The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 543 Can Have a Good Year

Chapter 543 Can Have a Good Year

This is Chu Qingge's first new year back to the Chu family. Even though she is married, she still has to go back to the Chu family for the new year.

For the first time in Ye Hanzhi's life, he was in the Imperial Capital, but did not celebrate the New Year in Ye's house.

On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Chu Qingge stayed up all night in the laboratory.

Ye Hanzhi was always by her side, taking care of her while helping her.

At this critical moment, Ye Hanzhi didn't insist on taking Chu Qingge home.

And even if he brings people back, Chu Qingge will not rest, and even the things he is facing are more serious than now.

With Chu Qingge's resolute character, if she offends her, there will be many things that Ye Hanzhi cannot bear.

What's more, if he just glanced at her, before moving his lips, he would get a slap in the face.

Ye Hanzhi silently experimented and helped.

At four o'clock in the morning, Chu Qingge rested on the recliner for a while.

Chu Yimo and Chu Qingge led people to watch the experiment.

Chu Qingge woke up at six o'clock, and continued after waking up.

Breakfast is eaten in the corridor outside the laboratory.After eating, I went back to the laboratory.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Mr. Chu entered the laboratory building of the research institute accompanied by five or six people.

An Lin, who was newly appointed to the imperial capital this year, went to the Chu family on the morning of Chinese New Year's Eve to visit the retired old leader.

An Lin chatted with the old leader at Chu's house for an hour, and the old leader Chu talked about the children who were still struggling in the research institute during the New Year's Eve.

An Lin heard what he meant, and proposed to go to the research institute to see them.

Mr. Chu immediately went to the research institute with An Lin.

At [-]:[-], Old Master Chu and An Lin arrived outside Chu Qingge's laboratory.

Just before knocking on the door, there was sudden applause and cheers from inside.

The few people outside were startled, Mr. Chu and An Lin looked at each other, and they both stood outside the door without moving.

The cheers in the laboratory continued. There were more than 20 people inside, clapping, cheering, laughing, wiping away tears, and some hugged each other nearby.

There is also the one who slumps on the chair at the moment of mental relaxation.

All the excitement turned into various ways of emotional catharsis at this moment, signaling their victory.

This excitement is not only because of the success of the research over the past few years, but also because those who have been persecuted by 319 can finally be rescued and live like normal people from now on.

Chu Qingge took a step back by the experimental bench.

She was wearing protective clothing, a mask, and her hair was tied up because it was a bit messy after staying up all night.She listened to the celebrations around her, and looked at the experiment table indifferently.

Ye Hanzhi stood beside her and touched her ears.

Chu Qingge came back to his senses, and turned his head to look at Ye Hanzhi. The moment he looked over, his eyes were a little red.

"Success." Ye Hanzhi said warmly.

Chu Qingge looked into his eyes, all emotions were gently smoothed away bit by bit.After a while, there was a smile on her red eyes, and her voice was still cold, but she could feel her excitement: "As Brother Han said, this year will be a good one."

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "Thank you, Dean Chu."

After speaking, he kissed Chu Qingge through the mask, and said in a low voice, "Thank you Madam."

"Thanks to Professor Ye." Chu Qingge imitated him and said, "It's also to the dean's family."

"I'm also a part of this family." Chu Yimo suddenly said from the side.

"Why are you everywhere?" Ye Hanzhi said with disgust.

"Alas—" Chu Yimo sighed, "My younger sister has grown up and is estranged from her elder brother. She even found a black-hearted brother-in-law who keeps stirring up discord every day."

Ye Hanzhi frowned, and there was a murderous look in his eyes that he could have fewer brothers from now on.

Chu Qingge smiled and said, "You are also a family member."

Chu Yimo is satisfied now.

All those who followed up on the 319 experiment were given annual leave.Local direct home.For those from other places, Ye Hanzhi's contact person got them air tickets and promised to let them get home before the New Year's Eve dinner.

Arrangements are made, everyone is ready to go.

The door of the laboratory was knocked from the outside and opened.

Everyone saw Mr. Chu and An Lin standing at the door, and there were a few people behind them that they didn't know.

"Grandpa, why are you here?" Chu Yimo walked over first.

Ye Hanzhi took Chu Qingge's hand and walked towards the door together.

"It's Mayor An who wants to come and see you, and I'll follow you along the way." Mr. Chu gave Chu Qingge a look while talking.

That arrogant look seemed to say: Come on, praise me!I brought people to see you, to support your work.

Chu Qingge smiled at him.

Chu Yimo pursed her lips to suppress her laughter, and shook hands with An Lin.

Ye Hanzhi looked at Chu Qingge.

And An Lin looked at Chu Qingge with a gentle light in his eyes.

It seems that the ultimate goal of going to the Chu family today has been achieved.

"Dean Chu." An Lin shouted with a smile.

Chu Qingge took off the mask and put it in the protective clothing: "Mayor An, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Mr. Chu was taken aback.

Both Ye Hanzhi and Chu Yimo looked at Chu Qingge.

"No, we met in Yancheng last time." An Lin said, "I haven't seen you for more than two years."

"You guys know each other?" Mr. Chu asked.

An Lin nodded: "Yeah."

As for how they met, neither Chu Qingge nor An Lin said anything.

But it's not hard to see that An Lin has a filter for Chu Qingge's own daughter, and the tenderness and pride in his eyes can't be hidden.

In order not to delay everyone's return home for the New Year, An Lin didn't stay too long, and went to the office with Chu Qingge and the others.

After briefly asking about the situation of the research institute, knowing that Chu Qingge didn't have much rest overnight, everyone hurried back.

On the way back to the car, Chu Yimo asked: "Didn't An Lin should have been transferred the year before last, why did it take a year?"

"Because of his son's influence, it was postponed for a year." Ye Hanzhi put a pillow on the back of Chu Qingge's waist, "Because Song Anrou wanted to dissolve the marriage, An Ting didn't agree at first, so Song Anrou reported Fengshang Entertainment Yes, Fengshang Entertainment has been investigated, and An Lin has also been implicated."

Chu Qingge listened to him, closed his eyes, and did not speak.

Mr. Chu has a deep understanding of this kind of thing.

"Since we're here, there's nothing wrong with Fengshang Entertainment," Chu Yimo said.

"With An Lin's temperament, An Ting didn't dare to let Fengshang Entertainment do anything." Ye Hanzhi said, "It's just that someone deliberately framed it. At that time, Song Anrou was considered the closest person to An Ting, and it was too easy to do things in the company. .but."

"But what?" Chu Yimo asked.

"However, someone secretly helped Fengshang Entertainment and helped Fengshang Entertainment out of the crisis." Ye Hanzhi looked at Chu Qingge, "I also paid attention to this matter at the time. I didn't find out who was behind it. Come out. Is it strange?"

Chu Yimo and Mr. Chu followed Ye Hanzhi's line of sight to look at Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge closed her eyes indifferently, and after a while, she turned her head to the side of the glass, leaving the back of her head for them.

Ye Hanzhi laughed and stroked the top of her hair.

 Another chapter.

  The next chapter is still being revised, and it will be published tomorrow

  Goodnight everybody
(End of this chapter)

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