The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 473 This Man Is A Little Insidious

Chapter 473 This Man Is A Little Insidious
From the rocking chair in the room to the toilet bathroom.

After taking a bath again and being carried out, Chu Qingge glanced at the time, then closed her eyes and didn't want to open them again.

It's past three in the morning
He is still so energetic.

She used to say that Ye Hanzhi had good energy
She thought it was good at the time, but thinking about it now, she still underestimated it.

While thinking about it, Chu Qingge turned over and fell asleep on her side.

Ye Hanzhi cleaned up the bathroom and came out after taking a shower.Chu Qingge was already fast asleep.

He walked gently to the bed and looked at the sleeping person.

After Chu Qingge took a shower, she didn't wear a nightgown, but a suspender.He is now lying on his side on the bed with the quilt wrapped around his waist.

The tattoo on the left arm was exposed due to the increase in body temperature.

At the beginning, tattoos were not allowed to be seen, they were always hidden.

Later, after Shuo Yue's identity was exposed, the tattoo was not covered up again.

Every time the body temperature is high, this tattoo will come out.

Ye Hanzhi looked at the eye-catching redness on her fair arms, and his throat rolled slightly.

It may be a psychological effect. Every time he kisses this place, Chu Qingge seems to think of the previous training, so he becomes very sensitive.

After Ye Hanzhi looked at it for a while, he closed his eyes, shook his head lightly, and suppressed the urge to surge up again in his body.

Then leaned over and kissed her lightly on the tattoo on her arm.

Chu Qingge, who had been sleeping soundly, moved her arm slightly, and then opened her eyes.

"Why are you awake?" Ye Hanzhi kissed her on the forehead.

"Who is pretending to be so gentle now?" Chu Qingge's eyes were covered with a layer of haze, and her voice was hoarse.

Ye Hanzhi held her hand, squeezed it slowly, and said with a low smile, "I was also very gentle just now."

Chu Qingge snorted coldly, but didn't refute, just turned over, turned his back to him and said, "Sleep or not?"


Ye Hanzhi walked around to the other side of the bed, lay down, hugged Chu Qingge in his arms, and kissed the top of her hair: "Go to sleep."

"En." Chu Qingge vaguely responded.

Yue Guyuan's final exam passed smoothly, and the professor who took him before retired, Chu Qingge officially started to take care of him.

Although Yue Guyuan did not major in this field as an undergraduate, he is still very talented in this field because of the influence and influence of his father and grandfather since he was a child.

So it's not too hard to take him.

Coupled with Ye Hanzhi's help, Chu Qingge was quite relaxed.

All experiments in the laboratory are proceeding steadily, and have not been too busy.

Taking advantage of this time, Chu Qingge also started to work on the thesis.

After work this day, both Chu Qingge, Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo got off work on time, and the three of them walked to the entrance of the research institute together.

When he arrived at the door, the first thing Ye Hanzhi did was to check the Chu family's car.

After seeing the Chu family's car, a moment of disappointment flashed through his eyes vaguely.

I have to sleep by myself again tonight.

Chu Qingge got into the car, and after sitting down, she took a piece of mousse cake from Chu Mingjin.

And as soon as she opened the box, the car started.

While talking to Ye Hanzhi outside the car, Chu Yimo, who took over Chu Qingge's computer from Ye Hanzhi, watched his car go away in front of his eyes.

Chu Yimo: "?????????"

Chu Yimo looked at his car, and after a while he made a sound: "My car is gone."

Ye Hanzhi smiled mercilessly and said, "I see."

"I'm still here." Chu Yimo called Chu Mingjin with his mobile phone while talking.

And Ye Hanzhi said slowly from the side: "It turns out that you are treated like this at home. It's not much better than me."

Chu Yimo silently called his father.

In the car, after seeing the car driving, Chu Qingge immediately said: "My brother hasn't come up yet."

Chu Mingjin was startled: "Your brother came out with you?"

