Chapter 523 Recording
Imperial City, Meng Family

After Meng Ying failed to contact Qin Ke again, he threw the phone out with a flick of his hand.

Mrs. Meng sat aside anxiously: "Why can't I get in touch?"

"Why can't I get in touch?!" Meng Ying roared angrily, "He used me! How dare he use me!"

While talking, Meng Ying swept everything on the table to the ground.

Madam Meng was so frightened that she covered her ears and stepped back a few steps, not daring to speak.

Meng Ying was so angry that his chest heaved and his face flushed.After a while, he said: "What did you say to let his people come in and kill Tang Zhixi, without my people getting involved, and I won't be implicated. All of them are bullshit! He took people out! How dare he use me! "

He smashed everything he could smash again.

Mrs. Meng covered her ears and listened to the sound of thunderbolt, bang, and falling things, which were louder and louder.She suddenly couldn't help shouting: "What's the use of losing your temper. If you have the ability to catch him, catch them all, and avenge your son and daughter!"

"Shut up! Apart from opening your mouth, what can you do! You want to educate me!"

As soon as Meng Ying finished speaking, there was a loud noise outside.

"Ah!" Mrs. Meng was so frightened that she hugged her head and hid against the wall.

Meng Ying was also taken aback. He froze for a moment before I was able to look out the window of the study.

The gate of the villa courtyard fell to the ground and opened wide.

A group of people in black combat uniforms broke in, and the Meng family villa was surrounded.

People who break in, enter and destroy while entering.

All the stone benches on the side of the road were pushed down, and everything that could be damaged was destroyed.

When the people from the villa stopped him, they beat him mercilessly, and they couldn't stop him at all.

Seeing this, Meng Ying immediately went downstairs.

When he got downstairs, all the French windows in the living room had been smashed.Shards of glass splattered everywhere.

"Who are you! What are you doing! Do you know where this is!" Meng Ying roared angrily.

Duize glanced at him and sneered: "Mr. Meng is talking about where this is, is he talking about the address here, or is he talking about the longitude and latitude of this place?"

"Who are you!"

After asking this question, Ye Hanzhi appeared at the door.

Seeing him, Meng Ying immediately rushed towards him: "Ye Hanzhi, it's you again! Ugh!"

As soon as he reached Ye Hanzhi, he was kicked out by Ye Hanzhi.

Meng Ying was kicked two or three meters away, and after falling to the ground, he rolled around before stopping.

His body was scratched by debris, and he couldn't get up suddenly.

Ye Hanzhi's eyes were red, his face was expressionless, and he said softly, "Tear this place down."

"Yes." Duize responded and waved his hand.Everyone started walking upstairs.

Mrs. Meng ran down the stairs and saw blood on Meng Ying's body, lying on the ground almost unable to move, she yelled again.

She quickly came to Meng Ying's side, trying to help him up, but she couldn't use the strength: "Meng Ying, Meng Ying!"

Meng Ying was speechless.

Madam Meng looked at Ye Hanzhi with tears all over her face: "Ye Hanzhi! What on earth are you trying to do! Isn't our family suffering enough from you!"

"Now you know it's miserable? Do you know it hurts when the knife touches your body?" Ye Hanzhi looked down at them from above.

Mrs. Meng flinched in fright at Ye Hanzhi's appearance.

Meng Ying grabbed Mrs. Meng's arm and sat up for a while.He took a few breaths and said, "Ye Hanzhi, do you know what you're doing? Do you know where this is? Let me tell you! Even if your brother came, he wouldn't dare to do this here."

"Am I the one who won't come?" Ye Hanzhi's expression was like Shura from hell, making people break out in a cold sweat just by looking at it.

The sound of beating came from upstairs again.

"I'm going to sue you!" Meng Ying said, "I'm going to sue you. I want to see how the Ye family protects you this time."

Ye Hanzhi ignored him.

He took out his phone, found a recording, and clicked to play it.

There was a rustling sound at the beginning of the recording, but after a few seconds, there was the sound of someone talking, which was Meng Ying's voice.

"You want to kill Tang Zhixi? Why?"

Then came Qin Ke's voice: "Of course there is a personal enmity. Does Mr. Meng not want her to die?"

There was a moment of silence during the recording.

Afterwards, it was Qin Ke's voice again: "Mr. Meng. I got her fingerprints while she was signing the documents. I have changed the dean's usual medicine for two days. Once the dean dies, I can frame her She. I told Mr. Meng all these, and this is my sincerity."

"Why did you kill Dean Yue? Aren't you brought up by the dean?" Meng Ying's voice was full of shock.

Qin Ke smiled and said, "Yes. Someone sent me to the dean on purpose. Killing him is my last task."

There was another long silence, and it was Qin Ke who spoke first.

"Mr. Meng, what do you think? Make a decision as soon as possible, which is just a matter of these few days."

Meng Ying was silent for a while before saying, "It's just a fingerprint, it's hard to convict her."

"Public opinion on the Internet. As long as the matter is exposed, right and wrong will be unclear." Qin Ke said, "And when it is unclear, we should attack her. Let her disappear forever, and all It will never be clear what happened. Even if you die, you will be charged with a crime."

"Why are you looking for me? How can you be sure that I will help you instead of exposing you." Meng Ying said.

"I trust Mr. Meng."

Meng Ying laughed: "You should know that I won't do these things. Although I can mobilize many people, they don't belong to me personally. I won't spend my whole life doing this thing."

"Mr. Meng. You don't need to do this. I won't let you touch it." Qin Ke said, "The imperial capital is very guarded, but there is an opening. It is easy to come in, but difficult to get out. As long as my people go out, Mr. Meng Make a cooperation, and the rest will be done by my people."

"Your people?" Meng Ying said, "How can I believe that your people can do this?"

"319." Qin Ke said calmly, "Mr. Meng has heard of the ability of the people behind 319."

"Are you one of them?"

Qin Ke said: "Not accurate. I just cooperated with them. It is our common task to kill Dean Yue. Because we are going out, we need Mr. Meng's help. It can be regarded as selling to Tang Zhixi on this matter. Boss Meng is a favor."

Meng Ying didn't speak.

After a while Qin Ke said: "Mr. Meng, I have already done something to Dean Yue. Anyway, this matter is already in progress and cannot be undone. Mr. Meng's hands will be clean from beginning to end. So, why is Mr. Meng still hesitating?"

Meng Ying seemed to think for a while before saying, "I'll only help you out, and I won't get involved in the rest."

"No problem." Qin Ke smiled, "Boss Meng is waiting for my good news."

 A chapter

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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