Chapter 493 Returning to Beijing
Ye Hanzhi said that he was asking people to hunt them down, but in fact, the M state police became more polite once he finished talking about Hui Yao.

He called just to get someone to pick them up.

While waiting for people to come, Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge listened to the process of being scammed while resting.

These nineteen men and women were all tricked by online dating.

They went to different places to meet each other and were brought here.

The police said that this organization should be specialized in online dating.

They will be divided into many organizations, and each organization has its own means of deception.

Neither Chu Qingge nor Ye Hanzhi said much.When someone came to pick them up, they took their things and prepared to leave.

On the benches in the lobby, more than a dozen people who were cheated sat in a row.

Seeing Chu Qingge coming out, Meng Jingyi subconsciously chased after him.

Seeing her running over, Chu Qingge also stopped.

"Tang Zhixi."

Chu Qingge didn't respond and looked at her.

Meng Jingyi clutched her clothes, then whispered: "Thank you."

After finishing speaking, she said again: "I'm sorry."

Chu Qingge paused, and said "You're welcome." But she confiscated that sentence.

Meng Jingyi's face was covered with dried tears, her eyes were still red, and she looked pitiful.After Chu Qingge said you're welcome, she didn't make a sound, and she didn't speak either.

Just standing in front of her with his head down, like a child who has made a mistake.

"Is there anything else?" Chu Qingge asked.

"Did you already hear how I was tricked?" Meng Jingyi asked suddenly.

"En." Chu Qingge said.

"Then you don't have anything to tell me?" Meng Jingyi's head lowered due to embarrassment and shame.

It seemed that she was also ready to accept Chu Qingge's ridicule.

Chu Qingge put her hands in her pockets, looked at her, and said in a moment: "Online dating is risky, so you need to be cautious when running now."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows.

Meng Jingyi looked up at her: "Just, is that all?"

"Otherwise?" Chu Qingge said, "You set up such a freshman organization on the Internet to blackmail me. You are so capable, and you were deceived. What else can I say besides telling you to be careful."

Meng Jingyi frowned, met her calm eyes, and immediately lowered her head: "I said I'm sorry."

"Yes. I didn't accept it." Chu Qingge said lightly.

Meng Jingyi choked.After a few seconds, he said: "You are also responsible. Yes, the third master sued me. I have been doing nothing during this time, so I was deceived so easily."

"So you still blame me?" Chu Qingge asked back.

"Blame me." Meng Jingyi said listlessly, "I shouldn't have slandered you for no reason."

"You also know it's inexplicable. It's alright, someone will come to take all the people from China back to China later." Chu Qingge said, "You guys should cooperate with the investigation here."


The people from Hui Yao's M state branch came to pick them up.

More than one car came to pick it up, and a convoy came, and every car had the flag of Hui Yao.

When Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge went out, they were stunned watching the battle.

The leader was a woman with a pretty face.

Seeing them coming out, the woman immediately went up to meet them: "Third Master."

Chu Qingge looked at her, isn't this the female version of Duize?
Ye Hanzhi responded, and introduced to Chu Qingge: "Xunfeng, the person in charge of M state."

Xunfeng immediately looked at Chu Qingge, she smiled, and there was a dimple on the left cheek: "Hi sister-in-law, my name is Xunfeng."

Chu Qingge raised her eyebrows. It was the first time she was called sister-in-law. It was a bit strange: "Hello."

Ye Hanzhi looked at Chu Qingge and raised the corner of his mouth: "She is Duize's younger sister."

"Third Master, it's my sister."

Ye Hanzhi ignored her.

Xun Feng curled his lips, then smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, this way please."

After getting into the car, Ye Hanzhi said, "Why bring so many people here?"

"Extraordinary." Xun Feng said, "Hui Yao is still here to pick you up when he travels. The extravagance is of course bigger."

Chu Qingge closed his eyes.

Whether it's Hui Yao, Yun Ji, D Continent, or the Imperial Capital, everyone is afraid of Ye Hanzhi.

But Yue Sinuo and Xun Feng were obviously not that afraid of him.

Ye Hanzhi seemed to be gentler with girls all the time.But always keep your distance.

"Just caught a scam gang." Ye Hanzhi said, "There should be a bigger organization behind it. Check it out and solve it."

"Yes." Xun Feng responded.

"There are also a few domestic ones in the hotel just now. After cooperating with the investigation, they will be sent back to China."


Ye Hanzhi tilted his head to look at the closed Chu Qingge, and then said to Xunfeng: "Open it steadily."

Xunfeng looked out from the rearview mirror, and then his aunt smiled and said, "Okay."

They rested in M ​​Continent for a day, returned to Shanhai Continent, stayed there for another day, and then returned to Imperial Capital.

After returning to the imperial capital, the two went to the research institute every day.

Ye Hanzhi occasionally went to Yunji.

Chu Mingjin accompanied Xia Luoqing on a tour.

So there is no one to pick up Chu Qingge for the time being.

Chu Qingge went home one to three to accompany Mr. Chu and the others.

Two Four Six and Ye Hanzhi went back to Ye's house together.

Where to go back on Sunday to see her mood.

After two weeks back, I had a day off on Sunday.

Ye Hanzhi went to Yunji Consortium after breakfast, Chu Qingge was at home, after breakfast, she occupied Ye Hanzhi's study.

After sorting out the experimental data, I started writing the paper.

After eating at noon, Nan Cheng went to the study with him.

She was writing a dissertation, and Nan Cheng was holding the computer beside her, typing on and off, and coding the program.

Chu Qingge glanced at him: "What are you doing?"

"Father Ye assigned me a task." Maybe it was not smooth when encountering a difficult place, Nan Cheng's face was a little bitter,

"What mission."

"He told me to inherit Yunji, so I have to learn a little bit now." Nan admitted the truth.

Chu Qingge: "."

Nan Cheng knocked twice and then stopped, looking at Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge knew what he was thinking when he saw his eyes, and immediately said: "I don't know, don't look at me."

"You are Nine Gods."

"I am Jiushen, so I have to know it?" Chu Qingge continued to write the paper, ignoring him.

Nan Cheng saw that she really didn't help him, so he wrote down what he couldn't, and planned to wait for Ye Hanzhi to come back and ask him.

After a while, Nan Cheng said again: "Did something happen?"

"What?" Chu Qingge asked while looking at the computer.

"Whenever I go out these days, an uncle will follow me." Nan Chengdao, "I have bodyguards following me when I go out. Why did someone suddenly come and follow me closely?"

Chu Qingge paused for a moment, and then said: "You pay a lot for personal protection. They want to make more money."

The corner of Nan Cheng's mouth twitched, the reason: "Oh."

After three o'clock, Nan Cheng fell asleep in the study.Chu Qingge carried him back to the bedroom, looked at him for a while, and then walked around the lotus pond by herself for a while.

She was sitting on the swing, looking at the lotus flowers in full bloom.

After a while, there were footsteps approaching, she stopped the swing, and turned her head to look over.

Uncle Rui came over, stopped, looked at her kindly, and called out: "Miss."

 menstrual period.

  Stomach pain, back pain, and sleepy.I just can't sit still.

  Still a chapter.

  I have to sleep.

  Wait a little longer, I'll have more.

  But more is unlikely.

  Because this article may be coming to an end.So. I am not very willing to do more.I want it to end, but I don't want it to end.


  Of course, this is not the reason for me to update.

  Today is really uncomfortable.

  Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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