Because most of the time the two don't come out together.

Chu Yimo came out first, and Chu Mingjin would wait for Chu Qingge in the car.

And if Chu Qingge came out first, Chu Mingjin would take her home first.

The two of them came out together today, but Chu Mingjin didn't see Chu Yimo, who was so big.He even saw Ye Hanzhi.

Because Ye Hanzhi greeted him.

"En." Chu Qingge responded.

The driver slowed down.

Chu Mingjin looked at the back of the car, but he had already walked a certain distance, and he was a little out of sight: "It's okay. He is such an adult, it's not easy to go home."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Chu Yimo called.

"Dad, you left me behind."

"Well, Qingge just told me." Chu Mingjin's tone did not reveal any guilt.

Chu Qingge looked at his father while eating the cake with a fork.

"You have to tell your sister to tell you before you can find out." Chu Yimo finished, "Then come back and pick me up."

"How old are you, and you still have someone to pick you up. And you are over 30 years old, what's the matter with living at home?" Chu Mingjin is not only not guilty, but even a little disgusted.

Chu Yimo: "."

Chu Qingge silently listened to her father's double standard.

"Ye Hanzhi is one year younger than you, and has been married for a year." Chu Mingjin ignored him, "Look at you again."

"Okay, then I won't go back tonight." Chu Yimo said, "My sister's computer is still with me. You can tell her to use it tomorrow morning."

"Wait a minute!" Chu Mingjin said, "Let's come back first tonight."

Then Ye Hanzhi's voice came out of the phone immediately: "Okay, Uncle Chu. I'll take him back."

Thinking that there is no need to turn around and go back, Chu Mingjin immediately agreed: "Okay, that's it."

After Chu Yimo hung up the phone, he turned his head to look at the sinister man beside him.

Ye Hanzhi took out the car keys, smiled and said, "Let's go."

Chu Yimo ground his teeth.

This man, not only performed well in front of his father-in-law, but also lived in the Chu family tonight.

That night, Ye Hanzhi ate at Chu's house and drank some wine.

Then it was a matter of course that he couldn't drive and stay at Chu's house because of drinking.

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room for a while, watching TV and chatting for a while.

Mr. Chu watched TV for a while, and suddenly said: "I heard that Yue Pulin wants his grandson to succeed him as the dean?"

"Dad, you've heard about it too?" Chu Mingjin said.

Mr. Chu nodded: "The news spread quickly these days. I also heard a little movement."

Chu Qingge always felt that something was wrong: "Did the news spread too fast?"

Sitting next to her, Ye Hanzhi peeled a pistachio and said, "Yue Guyuan was targeted as soon as he entered the research institute. Even the slightest disturbance will be infinitely magnified. It is expected that it will spread quickly."

Chu Mingjin said: "The situation when Yue Guyuan's father entered the research institute was worse than it is now. He was closely watched, and his father couldn't stand it, so he wrote a letter of promise. He promised that he would never take over the research institute. That just stopped."

Chu Qingge had heard something about Yue Guyuan's father, so Yue Pulin directly wanted his grandson to take over.

"But everyone went to the dean to find out, but the dean didn't give a clear answer. Now it's just speculation." Chu Yimo said, "At least the surface is calm now."

Several people agreed with this view.

Then Elder Chu said again: "What do you think about Yue Guyuan being the dean?"

 The previous chapter was blocked.

  I applied for the lifting of the ban today, but failed, and I can apply again after 48 hours.

  Hmm. Just... I don't know when it will be untied.

  According to past experience.

  After I stubbornly fought with the review for a few rounds, my heart became numb, and I didn't feel that the plot was a pity, so I deleted it.

  Almost unblocked.

  Nothing important.

  The only thing is that the black ghost made a phone call with Chu Qingge, and Chu Qingge was a little depressed.

  There will be an explanation later.

  One more chapter.

  A little late.

  Don't wait, everyone.

  good night
(End of this chapter)

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