Chapter 479
As soon as Chu Qingge opened the door, she saw Chu Yimo who was about to come in.

Looking at each other, Chu Yimo frowned slightly.

Chu Qingge's whole body was covered with a layer of frightening air-conditioning, her thin lips were slightly pursed, and there was no expression on her face.

And because he hasn't rested for a long time, his face is abnormally pale, and there is also a very light cyan under his eyes.

It gave a feeling of thinness to the already cold person.

"Qingge." Chu Yimo looked at her and called her.

Chu Qingge lowered her gaze, her voice was hoarse: "Brother."

Chu Yimo raised his hand and touched her head: "Hanzhi will be fine. No matter who it is, it will be unlucky to meet Ye Hanzhi."

Chu Qingge twitched the corner of her mouth, but couldn't really laugh.Then she asked something innocuous: "When did you come?"

"Just arrived." Chu Yimo felt distressed seeing her like this, "What are you going to do?"

"The Yunji consortium is stable." Chu Qingge lowered his eyes and said, "We found the Boke family."


"Copied the Boke family." Chu Qingge said lightly.

Chu Yimo's eyes flickered, and he immediately thought: "There is someone behind the Poke family."

"should be."

"It's very dangerous for you to go now." Chu Yimo said, "I don't know who is behind it, and I don't know how powerful they are."

"Whoever they are, they will be corpses in the end." Chu Qingge said lightly.

Chu Yimo frowned.

Chu Qingge's current state is very scary, and it also makes him feel strange.

This kind of strangeness, no matter it was 11 years ago or after he came back, he had never seen it before.

"Sing lightly."

"Brother, don't persuade me."

Chu Yimo was silent for a while, and then said: "Brother will accompany you."

"I'm fine with myself."

"I'll accompany you." Chu Yimo said persistently.

Chu Qingge looked up at him, paused and said, "Yes."

Seeing that she agreed, Chu Yimo said, "Have some food first. Qingyan said that you didn't eat much last night."

"Take some food in the car."

It was still Ye Tingjue and Chu Qingyan who stayed in Huiyao.

Chu Qingge, Chu Yimo and Duize took people to the Poke family.

For nearly an hour's journey, Chu Qingge fell asleep in the car all the way.

When she arrived at the Platinum family, she opened her eyes, which were bloodshot.

Duize negotiated with the members of the Platinum family at the door, and wanted to see the Patriarch of the Platinum family in the name of a visit.

Since it was in the name of visiting, Chu Qingge and the others didn't bring many people with them.

Duize briefly explained his reason for coming at the door, and the people at the door went in to report, then came out again, and let them in happily.

The X hacker alliance was destroyed, and since the Parker family was behind him, it should be very clear that they are now exposed.

The Yunji Consortium is because of Ye Hanzhi's self-destructive identity.

The reason why they targeted Ye Han was Yun Ji.

As for Hui Yao, since they knew about Ye Hanzhi's whereabouts, they should have already known that Hui Yao's boss was Ye Hanzhi.

It's just that they attacked Yunji and stopped Ye Hanzhi who didn't lead many people.But he has never launched an attack on Hui Yao, probably because he doesn't have that strength yet.

After all, this is Shanhaizhou.

Hui Yao is not someone who can move at will.

They will not actively attack Obsidian, but they may gradually decompose it.

Especially when Ye Hanzhi suddenly disappeared.

Just like now.
Everyone knew each other's identities, but one was in the name of visiting, and the other was politely greeting.

Chu Qingge and the others intended to cooperate with each other, and the Parker family also planned to close their doors and slaughter them.

So Chu Qingge successfully entered the Platinum family.

And the people who brought them also followed in.

After all, the Parker family had to pretend to be sincere.Moreover, the Platinum family is sure that the people she brings can deal with them.

When we arrived at the living room, the head of the Parker family, who seemed to be in his 50s, welcomed the guests warmly.He speaks very poor Chinese.

Neither Chu Qingge nor Chu Yimo paid attention to him, only Duize talked to him politely.

Chu Qingge glanced lightly at the layout of the living room, as well as the guards.

Duize made jokes and said a lot of useless words to delay time.

Patriarch Paik chatted with Duize for almost 5 minutes, then interrupted Duize, and began to ask about the identities of Chu Qingge and Chu Yimo.

But before Duize could speak, someone spoke for him first: "This one is Ye Hanzhi's wife, Mrs. Ye."

Both Chu Qingge and Chu Yimo turned around.

Song Anrou and Chen Zheng walked into the living room together.

Although the patriarch spoke poor Chinese, he could understand: "Madam Ye?"

Song Anrou stood still in front of Chu Qingge, with a smug smile on her face, and all the cuteness she had pretended in the past disappeared: "Sister, long time no see."

Chu Qingge looked at her without moving.

Song Anrou looked at Chu Yimo again, and said, "Master Chu is here too? Does this mean that he knows that his brother will not survive, and started to attack his wife?"

Say the word.

It is almost a very clear lead for the two sides to fight.

The hypocritical enthusiasm on the Patriarch's face immediately disappeared, and was replaced by a look of being ready to fight at any time and aloof.

A murderous look flashed across Chu Yimo's eyes for a moment.

Song Anrou continued to smile and said, "Oh, just kidding. Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Chu Qingge again and said, "Sister, don't be too sad. Men, if you don't go to the old one, you won't come to the new one."

Chu Qingge listened to the second hand of the watch on her wrist ticking slightly.

"Also, sister. Don't procrastinate on purpose." Song Anrou said with a sinister smile, "You want to cooperate with the outside. No one can see such an obvious intention. Hui Yao's people have been stopped halfway. There will be no one came."

Duize suddenly frowned.

Song Anrou caught his expression and smiled unabashedly.

Today, she wanted to watch Tang Zhixi kneel and die in front of her.

"Master Chu, this is not the Imperial Capital. Nor is it the place where the Chu family commands the wind and rain." Song Anju said, "It is very important to stand in line with the team."

When Song Anrou looked at him, her expression softened a little.

"Really?" Chu Yimo said.

"Of course." Song Anju said, "Hui Yao's surname is always Ye, and it may not exist for long. If we cooperate, there will always be a time when the Chu family will be stable in this Shanhaizhou. Of course. I just threw an olive branch to you today. , we can put this matter aside and talk about it later. Now I have very important things to discuss with Miss Tang. "

As she spoke, she looked at Chu Qingge's cold face, paused and said, "Tang Zhixi, for the sake of the sisters. Kneel down and beg me. I will give you a chance to be buried with Ye Hanzhi." .what!"

Chu Qingge slapped her backhand.

The force was so great that Song Anrou fell to the side.But she didn't fall down, Chu Qingge pulled her back again.

Both Chen Zheng and the Patriarch were taken aback.

All the people around were on guard.

Song Anrou's eyes were full of gold stars, and it took a while to see Chu Qingge's face clearly.The corner of the mouth was directly split open, and blood flowed down the chin.

She touched the blood on her chin, looked at Chu Qingge viciously and said, "How dare you hit me!"

Chu Qingge was wearing a black combat uniform and combat boots.Tight waist, hair tied in a high ponytail.

The whole person was cold and ruthless, with a terrifyingly powerful aura and murderous aura.

She held her arm, exerted a little force, and said softly, "Hit you? I'm here today to kill you."

 That's one chapter for today.

  I have to get up early tomorrow, I have to sleep.

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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