The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 496 Coaxing the Children

Chapter 496 Coaxing the Children

Although Ye Hanzhi and Ye Hanbei shied away from each other for a long time, they still gave the letter to Nan Cheng more than an hour after he finished his breakfast.

Nan Cheng didn't see Uncle Rui when he got up in the morning, he had already searched around, and even asked where Uncle Rui had gone.

But Ye Lin and Lin Nai didn't know how to tell him for a while, so they didn't speak very clearly, as if they were out busy.

Nan Cheng noticed something was wrong.

Perhaps since he woke up from a nap yesterday afternoon, he felt that something was wrong with Uncle Rui.

After eating breakfast with doubts, and playing the piano for a while, Ye Hanzhi and Ye Hanbei handed the letter to their hands.

Uncle Rui didn't write too much in his letter, he just said: [The young master has grown up, it's time for Grandpa Rui to do his own thing.There is another grandfather who needs to be taken care of by Grandpa Rui, and Grandpa Rui will not be with the young master in the future. ]
Just a simple sentence.

After Nan Cheng finished reading, he stared at the two people in front of him with big confused eyes.

Ye Hanzhi and Ye Hanbei also looked at him, neither of them spoke.

The three were silent for a while, Nan Cheng held the letter in his hand, looked at the two of them and asked, "What does Grandpa Rui mean? Who is the other grandpa?"

Ye Hanbei didn't make a sound.

Ye Hanzhi said lightly, "You don't know him."

"Can't you get Dijing to take care of you?" Nan Cheng asked again.

Ye Hanzhi didn't say anything this time either, but he acquiesced, it's not allowed.

"So... isn't Grandpa Rui coming back?" Nan Cheng asked, his eyes turned red again, and his voice became hoarse.

"Yes." Ye Hanbei replied.

"Why?" Nan Cheng felt that they would not answer after asking, so he immediately asked another question, "Does my mother know?"

Ye Hanzhi nodded: "I know."

Nan Cheng raised his face, and after hearing these two words, tears fell from his eyes.

He immediately raised his hand to wipe it again, then lowered his head to hold back his tears.

It's just that it was not very successful, and the small body was shaking and whimpering softly.

The corners of Ye Hanbei's eyes twitched: "Nan Cheng."

"I'm fine." Nan Cheng choked up, "I'm really fine. I'll be fine in a while."

Ye Hanbei frowned with some distress.

Ye Hanzhi pressed his little head: "You can cry if you feel uncomfortable."

Nan Cheng wiped his eyes again, then shook his head: "I've grown up."

Ye Hanzhi squatted in front of him and looked at him: "Nan Cheng, parting is something that each of us will experience. We can't change it, and we can't do anything about it. It has nothing to do with growing up, so we can cry without shame."

Ye Hanbei looked at Ye Hanzhi with downcast eyes, and gently curled up the hand hanging by his side.

When he left, did his brother do the same?

Nan Cheng shook his head, didn't say anything, turned around and walked upstairs.

Ye Hanbei looked at his little back and said, "Let him stay by himself for a while."

Ye Hanzhi stood up, sighed softly, and said, "Time flies so fast, when you grow up, you will grow up, will you not be able to bully me in a few years?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Ye Hanbei, saw him staring at him in a daze, and said, "What's the matter? Are you feeling that I have grown up so much?"

Ye Hanbei nodded: "Yeah, I'm already a father. I still look good. In the past, I wouldn't have dared to think about it."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows.

He didn't dare to think about it either.

Put this kind of thing in the past.First of all, he won't come.Secondly, when he came, he put down the letter and turned around and left.

He would not do such things as coaxing children.

It's unpredictable.

"When will Qingge and Qingge have children?" Ye Hanbei asked suddenly.

"What? Dislike me for robbing the child with you?" Ye Hanzhi walked out together with him.

"A bit."

"Be patient." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'll leave it to you. I'll go to the research institute."

Nan Cheng was listless all day, no matter who comforted him, he said it was all right, and he didn't cry anymore.

It's just that after all, I'm young, I can't hide my emotions, and I don't even have enough food to eat.

Until Chu Qingge came back in the afternoon.

Seeing her, Nan Cheng curled his mouth, and tears fell like a bank burst.

The little shoulders twitched.

Ye Lin, Lin Naiyi, and Ye Hanbei stood not far away, watching him cry when he suddenly collapsed.

Ye Hanbei: "This"

"Still kissing Qingge." Ye Lin said.

"That's not it." Linnai said.

Chu Qingge was still some distance away from him, seeing him crying, her pace did not quicken.She watched him cry, and every step he took, seemed cold-blooded and heartless.

But after walking in front of him, he squatted down.

Nan Cheng immediately hugged her neck, buried his face on her shoulder, and wept violently.

Ye Hanzhi stood behind Chu Qingge, looking at the two of them.

Chu Qingge didn't say anything, and let Nan Cheng hold her and cry.Until Nan Cheng cried enough, his voice became quieter, and he buried himself on her shoulder and whispered a question: "Will I still see Grandpa Rui in the future?"

"I heard that you have grown up." Chu Qingge didn't answer him, but said, "Say I don't cry anymore."

Nan Cheng wet the clothes on her shoulders from crying, moved, and buried his face on her other shoulder: "I'm already like this, and you're still laughing at me."

"You're already like this, why don't you make people laugh at you?" Chu Qingge said, "Didn't you come to my door to make me laugh at you?"

Ye Hanzhi smiled.

Nan Cheng: "."

Seeing that he stopped talking, Chu Qingge returned to his question just now: "If you want to see him, you can see him."

"Really?" Nan Cheng asked in a low voice.


"What about you?" Nan Cheng asked again.

"I won't go." Chu Qingge said directly, "Nan Cheng, the matter between us adults will not affect you, so you don't have to worry about it. You are young now, what do you want to do, you need to tell me, Or tell someone at home to let someone take you there. When you grow up, where you want to go and who you meet is your freedom. You don’t need to tell me anymore.”

Nan Cheng hugged her in silence for a while, but still spoke out his inner thoughts: "But I won't be able to see Grandpa Rui every day from now on."

"Yes." Chu Qingge said, "So you should learn to accept it. No one can accompany you every day. You are growing up slowly, and even if we want to see you every day, we will not see you. Of course, in this case It doesn't exist, I don't want to see you every day."

Ye Hanzhi stood behind her and touched her head.

Nan Cheng didn't speak, but hugged her tighter.

Chu Qingge let him hug her for a while, and then said: "Get up, my legs are numb."

Only then did Nan Cheng let go of her, his eyes and nose were red from crying.

Ye Hanzhi helped Chu Qingge get up.

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Chu Qingge suddenly said: "Your snot is all over the clothes, let me pay for it."

Nan Cheng pouted, feeling even more sad.

(End of this chapter)

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