Chapter 477 Lost Contact
On the second day of coming to Shanhaizhou, Chu Qingge left one box of food brought to her by Xia Luoqing and Aunt Wenren in Hui Yao, and sent the other box to Baigui Pavilion.

Li Gui made a rare trip back to Shanhaizhou, and after returning, he couldn't leave for half a month.

Being oppressed by his own brother, he had to do hard work without money.

Every day when she was thinking about how to escape back to state M without being scolded, Chu Qingge came with Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingyan.

Li Gui, who is ready to "run away from home" at any time, will not leave immediately.

"Boss! Why didn't you say anything when you came here. I miss you so much." Li Gui came down the stairs, halfway there, jumped down from the side, and was about to hug her when he walked up to Chu Qingge.

But as soon as she stretched out her hand, Chu Qingge was pulled back.

Li Gui's raised hand froze, and looked at Ye Hanzhi who was pulling him back.Instant murderous look: "Why are you here?"

"Of course I came with my wife." Ye Hanzhi's voice was very soft, but it was obvious that he was trying to annoy people on purpose.

"Who is your wife?" Li Gui's facial features are very three-dimensional, and his aggression is very strong when he has a cold face.

The surrounding air suddenly froze, and a string seemed to be stretched between Ye Hanzhi and Li Gui. Li Gui was unilaterally pulling on this string, but Ye Hanzhi didn't intend to let go.

Chu Qingge raised her hand and scratched the end of her eyebrows. Just as she was about to speak, a voice from upstairs spoke first.

"Camilia, you're so rude." The nigger said as he came down the stairs.

Li Gui calmed down a bit, but still glared at Ye Han.

Chu Qingyan looked at the man who was walking down the stairs.Blonde hair, fair skin, blue eyes.The eye sockets are deep and the bridge of the nose is high.

It looks like a man who came out of a cartoon.

Chu Qingyan was dumbfounded.

The black ghost walked up to Chu Qingge, smiled and said, "Boss."

Chu Qingge responded.

Then he looked at Ye Hanzhi again, stretched out his hand and said, "Third Lord."

Ye Hanzhi shook hands with him.

The black ghost said: "I'm sorry, my sister is like this, please forgive me."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows and did not speak.

Then the black ghost looked at the person next to Chu Qingge: "Boss, this is"

"My sister." Chu Qingge led Chu Qingyan to the seat.

"Sister?" Li Gui immediately caught up with Chu Qingyan, sizing her up carefully, "Where's my sister?"

"My sister." Chu Qingge sat down, looked at Li Gui and said, "It's just the relationship between you and your brother."

Li Gui suddenly exchanged glances with Hei Gui.Then they both looked at her again.

Both of them looked like, Boss, are you looking at her as if you haven't woken up.

Chu Qingge didn't explain much, just said: "If you are curious, ask the white ghost."

Li Gui and Niigi didn't ask any more questions.But Li Gui was very curious about Chu Qingyan, kept looking at her, and even poked her face: "Yo, your little face is so tender."

Chu Qingyan gave her a very unfriendly look.

But Li Gui didn't take it to heart at all, and even tried to grab her hand.

It's just that I haven't met Chu Qingge, who has been chatting with Ye Hanzhi and the nigger about the Parker family, without looking back, and precisely grasped her wrist.

Both Ye Hanzhi and the black ghost looked at them.

Chu Qingge turned her head and looked at Li Gui.

Like a female hooligan, Li Gui immediately held Chu Qingge's hand with his backhand, raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes: "."

Chu Qingyan looked down at the two hands held in front of her, and at Li Gui's complacent face, and suddenly understood why Ye Hanzhi was hostile to her.

"She's still young, don't tease her." Chu Qingge let go of Li Gui's hand.

Li Gui also let go, saying: "Boss, why are you so protective of the calf."

"You still know how to protect the calf." The nigger said.

"I know a lot." Li Gui looked at Chu Qingyan, "It's okay, I've grown up after two years."

"Sister, don't talk to her." The black ghost directly called Sister Chu Qingyan, "If she touches you, scold her."

Li Gui didn't care about his brother's elbow turning outward.He sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and listened quietly to them talking about the Parker family.

"Chen Zheng and Song Anrou will go back to Shanhaizhou around NO.15 every month, because the Parker family has a meeting every month, and they will return to M state after two to three days here." The black ghost said, "These few days It's time to come back."

"No hurry, rest for two days first." Chu Qingge said.

Chu Qingge said to rest for two days, but she didn't rest much.

She played outside with Chu Qingyan for a day, and then helped the nigger deal with some matters.

Later, Chu Qingyan was always played outside by Ye Tingjue, He Yuzhe and Li Gui.

Ye Hanzhi was not idle either.

When Chu Qingge was busy in Baigui Pavilion, he was also busy, and later took Xianyue Huiyue out for a trip.

When he left, Chu Qingge was in the Baigui Pavilion.

I just sent a message to her, saying that I will go out for a trip and I will be back in the evening.

When Chu Qingge returned to Huiyao in the afternoon, Yu Gui and Lihuo also told her about Ye Hanzhi's going out, but Chu Qingge didn't ask much, and they didn't say much either.

But Ye Hanzhi didn't come back that night.

Chu Qingge slept for a while after dinner, and when she woke up, she found that the message she sent had not been answered.

She faintly felt that something was wrong, and immediately checked Ye Hanzhi's location, but she couldn't find it.

Even Xianyue Huiyue and the people they brought could not be found.

The signal is jammed.

Chu Qingge asked the computer to monitor their location, and immediately went out to find Yu Gui.

It happened that Ye Tingjue was also outside. Seeing her serious expression, he asked, "Auntie, what's wrong?"

"Where did Ye Hanzhi go today?" Chu Qingge asked.

"Third Uncle went to see Su Qi today." Ye Tingjue said, "What happened?"

Su Qi, Su Qian's father.

"I can't get in touch with him." Chu Qingge immediately called Su Qi: "Uncle Su, is Ye Hanzhi still with you?"

Su Qi said that Ye Han had left long ago, and according to the time, he should have arrived at Hui Yao long ago.

Chu Qingge hung up the phone, and went through the topographic map of the entire Shanhaizhou in his head.She was wondering where there would be no signal at all, and she couldn't locate it at all.

Or someone interfered on purpose.


"I couldn't contact Ye Hanzhi, nor could I locate them." Chu Qingge said, "Their signal was blocked. How many people did he take with him when he left?"

"Except for Xianyue Huiyue, I brought a team of people." Yu Gui said.

Because I went to Su Qi to negotiate a contract extension, I didn't bring many people with me.

Crescent Moon and Huiyue were still bored in Huiyao, so they followed.

"I'll take someone to look for it." Chu Qingge said and walked out, "Master Yu Tuo, call four teams."


Ye Tingjue followed her: "Auntie, you stay, I'll go."

"You stay." Chu Qingge said, "If someone is really targeting Ye Hanzhi, and they are so precise, Hui Yao is probably also in their plan, so you stay here."

Ye Tingjue frowned.

Chu Qingge didn't get any response from him, so she looked at him and said, "Here you are more convincing than me. And protect your face."

(End of this chapter)

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