little tired, Nan Cheng leaned against Chu Yimo's body.

Chu Yimo was chatting with Ye Hanzhi, felt him leaning on him, and reached out to pinch his face.

Then, under everyone's gaze, Nan Cheng picked up a hair from Chu Yimo's pants.

"Uncle." Nan Cheng sat up straight, holding a piece of hair in his hand, then looked at Chu Yimo and said, "You're in love."

A sudden silence, an unknown silence.

Several people looked at Chu Yimo.

Chu Yimo moved first. He took the hair from Nan Cheng's hand and said, "It may be your mother's or your aunt's."

Ye Hanzhi let out a very short laugh, and said, "Don't let my wife take the blame."

Chu Qingge looked at Chu Yimo and said, "My hair is not so short."

Chu Qingyan also immediately said: "Mine are not so short."

"Mine does have this length." Nan Chengdao, "But mine has rolls."

Chu Yimo: "."

Chu Yimo: "A few of them are not rolled."

"Really?" Nan Cheng touched his head, "I haven't seen it before, where is it?"

"Here." Chu Yimo said while holding the hair in his hand.

Nan Cheng pursed his lips.

"Brother, you actually fell in love behind our backs." Chu Qingyan said.

"I do not have."

"You still deny it." Chu Qingyan pointed at her hair and said, "This is physical evidence."

"It's just a hair." Chu Yimo said.

"It's just a hair that I don't want to throw away." Chu Qingge said slowly.

Chu Yimo held the hair in his hand: "."

"But my sister and my mother's hair have never appeared on your body." Chu Qingyan said.

"I allow you to say it again."

"Okay." Chu Qingyan said, "Mine appeared before. But I am your sister. This is another woman's hair. Who would be so close to you."

"And I met today." Chu Qingge added quietly.

Chu Qingyan nodded.

Chu Yimo looked at the two of them.

Chu Qingge and Chu Qingyan also looked at him, Chu Qingge's expression was indifferent, but Chu Qingyan's imposing manner to press the question was well controlled.

It seems that he has no confidence, and his expression comes together.

A few seconds later, Chu Qingge spoke out Chu Yimo's heart: "My sisters have grown up, so it's not easy to be fooled."

"When have you ever been fooled?" Chu Yimo said with a smile.

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows: "It's easy to fool me when you don't let me see Ye Hanzhi."

Ye Hanzhi: "."

Chu Yimo glanced at Ye Hanzhi and smiled.

Ye Hanzhi clicked his tongue, looked at Chu Yimo and said, "It turns out that the biggest obstacle for me to find a wife is you."

"Brother, does my future sister-in-law look good? What does she do? What's her name? What's her last name?" Chu Qingyan suddenly moved closer and asked, "How old is she? Where is she from? When will you get married? When will I have a little nephew? When will we meet? Have you told your parents?"

Chu Yimo laughed at her series of questions: "I'm not in a relationship."

"Understood, I haven't caught up yet." Chu Qingge didn't speak as much as Chu Qingyan did, but every sentence was important and bloody.

Chu Qingyan frowned, and said in disgust: "The speed is too slow."

Hearing Chu Qingyan's serious and disgusting tone, Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows.

After chatting in the practice room for a while, Chu Qingge went to the bathroom.

Chu Qingyan originally wanted to go with her, but Ye Hanzhi took a step ahead.

Chu Qingyan was so angry that she stomped her feet after Ye Hanzhi left.

Chu Qingge went to the bathroom, Ye Hanzhi waited for her outside, and replied to the message by the way.

But it's a coincidence that as soon as Chu Qingge entered the bathroom, she saw Fu Xue who was touching up her makeup in there.

Fu Xue's complexion was very poor, and she was trying to fix her makeup, but the effect was not good.

When Chu Qingge went in, she was startled.

She shook her hand, and the loose powder fell to the ground.

But after seeing that it was Chu Qingge, the tiredness on her face instantly became vicious, and her whole face was almost distorted.

Chu Qingge glanced at her, then ignored her and walked directly inside.

Just after taking two steps, Fu Xue suddenly moved and stopped in front of her.

Chu Qingge stopped and looked at her.

Fu Xue put on half of her makeup, looked at her ferociously, seemed to calm herself down before saying, "Tang Zhixi, did you do it on purpose?"

"What on purpose?"

"What is it on purpose? You deliberately said that you haven't played the pipa for many years, and then overwhelmed me." Fu Xue said, her breathing gradually became messy, as if she couldn't control herself, "If you can't overwhelm me, it's because I haven't played for many years If you can beat me, let others think that you can play so well after not playing for so many years.”

Chu Qingge thought it was funny, and raised the corner of her mouth: "Fu Xue, do you have a bad memory? You provoked this whole thing. It was you who always wanted to put me in that position and make me look ugly .”

Fu Xue was unable to speak for a while.

"Also. I won't overwhelm you. This kind of situation doesn't exist." Chu Qingge's expression was light, her aura was strong, and she said slowly: "It's true that I haven't played for many years, but it's too simple to overwhelm you. gone."

"You..." Fu Xue was so angry that she was shaking all over, unable to speak.

"This is the difference between people." Chu Qingge poked at the pain point again, "You have practiced for more than 20 years and this is the height. I have practiced for more than ten years, and I haven't touched it for a few years, but I still feel that you can't reach it." that height."

"Tang Zhixi!" Fu Xue said as she raised her hand and was about to hit someone.

Chu Qingge grabbed her wrist and shook it away.

Fu Xue was thrown back and staggered a few steps, she held on to the sink to barely stand still.

Chu Qingge took a few steps in front of her, and glanced at the nameplate of the palace band on her clothes.

Each of the students of the Palace Orchestra has their own nameplate, which is worn on their clothes today.

Chu Qingge pinched the nameplate, pulled it off her clothes with force, and tore a small hole in her sleeve.

Fu Xue immediately went to grab the nameplate, but failed: "Give it back to me!"

Chu Qingge's eyes were soaked with cold frost, and she held her nameplate and said, "Fu Xue, I advise you to be smarter. If you keep your own place, you will have a place in this palace music workshop. But if you are still as stupid as you are today, Get out."

"What qualifications do you have to tell me this!"

"Whether I am qualified or not is not up to you." Chu Qingge said softly, "Don't take yourself too seriously, you haven't reached the point where no one can replace you. It's the same here with you or without you."

After Chu Qingge finished speaking, she threw the nameplate on the sink, turned around and went to the bathroom.

 Don't wait, the next chapter is under review and may be locked

(End of this chapter)

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