The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 522 No one wants to be happy

Chapter 522 No one wants to be happy
Jing Yanbai was clearly prepared for Chu Qingge's coming.

In other words, since Chu Qingge left continent A, he has been preparing for it.

Where they are now is a private island.

According to Chu Qingge's judgment, this should be a new foothold, because the decoration of the living room can be seen to be a bit hasty.

It's not Jing Yanbai's final base, they may continue to go after a simple rest.

When Chu Qingge went back to the room, Jing Yanbai took her to meet the aunt who would be in charge of her life in the future.

Auntie Zhou, in her 50s, took her into the room and told her where all the clothes were.

The clothes in the closet are all her favorite styles, mostly skirts.

There are different sizes, Auntie looked at her, and found the home clothes that fit her.

The auntie only said three sentences throughout the whole process, one of which was to ask Chu Qingge if there was anything else.

Chu Qingge said no.

The aunt packed up some clothes that were not the right size and took them out.

Chu Qingge waited for her to go out, locked the door, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, when I went downstairs again, the meal was already prepared downstairs.

Chu Qingge ignored Jing Yanbai's greeting, walked to the restaurant by herself, sat down, picked up chopsticks and ate.

Qianye watched her behavior with a straight face.

Jing Yanbai had no temper at all, stood in the living room for a while, then went into the dining room and sat down.

The table is full of Chu Qingge's favorite dishes.

Jing Yanbai served her a bowl of soup and put it in front of her: "I haven't eaten for a long time, let's drink some soup first."

Chu Qingge did not treat herself badly, she put down her chopsticks and drank a bowl of soup first.

After drinking, Jing Yanbai served her some more, and then peeled the prawns for her: "I had someone prepare something to eat on the way, why didn't you eat something? Did they treat you badly?"

"Is it safe to eat?" Chu Qingge said without raising his eyes, "If someone poisons me, wouldn't I die on the way?"

"No one will poison you." Jing Yanbai said.

"Yes. But someone knows that I'm allergic." Chu Qingge's tone of yin and yang got to the essence, "If I get suffocated to death, I'll find someone to reason with."

Qianye stood not far away, and when he heard her words, panic flashed across his face for a moment.

Jing Yanbai turned his head to look at Qianye.

Qianye immediately lowered his head and said, "Young Master Jing, I dare not."

Chu Qingge paused with his chopsticks, and looked at Qianye: "I'm curious, why didn't you die?"

Qianye felt that Jing Yanbai's eyes hadn't moved away, so she didn't dare to raise her head, and didn't dare to make a sound.

Jing Yanbai looked at her for a while, then turned around, his expression softened and his tone softened: "My heart is way off."

"Oh." Chu Qingge said contemptuously, "I knew it was the beginning."

Qianye lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and controlled his emotions.

"You can kill her anytime you want." Jing Yanbai said.

Qianye's eyes widened, and his pupils trembled.

Chu Qingge looked at Qianye: "Let's keep it for now. Maybe one day I will get angry and die of anger."

Her goal is Jing Yanbai's laboratory, and her "sincerity" in defecting to them has to be pretended.Even if Jing Yanbai doubted her, she had to pretend.

Jing Yanbai raised his eyebrows lightly, his ability to irritate people has really improved more and more.

Afterwards, Chu Qingge didn't speak any more, just quietly, eating seriously.

She didn't even respond to what Jing Yanbai said to her.

After more than half an hour, I was full.She threw the chopsticks on the table, got up, and lost her temper: "It's so unpalatable."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the restaurant without looking back.

Jing Yanbai's gaze stopped for two seconds on the chopstick that she had thrown so badly.Then he looked at the two piles of shrimp shells beside him.

Jing Yanbai: "."

After Chu Qingge went upstairs, Qianye walked over and stood beside Jing Yanbai.

Jing Yanbai took the tissue and slowly wiped his fingers: "Speak up if you have something to say."

"Young Master Jing, don't you think she came here too smoothly?" Qianye said, "I asked the brothers who went to Dijing, and a group of unknown forces got involved. I'm afraid they sent her here on purpose."

Jing Yan raised the corner of his mouth: "So what if it was on purpose?"

Qianye frowned inexplicably.

"Her people don't help? Can we just rely on our people to pick her up?"

"You did it on purpose?" Qianye asked.

Jing Yanbai acquiesced: "What I want is her. As for how she came here? What is she doing here? I don't really care."

Jing Yanbai threw the tissue on the table, and there was a moment of gloom in his eyes: "Anyway, she can't leave."

Just as Jing Yanbai finished speaking, a crisp bang exploded in the living room.

Qianye immediately looked over, only seeing a ceramic shard that was about to fly to the dining room.

Jing Yanbai went out immediately.

As soon as he walked out of the dining room, he saw a vase flying down from the second floor and falling straight into the living room.

There was another bang, the fragments flew, and another one went directly to Jing Yanbai's feet.

On the second floor stood Chu Qingge.

"Yinghuo, what are you doing!" Qianye stood in front of Jing Yanbai.

Chu Qingge glanced at them, and then didn't know where to find the slingshot upstairs.

She picked up a stone from the vase of the green plants on the second floor, put it on the slingshot, pulled it away, and aimed.


A large vase the height of a person in the living room was broken.

All the guards standing outside the living room looked over.

Everyone looked solemn, probably thinking that this person might die a miserable death in a while.

They have been with Jing Yanbai for so long, but they have never seen anyone who dared to die in front of Jing Yanbai.

And Chu Qingge took another stone, drew his bow, and aimed at the big vase on the other side.

"Yinghuo, stop beating." Jing Yanbai looked up at her, his voice a little more serious.

Then Chu Qingge just glanced at him lightly.then let go
There was another sound, and another vase broke.

The "sincerity" of going to him is to pretend.But she is unhappy, so no one can feel comfortable.

Jing Yanbai: "."

Chu Qingge looked at Jing Yanbai.

Jing Yan narrowed his pale blue eyes.

Under his watchful eyes, Chu Qingge grabbed the green plant beside her, and exerted all her strength.Put it down and the vase shattered again.

Fragments, including soil, fell from the railing on the second floor.

Jing Yanbai's eyes were stained with helplessness.

Chu Qingge stopped looking at him, turned and went back to the room.

Returning to calm, after a while, Qianye looked at the mess, took a light breath, and looked at Jing Yanbai: "Jing Shao, this."

Jing Yanbai sighed softly, and he couldn't hide his indulgence in his tone: "Children, if you are unhappy, just lose your temper."

Qianye: "."

A group of people outside the living room watched the little girl ignore Jing Yanbai and return to her room, she was fine.Suddenly, I doubt whether Jing Yanbai today is the same person as before.

"She." Qianye said, "Why is she more tempered than in previous years?"

Jing Yanbai laughed: "When you grow up, your temper grows. Let someone clean it up."


After Jing Yanbai left, Qianye sent someone to clean up.

She looked at the fragments on the ground, and suddenly thought of a word: relying on favor and being proud
 still a chapter

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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