The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 478 Yunji is attacked......

Chapter 478 Yunji is attacked.
Part of Hui Yao has followed Ye Hanzhi since he was in Dijing in Continent F.

So I am familiar with Ye Tingjue.

Chu Qingge considered many things.

Although she is Mrs. Ye now, and everyone in Hui Yao admires her, but after all, they spend less time together.

In case Ye Hanzhi is not around, someone will really attack Hui Yao.

She may not be able to make Hui Yao up and down in unison.

It is safer for Ye Tingjue to stay.

Chu Qingge went to change her clothes, and when she went downstairs to find Yu Gui, He Yuzhe came back from the outside.

He was discussing with Yugui and Ye Tingjue which route to take, so he obviously wanted to go with them.

Chu Qingge checked his gun and dagger while listening to their discussion.

After a brief discussion, everyone got in the car and was ready to go.

But just as Chu Qingge got into the car, Zhenlei suddenly called.

Chu Qingge answered the phone while closing the car door.

The car drove towards the gate, and after hearing what Zhenlei said, Chu Qingge asked people to stop the car quickly.

"Sister Xi, what's the matter?"

"Yunji was attacked by hackers." Chu Qingge was very calm, shockingly calm.It was as if something was separating her, separating the fluctuating emotions from her body.

Someone wants to touch Ye Hanzhi.

He Yuzhe sat up straight suddenly: "That Yunji thing."

If Jiushen can tell that Yunji was attacked by hackers, then the other party must have a big background.

"It's fine for the time being." Chu Qingge's eyes froze little by little, and even his whole body seemed to be covered with ice, making people afraid to approach.

Yu Gui had never seen her like this before, so he didn't dare to speak for a while.

It's okay for now, but after a long time, maybe it won't.

"Go find Ye Hanzhi." Chu Qingge looked at He Yuzhe, and quickly made a decision, "I'll block Yunji's online attack."

"Okay." He Yuzhe responded immediately, "Sister Xi, Hanzhi will be fine, don't worry."


Chu Qingge got off the car.

Walking to the car behind, he touched Yindian's neck through the lowered window.

One man and one wolf just looked at each other for a short time.

But Yindian reassured Chu Qingge a little.

Yindian is very smart, for a long time, Chu Qingge only trusted it.

Chu Qingge went back upstairs, and Ye Tingjue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw her come back.

But when he heard that Yunji was attacked by hackers, his heart ached again.

Chu Qingge didn't delay for a while, her own computer has been monitoring Ye Hanzhi's location.

Then use the two computers that Ye Tingjue brought her to maintain the defense system of the Yunji Consortium, and look for opportunities to counterattack by the way.

Zhen Lei told her on the phone.

It's an organization called the X Hacker Union, which suddenly launched an attack tonight, and it was very ferocious.

If it wasn't for Yunji's strong defense system, it would probably be completely paralyzed by now.

If Yunji is paralyzed, it will not only lose the reputation, status, and prestige of the Yunji Consortium.What's more important is the research behind it.

It might even have an impact on the border.

This is not a result they can afford.

This X hacker league has just been established, less than a month old.

Luo Nanchen mentioned it to her.

There is a lot of buzz in the hacker world.

Because many people said that this alliance was established to fight against Tianshu.

The names of many hackers in it have never been heard, but after its establishment, it has done several major things.

It's almost Fight to Fame, and the momentum is strong.

Recently, Luo Nanchen has attracted special attention.

But she didn't expect that they would target Yunji all of a sudden.

Perhaps it was established from the very beginning, because someone was behind it.

Now that they are fighting, Chu Qingge really feels that the opponent is very strong.

And just as Zhenlei said, they attacked Yunji in groups, not one or two people.

There are people outside.

Those who can be named in all walks of life are considered to be the most powerful people in existence.

But there will always be newcomers appearing constantly, and there will always be masters hiding their strengths from outsiders.

Online chaotic fight, defense, attack.
Not only Chu Qingge alone, but many hackers in Tianshu also joined in this battle without gunpowder.

One day and one night, Chu Qingge did not close his eyes.

She felt one of the opponents, who might be stronger than Luo Nanchen.

This kind of long-term tug-of-war is actually very common.

When Chu Mingjin taught her since she was a child, she told her that patience and perseverance are necessary for many times to fight a protracted battle.

Everyone knows that she became famous when she challenged Luo Nanchen.

In fact, she attacked Luo Nanchen for the first time, and it didn't take much time.

Later, the two fought again, once more seriously.The two fought for two days, and finally Luo Nanchen lost miserably, losing Tianshu to her.

So Chu Qingge didn't have much feeling about this day and night.No matter how powerful the opponent was, she didn't take it seriously.

The only thing that made her suffer was that there was no news from Ye Hanzhi.

The voice in her heart has always made her believe in Ye Hanzhi.If he's so powerful, nothing will happen.

But the situation in front of her had to make her refute the voice in her heart.

The other party came prepared, well prepared.Even. The other party seems to know them well.

And just like what she is facing now, there are people out there, in case there is someone more powerful than Ye Hanzhi.

Everything is unknown.

Chu Qingyan stayed with Chu Qingge in the room all the time.

Chu Qingge was very calm and calm.Even last night, they arranged for Baigui Pavilion to transfer a group of people, and also sent a group of people to find Ye Hanzhi.

However, Chu Qingyan could clearly feel that with the passage of time, the aura around Chu Qingge gradually became colder, more ruthless, numb, and ruthless.

She is rejecting things from the outside world, and then wrapping herself layer by layer.

How did Ye Hanzhi melt the layers of cold frost back then, and how is he covering it layer by layer now.

Another night passed, around seven o'clock in the morning.

Chu Qingge hit a counter-kill, and completely killed that X hacker alliance.

The hackers led by Luo Nanchen immediately cooperated with Chu Qingge.All the computers and systems used by the other party are blackened and paralyzed.

The crisis of the Yunji Consortium was completely resolved. While Chu Qingge strengthened the Yunji Consortium, he also investigated the alliance to the bottom.

Once they were defeated, it would be too easy to check them.

Then she found the head of the Parker family.

The X-Hacker Alliance colluded with the Parker family, and it was established with the support of the Parker family.

Chu Qingge looked at the computer that had been monitoring Ye Hanzhi's location, but there was no movement.

She looked at it for a while, and a murderous look flashed across her eyes, then she got up and walked out.

A Platinum family who has no guts to provoke Hui Yao and Yun Ji.

Even if Chen Zheng had a certain right to speak, they would not dare.

Unless there is someone behind the Parker family who is promoting it, that's why they were given the courage.

 Thank you for your rewards.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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