The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 495 The bottom line is you

Chapter 495 The bottom line is you
Yunji Consortium.

After Ye Hanzhi finished his work, he didn't leave immediately.

On the side wall of the office, there is a holographic projection transparent screen ten meters by ten meters.

The above shows the distribution map of Continent M, Continent D, Continent F, Continent A, and Shanhai Continent.

The above shows the distribution locations of entertainment venues, underground casinos, boxing rings, etc. in each continent.

Every place like this is marked with a red dot.

Others are marked with green dots.

The green dot marks the transaction location of the destroyed 319.

On the whole, these red dots and green dots are distributed in a staggered manner.

Ye Hanzhi was sitting behind the desk, looking at the distribution with his chair sideways.

After a while, he marked a few points and connected a few lines.After a while, he rubbed another line, tapped his fingers on the table, thinking about where this line should be connected.

At this moment, there were two knocks on the office door.

He turned his head to look over, the door opened, and Chu Qingge stood at the door.

Ye Hanzhi froze for a moment, then moved his hand to turn off the projector.

He smiled as usual, then stood up and said, "Little girl, why did you remember this?"

Chu Qingge looked at the side wall, but didn't go in: "Busy?"

"It's not something important, let's take a look." Ye Hanzhi walked up to her, only to find that her lips were a little abnormally red, "What's wrong?"

He touched her forehead, it was a little hot.

"Uncle Rui?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

Chu Qingge nodded: "He admitted it to me."

Ye Hanzhi hugged her in his arms and patted her head: "Okay, it's fine."

"Ye Hanzhi, when I first came out of Continent A, there was only Uncle Rui." Chu Qingge put his face on her shoulder and said, "He is here. I know someone is protecting Nan Cheng. I feel at ease and at ease. .”

"I know."

"He helped me with a lot of things."

Ye Hanzhi stroked her hair.

"I very much hope that my suspicion is wrong." Chu Qingge's hands gripped Ye Hanzhi's shirt forcefully.Shaking slightly with force.

Ye Hanzhi kissed the top of her hair: "I understand."

Chu Qingge didn't speak any more, letting Ye Hanzhi hold her all the time.

Ye Hanzhi didn't speak either, he just patted her head, trying to make her relax little by little.

It wasn't until Chu Qingge's mood stabilized that he took her into the office and sat on the sofa.

Then he poured her a cup of hot water.

Chu Qingge not only has red lips, but also red eyes.

"How did you deal with it?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"Let him go to Continent M and accompany Jing Qi." Chu Qingge whispered, "Or you decide. He targeted you, and you can deal with it however you want."

Going to M state to accompany Jing Qi is to be imprisoned for a lifetime.For the rest of his life, he faced Jing Qi's disability and faced his inner guilt.

Even for a killer, there is no order, no mission.Just live in a daze.

Ye Hanzhi touched her face: "Listen to you."

Chu Qingge held the cup and did not speak.

"Is it because of Jing Yanbai?" Ye Hanzhi said.

Chu Qingge nodded.

Ye Hanzhi knew the general idea, so he didn't ask again: "Everyone is his master, this may be a relief for him."

Chu Qingge was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "I have always trusted him. Because when he was in Continent A, Uncle Rui didn't communicate much with Jing Yanbai, and he didn't get involved in Jing Yanbai's affairs. His mission seems to be only Take care of sister Qi, take care of me, take care of Nan Cheng. And Jing Yanbai hates Nan Cheng very much, and even threatens his life. So I always took it for granted that he came out of Continent A with me."

"He may like this ordinary life very much, but... he became a killer first, and his result was doomed."

"I'm sorry." Chu Qingge said, "I almost hurt you."

"Hit me?" Ye Hanzhi shook her head and made her look at him, "He has to have this ability. Let alone him. Even Jing Yanbai, who hides in the dark and takes advantage of various advantages, can Can't hurt me."

Hearing his arrogant tone, Chu Qingge moved her eyebrows slightly, but her eyes were indeed a little out of focus, as if she didn't know what she was thinking, what she was looking at: "What if I'm not a good person?"

Ye Hanzhi pinched her chin and shook it lightly: "Then I'm not a good person either."

"Third Master, what's the bottom line?" Chu Qingge's gaze finally focused on his face.

Ye Hanzhi kissed her: "Here it is. You are."

Chu Qingge slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

On the same day, Chu Qingge returned directly to the Chu family from the Yunji Consortium.

The next day, before Nan Cheng woke up, Ye Hanzhi asked someone to take Uncle Rui away.

Before leaving, Uncle Rui kept looking around.

Ye Hanzhi said: "She didn't come."

Uncle Rui lowered his head in disappointment: "Third Master, I'm sorry."

"A lot of things can't be judged by right or wrong. You have what you are loyal to, and we have what we believe in." Ye Hanzhi said, "The way is different. Although what you are loyal to is not a thing. But it is what we and he have before. things. So no need to apologize."

Uncle Rui smiled: "I didn't tell the young master, and I don't know how to tell him. I left him a letter. Please give it to the third master for me."

Ye Hanzhi took it: "Yes."

After Uncle Rui was sent away, Ye Hanzhi took the letter back to Ye's house.

Ye Hanbei has already got up and is running in the yard.

Seeing Ye Hanzhi come back, he said, "Going away?"


"What is this?" Ye Hanbei asked looking at the heart in his hand.

Ye Hanzhi handed it to him: "Jing Rui's letter to Nan Cheng."

Ye Hanbei immediately took a step back: "What are you doing for me?"

"Your son, of course you will give it." Ye Hanzhi said.

"Now that I think about it, it's my son?" Ye Hanbei said, "What's the matter? Have you severed the father-son relationship with him?"

"Do you have any complaints about me recently?" Ye Hanzhi looked at him and said, "Why are there three sentences, two of which are hot?"

"Heh." Ye Hanbei chuckled, "You have people locked up in your home and not allowed to go out to try. If it were you, with your bad temper, you would definitely have demolished the house by now."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows: "What? The house is so big, it's not enough for you to run, or not enough for you to train? Brother specially set up a shooting range for you at home. I didn't get this kind of treatment back then."

It's okay if you don't talk about it, but when you talk about it, Ye Hanbei gets even more angry: "Is that for me? It's for Nan Cheng's shooting practice."

As soon as Nan Cheng was mentioned, Ye Hanzhi looked at the letter in his hand and worried again.

Seeing him like this, Ye Hanbei asked, "Will he cry? I haven't seen him cry since I came back."

Ye Hanzhi pressed the letter directly on him: "It's just right, you can go and have a look."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

The letter fell from his body, and Ye Hanbei subconsciously caught it: "Ye Lao San, you've gone too far. I'm angry!"

Ye Hanzhi couldn't hear him, so he walked leisurely to the front hall.

"Hey, your wings are really hard when you grow up." Ye Hanbei yelled, "Who is it? I gave birth to you after patiently persuading my parents in front of my parents. That's why I have your current happy life. Forget it, right?"

"I haven't forgotten." Ye Hanzhi said slowly without turning his head, "It's you. You are the best second brother. So your younger brother begged you for such a small matter, wouldn't you refuse to do it?"

Ye Hanbei: "."

Ye Hanbei: "?????"

How could he be punished in turn?

 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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