Chapter 550 Third Master's Waist
[Every day on the Internet is so exciting, and every day someone tweets and scolds me.This is the first time I've seen such a thing. ]
[Miss Chu's is amazing. ]
[Miss Chu's fans are incredible. ]
[This is better than Chu Qingge's fans scolding online. ]
[They should also scold, they are so short-mouthed, they don't see others well.He doesn't know anything, but he knows how to hide behind the Internet like a mad dog, swearing everywhere. ]
[Now who else would dare to provoke Chu Qingge.Terrible. ]
[I heard that there was a 15-year-old child who was in a game promotion competition, and the mobile phone was turned off as soon as it was said to be turned off, and he was so angry that he cried. ]
[May the world never be exposed online. ]
[Is it just me who thinks Chu Qingge is scary?When I was scolded, I didn't say a word, and then suddenly.Everyone found it exactly.This kind of precision can locate his home, anywhere he goes. ]
[That's why I said don't mess with her.This approach is already considered merciful. ]
Especially after an online analysis, those who scolded Chu Qingge became more honest than being afraid.

The big mask of the Internet was directly torn off, and they were completely exposed.

It was as if I went to Chu's house and cursed people at the door of Ye's house.

In front of all the people, in front of Chu Qingge, he pointed at her and scolded her.

Without the mask of the Internet, everyone is afraid and scared.

Chu Qingge's evaluation of this matter is only two words: "Superficial"

Doesn't she have other advantages besides being beautiful?

It's always the same sentence every day.

As for flattering, after so many years, Luo Nanchen finally found the right direction.

Complimenting others doesn't work well, but complimenting her on her beauty will definitely work.

In June, Chu Qingge was eight months pregnant.

I often can't sleep well at night, go to the bathroom more often, have shortness of breath after lying down for a long time, back pain, and occasional edema in the ankles.

And at night, if she moved a little bit, Ye Hanzhi would wake up, sometimes rubbing her waist in the middle of the night.

It was difficult to breathe when lying down, so Ye Hanzhi let her lean on him and hugged her to sleep.

Chu Qingge gained almost [-] catties during the whole pregnancy, but Ye Hanzhi's weight has been declining.

No matter how light Chu Qingge's movements were, Ye Hanzhi would always wake up.

At two o'clock in the morning, Chu Qingge couldn't breathe well, so she got up and went to the balcony to breathe.

As soon as she moved, Ye Hanzhi woke up.

"what happened?"

"It's okay." Chu Qingge said, "You sleep, I will take a breath."

"I'll accompany you."

The two went to the balcony, and Chu Qingge looked at the small hanging lamps, floor lamps, and lanterns in Ye Zhai at night.

Ye Hanzhi stood behind her, hugging her and letting her lean on him.

"Brother Han, shouldn't it be time to name these two little brats?"

Ye Hanzhi kissed her ear: "Do you have a favorite name?"

"Boys should be easy to say, just pick a word next to the word Ting." Chu Qingge said, "Also use the word next to the word Wang, neat."

Ye Hanzhi smiled: "Okay."

"Girl's words." Chu Qingge said, "I don't know what it's called."

During the prenatal checkup, the gender of the two children was already known.

One male and one female.

"Ye Lianhua? Ye Hongtai? Ye Yudie? Ye Fenxi? Ye Water Lily? Ye Wufei? Ye Qianpet?" Chu Qingge suddenly mentioned a lot of lotus varieties, "Or Ye Qinglian, Ye Buran?"

Ye Hanzhi laughed: "If she has no objection when she grows up, I have no objection."

Chu Qingge also laughed: "Let's talk about it, there are so many people. Whoever sounds good at that time, call for one."

"it is good."

At the end of August, Yunyi Nishang new product launch conference.

The highlight of this press conference is the men's clothing of Yunyi Nishang.

Yunyi Nishang originally had men's clothing, but it was more inclined to women's clothing.

It's just that this time the men's clothing was made by Yun Shang.

Yun Shang has never designed men's clothing, this is the first time.

It is still highly praised by all walks of life.

After the press conference, someone soon found out.

All the men's clothing designed by Yunshang are not for sale.

When everyone was wondering, Ye Hanzhi attended Yunji's new product launch conference in early September and was photographed.

Everyone saw the clothes on Ye Hanzhi's body.

Isn't it the clothes designed by Yunshang!
Chu Qingge put a lot of thought into designing the clothes.

And these careful thoughts are all designed towards Ye Hanzhi's waist. Each piece of clothing can have different patterns to perfectly reflect the beauty, strength, and lines of Ye Hanzhi's waist.

Ye Hanzhi's figure was already very good, with broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, making him look thin when dressed and undressed.

It's just on this basis that Chu Qingge infinitely magnified his favorite places.

One of Ye Han was photographed, and netizens who had been puzzled for a long time made a fuss on the Internet.

[Help!The waist of the third master!I am dead! ]
[sorry!It's all my fault, I shouldn't miss Third Master, I was wrong, I was really wrong. ]
[Sha, sha. I admit my head is full of yellow crap. ]
[Lunch break for 10 minutes, the dream is full of the third master, and I woke up with a pillow drool. ]
[I understand!Sister Xi is an old pervert!Big pervert!It was her who moved first! ]
[Thank you Sister Xi for bringing us to the world. ]
[Third Master's waist, a deadly knife. ]
[Sister Xi is righteous, she has good things to share. ]
[It's not righteous at all, she just let us see, and then she enjoys herself! ]
[She not only enjoys it, she is also pregnant. ]
[Help!What are you all talking about!You see what you are talking about!The entire comment section can't make up a trouser waist. ]
[OMG, have you guys found out what the sizes are for these clothes?Detailed data analyzed by professionals.The figure of the third master is absolutely amazing! ]
[But the third master seems to be much thinner than before. ]
[I also discovered that the third master has been losing weight since sister Xi got pregnant. ]
[What a good man.Rich, powerful, beautiful, good-looking, good to his wife, and good at living. ]
[Sister, how do you know? ]
[This waist is absolutely fine. ]
[No, is your focus off the mark, shouldn't we be angry?Their behavior is definitely showing their affection, right? ]
[angry!Very angry!Should be condemned!But for the sake of this waist, I forgive them. ]
[I am facing the photo of the third master, and the atmosphere is not up! ]
Chu Qingge took care of all the things that should be handled by the research institute yesterday.

Packing things at home today, ready to go to the hospital.

The due date is approaching, and the Ye family and the Chu family insist on sending her to the hospital.

If she doesn't want to, Mr. Chu will personally pick her up.

Yesterday I actually went to the institute to pick her up from get off work.

The due date is getting closer and closer, everyone is anxious, even Nan Cheng is visibly nervous, only Chu Qingge is fine.

Ye Hanzhi was packing things in the cloakroom, while Chu Qingge was on the sofa in the bedroom, reading online comments.

While watching, she felt as if she had thrown Ye Hanzhi into a den of wolves, tigers and leopards, and would be eaten up at any moment.

"Don't keep looking at your phone, it's radiation." Ye Hanzhi said in the cloakroom.

Chu Qingge threw the phone aside and went to serve the fruit plate.

As soon as her fingertips touched the edge of the fruit plate, she suddenly frowned, followed by a warm feeling under her body.

Chu Qingge paused: "."

"Ye Hanzhi."

"What's wrong?" Ye Hanzhi asked as he walked over.

Sitting on the sofa, Chu Qingge turned her head to look at Ye Hanzhi, and said in a calm and even helpless tone, "Don't clean up, go to the hospital now."

 Goodnight everybody

(End of this chapter)

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