Chapter 542
There are too many accounts between them.

Ye Hanzhi supported Chu Qingge's chin, slowed down for a while, and finally lifted the quilt to go to the bathroom: "Go to sleep first."

Chu Qingge raised his eyebrows and smiled, and when Ye Hanzhi got up, he tugged at his hand.

He dragged him back to the bed again.

Ye Hanzhi looked at this trickster.

In the darkness, he could see the red corners of his eyes, like a goblin who would eat people at any time.

But goblins have been going vegetarian lately.

Chu Qingge looked at him with a smile on his face: "Let me eat an ice cream tomorrow, and I will let you go."

Ye Hanzhi narrowed his eyes suddenly, the goblin suddenly wanted to half-open.

He returned to the bed, put his hands on the back of her head, and kissed her.

This kiss is too lustful.

Chu Qingge's hand grabbed the bathrobe on his shoulder.

But soon, Ye Hanzhi took her hand and took it off her shoulder.

After pinching her hand twice, she took her hand down.

"Ma'am, let me regularly check whether I am worthless or not." Ye Hanzhi whispered in her ear.

Chu Qingge: "."

When Chu Qingge was carried to the bathroom to wash her hands, her wrists were sore and numb.

There was also a thin layer of sweat on the back.

Ye Hanzhi took off his slippers, asked her to put them on, and stepped on the floor with his bare feet.

While washing her hands, he kissed her ear: "You are honest?"

Chu Qingge didn't reply to him, but backhanded his face with water.

"You still have a temper?" Ye Hanzhi wiped her hands dry, "Are you sleepy?"


"Take a bath?" Ye Hanzhi began to be dishonest while talking.

Feeling his fingers, Chu Qingge was slightly taken aback, subconsciously leaned into his arms, her back stiffened: "Ye Hanzhi."

Ye Hanzhi looked at her rapidly red ears from the mirror, and a gentle smile appeared in his eyes: "It's wet. My back is sweating too. Let's wash it off."

Chu Qingge froze for a while, then curled up her fingertips.

He grabbed Ye Hanzhi with his backhand, pushed and kicked him, and kicked him out of the bathroom.

Ye Hanzhi staggered, and after standing firm, he said, "Slow down."

Chu Qingge ignored him and slammed the door directly.

Ye Hanzhi looked at the trembling door, went to get her clothes, and put them at the bathroom door.Then went to another bathroom to take a shower.

After three months of pregnancy, Chu Qingge went for a checkup, and there was no problem.

Chu Qingge didn't have any obvious reaction.

Even the occasional nausea is gone.

Aunt Wenren made recipes for her.Lin Naiyi also pays attention to her situation at all times, and immediately makes up for any shortcomings in food.

Everything was normal, and Ye Hanzhi behaved quite normally.

But only Chu Qingge knew that Ye Hanzhi's anxiety never dissipated.

He wakes up every night.

And Ye Hanzhi lost another two catties.

Another pregnancy test, Chu Qingge and the doctor asked about the situation.

Why was she the one who was pregnant, but Ye Hanzhi was the one who had the problem.

The doctor said that if a husband pays too much attention to his wife, the husband will easily have a series of problems and reactions that pregnant women may have during the wife's pregnancy.

Everyone reacts differently.

Some have insomnia, and there are cases where the wife does not vomit during pregnancy, but the husband vomits throughout the pregnancy.

As long as there is no physical problem, if it is too serious, you need to see a doctor or see a psychiatrist.

But which psychiatrist is better than Ye Hanzhi.

Chu Qingge even felt that if it wasn't for Ye Hanzhi's mental strength.The reaction to his presence would be much bigger than what she saw now.

In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, Ye Hanbei took Nan Cheng to Mzhou to see Jingrui.

Ye Hanzhi went to Hanqing Village.

During the two days he left, he asked Chu Yimo, Gu Xia and Su Qian to pick up Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge knew that Ye Hanzhi was worried, so he didn't say anything about it.

Ye Hanzhi was in Hanqing Village and went to see Tang Peihua and Tang Zhixi on the mountain. As in previous years, he brought two bottles of wine.

I briefly talked about Chu Qingge's situation, the movie that will be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and some things about Zui Shengcao.

Afterwards, he cleaned up the yard of his residence and pulled out the weeds.The white orchid tree left over from that year is still growing very well.

He took a photo and planned to take it back and show it to Chu Qingge.

On the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, Chu Qingge received a call from Shangguan in the laboratory.

"Twelfth lunar month 25 movie premiere."

Before Shangguan finished speaking, Chu Qingge said, "I can't go."

"Why?" Shangguan was puzzled, "You are the lead actor. You didn't come to the premiere."

"It's not that there is still a thought."

"You are the heroine." Shangguan said.

"I'm pregnant." Chu Qingge reminded.

Shangguan was stunned for a moment: "Isn't there no problem with the birth inspection?"

"No problem." Chu Qingge said, "But I can't work."

"Ah?" Shangguan was silent again: "What are you doing now?"

"In the research institute."

"." Shangguan gritted his teeth, "Isn't it a job in the research institute?"

After gaining popularity, Chu Qingge smiled in a good mood, and then explained: "The research institute has been busy recently, and there are many things at the end of the year. You and Duan Nian should worry more about the premiere."

Shangguan was silent again, and then said: "Jiu, I am a little uncomfortable when you suddenly speak human words. I feel that I spoke a little loudly to you just now, and I feel a little guilty."

"It's just to make you feel guilty." Chu Qingge said ruthlessly.

Shangguan: ".I don't need to talk to you more!"

"Hang up, busy."

Chu Qingge didn't show up on the day of the premiere, but was scolded on the trending searches the next day.

It is said that she is unprofessional, that she does not promote dramas, that she plays big names, and that if she has a good job, she will look down on the profession of an actor.

Said that she had forgotten her former friends when she became the daughter of Chu's parents, and even Shangguan and Duan Nian couldn't invite her anymore.

Said that she had used Shangguan and Duan Nian, abandoned them when she became famous, and didn't know them anymore.

There were even those who claimed to be insiders broke the news, saying that Shangguan and Duan Nian took things to Chu's house to see Chu Qingge.The two of them were kicked out without even entering the Chu family's gate, and the things they bought were directly thrown out.After it was scattered on the ground, the two of them picked it up there.

When Shangguan and Duan Nian saw this leaking post, they both laughed angrily.

Hei Chu Qingge is just Hei Chu Qingge, why do they have to be written so miserably.

Just reading the text is heartbreaking.

There are also some people, it's not Tang Zhixi who is holding onto Chu Qingge.Ask Chu Qingge why he didn't respond.

Luo Nanchen deliberately didn't control the news on the Internet, he collected and recorded all the IDs of the abuse one by one.When the time comes, return them one by one.

At this time, Chu Qingge has been busy in the laboratory.

The experiment has made great progress and has reached a critical moment.If it goes well, maybe a drug that can completely eliminate 319 can be researched years ago.

So Chu Qingge kept staring at the experiment, and the whole laboratory was in a very tense stage.
 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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