The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 476 Going to Shanhaizhou

Chapter 476 Going to Shanhaizhou
"Sister, are you asleep?"

After ten o'clock in the evening, Chu Qingyan came to open the door of Chu Qingge's room after taking a shower.

Chu Qingge's door was unlocked, and she opened it smoothly.

"Not yet." Chu Qingge was drawing a design draft, and when she heard her voice, she turned off the tablet, "Come in."

Chu Qingyan immediately entered the room, and then sat directly on her bed.

Chu Qingge was sitting on the sofa by the floor-to-ceiling windows, and raised her eyebrows when she saw her sitting on the bed.

"Sister, can I sleep with you tonight?" Chu Qingyan sat on her bed, dangling her legs.

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I just want to sleep with you." Chu Qingyan tugged at her pajamas, "We always slept together when we were young."

Chu Qingge looked at her, and said after a while: "Yes."

Chu Qingyan was immediately happy, and put her mobile phone on the bedside table, then very rudely lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed, and rolled around in the quilt: "You are busy, don't worry about me."

"I'm not busy anymore." Chu Qingge said good night to Ye Hanzhi on her mobile phone, then walked around to the other side of the bed, turned off the overhead light with the remote control, and then lay down on the bed, "Are you going to sleep?"

Chu Qingyan took the phone and quickly replied a message: "Sleep, turn off the lights."

Chu Qingge also turned off the bedside lamp.

After the two lay down, Chu Qingyan immediately touched Chu Qingge's arm and hugged her arm like she did when she was a child: "Sister, you can take me to Shanhaizhou tomorrow too."


"I haven't been to Shanhaizhou yet, take me to see it." Chu Qingyan said.

"Is there anything nice about Shanhaizhou?" Chu Qingge didn't understand.

"Yes, new places are worth seeing." Chu Qingyan hugged her arm and said, "Sister, just take me there. I will be obedient and won't cause trouble for you."

"But it's hot over there now."

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of the heat."

Chu Qingge laughed: "Do your parents agree? Brother, does he agree?"

"In this family, if you agree, then everyone agrees." Chu Qingyan said, "I just packed all my things myself. I can go with you tomorrow with my bags."

"Well, fine." Chu Qingge replied.

"You promised?"


"Thank you, sister." Chu Qingge rubbed his head on her shoulder, "I knew you were the best."

Chu Qingge touched her head: "Go to bed early, get up early tomorrow."

"it is good."

The next day, Chu Qingyan followed Chu Qingge on the plane to Shanhaizhou smoothly.

Then, apart from Ye Hanzhi, whom Chu Qingyan expected, Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe, who she did not expect, were on board the plane.

Especially Ye Tingjue.

Seeing his paralyzed face, Chu Qingyan's mood to go to a new place was more than half diluted.

He and Chu Qingge complained in a low voice all the way, why is he here.

When they arrived at Shanhaizhou, Chu Qingge took Chu Qingyan and followed Ye Hanzhi to Huiyao.

When you arrive at Huiyao, get out of the car.Chu Qingge saw Yu Gui, Duize, and Xianyue Huiyue leading a group of people standing neatly to welcome them.

It was obviously the first time Ye Hanzhi saw such a situation, and he frowned involuntarily.

If in the past, Ye Han frowned, this group of people would be so frightened that they would kneel down and kowtow.

But now that Chu Qingge is here, they are not very afraid.It's just that the smile on his face froze for a moment, and he swallowed back what he wanted to say.

"What are you doing?" Ye Hanzhi said, "Welcome me?"

For some reason, no one spoke.

Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe also watched the battle.

When did Hui Yao fix such a gaudy thing?

What's more, they also brought out Yindian.

Sitting at Duize's feet, he had white hair all over his body, his eyes gleamed fiercely, vicious and domineering.

It's just that a bow tie is worn around the neck, which makes it look like a gentleman with its domineering style.

"Understood." Ye Hanzhi nodded and said softly, "I'm not welcome."

"Boss, welcoming Miss Tang is the same as welcoming you~~~~~~"

When Dui Ze spoke, the sound behind him turned away.

Because Yu Gui stepped on his foot, Xianyue pinched his arm.

Duize jumped up straight away, bent over, and stood on one foot: "What are you doing? Am I wrong?"

"For your size, have you lost your mind?" Yu Gui scolded.

Lihuo: "???????"

"Boss and Miss Tang are one, am I wrong?"

"Shut up." After Yu Gui finished speaking, he gave a very kind smile and said, "Welcome Miss Tang back."

Seeing Yu Gui's smile, Chu Qingyan shuddered involuntarily.

"Thank you." Chu Qingge said politely.

At this time, Yindian's patience was exhausted and he couldn't wait any longer.Get up and walk towards Chu Qingge.

Seeing such a big guy, Chu Qingyan came towards them with a murderous look in his eyes.

Subconsciously pulling Chu Qingge back.

Chu Qingge was pulled back two steps by her.And she directly bumped into Ye Tingjue.

Ye Tingjue immediately supported her and held her hand.

But Chu Qingyan was really a little scared, she bumped into Ye Tingjue and pulled Chu Qingge back a few steps.

But Yindian was looking for Chu Qingge, so she couldn't hide, she was so frightened that she made a sound.

Chu Qingge held her back and told her not to back up: "Don't be afraid, it doesn't bite."

"Ah?" Chu Qingyan was pulled by Chu Qingge with one hand, and held by Ye Tingjue with the other.

Yindian sat in front of Chu Qingge, looking up at her.

Chu Qingge leaned over and patted its head.

Yindian's tail immediately swept the ground.

"Touch it?" Chu Qingge said.

Chu Qingyan immediately shook her head: "I think it doesn't seem to like me, it looks at me so fiercely."

Silver Palace is too big.As soon as he walks, the muscle lines on his body can be seen through the white hair.

Chu Qingyan felt that it could kill her with one paw.

Then the group went to the living room.

Yindian has been following Chu Qingge's side.

Especially after sitting on the sofa, Yindian jumped onto the sofa and lay on Chu Qingge's lap.

On the right of Chu Qingge is Ye Hanzhi, and on the left is the Silver Palace.

Chu Qingyan sat between Ye Tingjue and He Yuzhe, pulling their sleeves.Watching Chu Qingge give Lang Shunmao: "Sister, do you know each other very well?"

"Yeah." Chu Qingge said, "It's called the Silver Palace."

"Silver Palace?"

Yindian opened his eyes and looked at her.

Chu Qingyan held her breath and said: "You sleep, you sleep. Don't look at me. Don't pay attention to me. Your eyes are like looking at food."

"Yindian will not attack people casually." Ye Tingjue said.

"You know him too?" Chu Qingyan looked at him.

Ye Tingjue nodded.

It is true that Yindian will not attack people casually, but he has never seen Yindian surrender to anyone before.

He never did this to his third uncle.

For his third uncle, it is at most a mutual cooperative interest relationship.

I help you kill, you give me meat to eat.

What happened to his aunt last time she came to Shanhaizhou.

After He Yuzhe went back, he also said that there was one thing that he never thought of.

He just said something like this, and didn't say the details.

Now it seems that there are indeed things that he can't think of.

It can only be that his aunt is Shuo Yue.

This thought made Ye Tingjue's head numb.

He subconsciously looked at Ye Hanzhi.

 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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