Chapter 492 Rescue
The glass doors of gyms can be shattered with a single shot.But fortunately, the material of the cabinet is very good, and it is very large, which can completely block the door.

The people inside put a lot of fitness equipment on the cabinet at the door.

After making sure that the outside couldn't be pushed away by manpower, they all retreated to the corner on the other side, and no one was at the door.

Although it cannot be pushed open, there is a risk of bullets entering, and the door is still very dangerous.

When they were pushing the door inside, people came up from the sixth floor to support them.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge fought with them outside for a while, delaying the time for the door inside.

When the inside was almost done, the two went to the safe passage.

The downstairs also came from the safe passage, and the two dealt with some people in the safe passage, picked up some bullets, and then went upstairs along the stairs.

The two lived on the fifteenth floor, and went all the way up to the fifteenth floor without destroying any monitoring.

There was no one to intercept them upstairs, and the speed of the two of them was very fast, no slower than the elevator.

So I went back to my room smoothly.

Ye Hanzhi stood guard at the door, and Chu Qingge went to get the computer in his suitcase.

While breathing calmly, she searched for the police equipment outside, and then synchronized the surveillance in the hotel to them.

Let them know where in the hotel there are enemies and where there are hostages.

Then contact them by phone.

Once connected, the other party asked who she was in English.

Chu Qingge simply communicated with them in English, and said directly: "After 5 minutes, all the monitor displays in the hotel will be blacked out, and only you can see the situation in the hotel."

In 5 minutes, the outside knew the situation inside the hotel, and they cooperated from the inside, so they should be able to bypass the front and attack secretly.

After 5 minutes, the monitoring display in the hotel will be closed, and the fraud gang will not be able to see the situation of the hotel, and will not know where someone has come in.

At that time, they may destroy the monitoring.

Chu Qingge also synchronized the hotel monitoring to his and Ye Hanzhi's mobile phones, and checked their check-in information again.

Ye Hanzhi had already started a fight with the outsiders at the door, and she gave Ye Hanzhi both the gun and the mobile phone: "They won't send too many people up."

"Yes." Ye Hanzhi quickly reloaded the gun, "But they have hostages downstairs, and it's not easy to attack from the outside or from the inside. After this is settled, they will almost let us go."

Chu Qingge knocked down a person, and said: "There are people watching the police outside on the seventh and eighth floors."

Ye Hanzhi killed the last person: "Let's go there first."

"Act separately." Chu Qingge said.

Ye Hanzhi glanced at Chu Qingge, said without saying anything, "I'll go to the seventh floor."

At this time, they both trust each other enough.

"it is good."

The two immediately went to the seventh and eighth floors, and when they reached the tenth floor, the surveillance cameras in the hotel were no longer visible.

So the scam gang didn't know the whereabouts of Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge.

The police outside are still shouting and persuading.

And Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi in the building didn't use guns, and they cleared up the people on the seventh and eighth floors without any movement.

The people on the seventh and eighth floors hung up before they even had time to call for help or send any message through the headset.

After they were dealt with, there was no one to monitor the police's movement outside, and the police immediately attacked in quietly.

They entered the fifth and fourth floors.

Some people went to the second and third floors from inside.

While the other department is upstairs using the lock drop to prepare.The snipers on the opposite building are also ready.

The police come in, and they're going to be out of whack in no time.

The first time should be to fight, but it is also possible that someone will enter the room on the third and second floors to take hostages.

Once they threaten with hostages, those upstairs will immediately come down from the window with a lock and attack from behind.

As soon as the gunshots rang out on the second and third floors, the lobby on the first floor suddenly became chaotic.

First, there was the panic of the scam gang, and then the sudden restlessness of the controlled people.

Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the crowd.

Suddenly someone fired two shots at the ceiling.

The restless crowd let out horrified screams and then all fell silent again, crouching down with their heads in their hands.

"Don't move, squat down! Be honest if you don't want to die!"

Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi also squatted in the crowd, observing the situation in the lobby.

When they were on the seventh and eighth floors, the surveillance cameras in the lobby could no longer see them.

It must have been shot.

The leader of the fraud gang was very excited and kept shouting to the outside world with a loudspeaker.

And the gun in his hand was almost on the head of a girl.

As soon as the girl fell down and sat on the ground, her tears fell instantly, and she didn't dare to cry loudly. The voice she wanted to hold back but couldn't hold back seemed like she was about to suffocate herself.

"Do you really think I dare not shoot!"

Chu Qingge looked at the girl, her eyes fixed on her profile.

It's Meng Jingyi.

Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi glanced at each other.

Both of them were a bit speechless in their indifferent expressions.

How could there be such a coincidence.

The voice from the loudspeaker outside also came in: "Don't get excited, we can discuss everything. We have prepared the car you requested. Don't kill people, we can let you go!"

"Discuss? Your people are all coming in."

Chu Qingge clenched the dagger in his sleeve, and rushed out before the little boss finished his second sentence.

Ye Hanzhi also shot immediately, and hit his hand, knocking out the gun in his hand, and then covered Chu Qingge.

In an instant, all the guards in the room aimed their fire at Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi.

The police who were waiting in the safe passage on the first floor rushed over immediately, and the police outside also began to attack.

Chu Qingge took Meng Jingyi to the back of a single sofa.

Then shoot back.

Seeing this, other people in the lobby covered their heads and screamed, but fortunately, no one stood up and ran around.

Meng Jingyi was trembling with fright, clutching Chu Qingge's clothes very hard.

Chu Qingge couldn't move, so she directly pulled her hand down, and then held her wrist to prevent her from moving.

A few minutes later, the fraud gang was brought under control, and the gunfire upstairs stopped.

There were injuries upstairs and downstairs.

Others were shot.

But there is no danger to life.

The ambulance was waiting outside, and the injured were picked up one by one.

People from the scam gang were also taken away.

Because too many people were involved, they were not taken to the police station.

While appeasing everyone, I asked them some things on the spot.

There are not only residents, but also nineteen young people who were tricked into joining the gang.

Meng Jingyi was among the nineteen people.

Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi went to the upstairs room and were questioned alone.

It was already expected by the two of them, so Ye Hanzhi called the M state Huiyao branch and asked them to come and get him.

 Today is also a chapter.

  It has been modified for a long time.

  Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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