The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 480 Every Step Has Been Counted

Chapter 480 Every Step Has Been Counted
"You want to kill me, Tang Zhixi, who do you think you are? Do you think you can get out alive after you get here? Do you think Mrs. Ye is the first one here? Do you think Ye Hanzhi can still protect you?"

Chu Qingge twisted her arm hard.

Song Anrou's shout instantly resounded throughout the living room.The whole person was shaking in pain.

But the arm is still in Chu Qingge's hand and has not been let go.

Chen Zheng immediately tried to snatch Song Anrou away from Chu Qingsinger, but as soon as he moved, Chu Yimo stood in front of him.

Chen Zheng looked at Chu Yimo, paused and said, "Master Chu, at this point, you still want to protect her, can you protect her?"

"You can try if I can protect you."

"Master Chu, how much brotherly loyalty is worth?" Chen Zheng put his hands in his pockets, stood up straight and looked at him, "You value Ye Hanzhi so much, what about him? As a corpse, you won't have half of his everything. Why bother?"

Chu Yimo didn't speak, but a sneer flashed across his face for a moment.

"Master Chu, to be honest, I don't want to fight with you."

As soon as Chen Zheng said this, Chu Qingge directly kicked Song Anrou out.

This kick used ten times ten force, Song Anrou flew straight out and smashed on a vase half a person's height.

The vase was smashed, and Song Anrou's face was cut by pieces. The wound ran from the corner of the mouth to the temple, and blood flowed from the wound in an instant.

Song Anrou was lying on the debris. She started to move around during lunch, and after a few seconds, her body curled up together.The unbroken arm, covering his face with his hands, kept moaning in pain.

Everyone in the living room, including those standing outside, were stunned for a moment. ,

Then Chen Zheng looked at Chu Qingge and shouted, "Tang Zhixi!"

As he shouted these three words, he was about to fight Tang Zhixi.

But Chu Yimo stood in front of Chu Qingge and made the first move.

Chen Zheng was a pure young man before, but after arriving in M ​​state, he learned a little boxing and kicking.

But he got to where he is today, all because of his ruthless schemes.

Compared with fists and kicks, the three of them are not Chu Yimo's opponents.

Chen Zheng knocked out a tooth with a punch, and directly hit the door of the living room behind him.

Seeing that he couldn't beat him, he didn't make any more moves. He walked around to the back of the door, covered his face and said, "Chu Yimo, you have thought clearly. This is the Parker family. With the few people you bring, you are Can't get out alive."

Chu Yimo brushed his sleeves with drooping eyes, and said softly, "How do you know if you don't try?"

"Okay, you asked for it." After Chen Zheng finished speaking, he immediately gave the order.

People from the Park family were waiting at any time, and immediately surrounded them when they heard the order.

Paik's owner also immediately retreated to the safety circle.

Hui Yao everyone joins the fight.

Chu Yimo pulled out Bie Zai's gun and loaded it.

Chu Qingge held a dagger in his left hand and a gun in his right, and he was merciless in close combat and long range attacks.

With the living room as the center, people from the Parker family continued to surround them.

The Patriarch and Chen Zheng stood on the periphery, and asked someone to take Song Anrou down who was completely immobile, and then looked at them leisurely.

The head of the family said: "If something happens to Mrs. Ye here, I'm afraid Hui Yao won't let it go."

In Shanhaizhou, the status of Hui Yao and Baigui Pavilion is difficult to shake.

After all, Paik's Patriarch was still worried.

Chen Zheng curled his lips and said: "Ye Hanzhi is dead, what can she do as a woman. Hui Yao changes hands, it will always take a while, this time is the best time to dismantle Hui Yao."

"But that is Hui Yao after all." Patriarch said, "Does this woman have to die?"

"Qianye said that anyone can leave here today, but this woman must die."

After Chen Zheng finished speaking, he looked at Chu Qingge.

Looking at the murderous look all over her body, she was cold and heartless.
At that time, he liked her because he liked her coldness, detachment, beauty, and stunningness.

But what I didn't expect was that she still had so many unknown sides.

Who would have thought that a girl with blood on her hands would be so powerful in combat.

He looked at her, and gradually remembered Qianye's plan.

Qianye told him that attacking the Yunji Consortium was just one step.

If it succeeds, everyone is happy, it is an unexpected surprise.

But don't be disheartened if you don't succeed.Because this is only the beginning of the main thing in all plans: exposing the Parker family.

The attack on Yun was so successful that they would expose the Parker family in other ways.

If the attack fails, they will ask Tang Zhixi to find the Parker family by herself.

But no matter what the outcome is, Qianye said, Tang Zhixi will come.

She said that as long as the Parker family was exposed, she would definitely come according to Tang Zhixi's personality.That's something she's absolutely [-] percent sure of.

And he will definitely use the method of internal cooperation and external cooperation to attack the Platinum family.

That's why they went to intercept Hui Yao's supporters on the road.

Chen Zheng raised the corner of his mouth, and thought: Qianye knows Tang Zhixi too well, and counts her every step very clearly.

And Qianye cooperated with him, apart from wanting a piece of the pie in Shanhaizhou, he made a request that Tang Zhixi's life be killed.

So anyone can leave today, Tang Zhixi must stay here.

"Tang Zhixi, I advise you to give up early." Chen Zheng suddenly shouted, "Hui Yao's people will not come to support, no matter how powerful you are, with such a small number of people, sooner or later your physical strength will be exhausted. They are all one In the end, why bother with unnecessary struggle?"

Chu Qingge completely ignored him, knocking down one after another.

And less than three seconds after Chen Zheng finished speaking, he heard the sound of a helicopter.

From far to near, and there seem to be many sounds.

Chen Zheng and Patriarch Paik looked up at the sky immediately.

But I didn't see anything, but I heard someone running in from outside to report.

"Outside, a lot of helicopters came outside, and a lot of people came down, surrounding this place!"

Chen Zheng frowned: "Is it Hui Yao?"

"It's not just Hui Yao. There's also the Hundred Ghosts Pavilion. The only people coming to Hui Yao are helicopters. Everyone from the land and air of the Hundred Ghosts Pavilion is here."

Patriarch's expression changed suddenly: "Hundred Ghost Pavilion?!"

"Yes. Look at the color of their clothes. The ghosts, gray shadows, and yellow shirts have all brought people here."

The Patriarch's legs softened suddenly.

Chen Zheng's expression also changed.

The head of the family held Chen Zheng's arm and said: "Chen Zheng, hurry up and ask Lord Qianye to support you! Hurry up! Otherwise, Parker will be gone!"

Qianye has been in the Platinum family for the past few days.And there are a lot of her here.

It was Chen Zheng and the others who traveled between Continent M and Shanhai Continent, bringing people here bit by bit in the name of the Parker family.

That's why the Platinum family dared to make such a fuss.

It's just that Qianye said that if everything goes smoothly, she won't show up.

But now the situation is much worse than imagined.

So Chen Zheng immediately contacted Qianye, and transferred a large number of people to the periphery.

(End of this chapter)

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