Chu Qingge sat on the sofa and looked at Ye Hanzhi.

After Ye Hanzhi finished speaking, his pupils dilated slightly.Although this scene has been rehearsed countless times in his head, at this moment, his brain still went blank for a while, and his face turned pale.

But he forced himself to calm down immediately.

He quickly took out the phone from his pocket, unlocked it twice with trembling fingers, and then made a call to Lihuo.

"Drive the car to the north courtyard, hurry up!"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Hanzhi hurriedly went to the cloakroom to get two pieces of clothes, wrapped them around Chu Qingge, carefully picked him up and walked out: "Does it hurt?"

"It's okay." Chu Qingge put one arm around his neck, looking at his bloodless lips and stiff body, she suddenly couldn't tell whether she was giving birth or he was giving birth.

Why is the reaction bigger than her.

It's a quick drive from the fire.

Ye Hanzhi carried Chu Qingge into the car and fastened his seat belt.Xunfeng quickly followed and got into the car.

Ye Hanzhi said to Lihuo, "Hurry up, be steady."

Li Huo glanced at Chu Qingge, and immediately started the car: "Yes."

As soon as the car started, Ye Hanzhi called the hospital and asked the doctor to wait.

After he finished making the phone call, Xun Feng said, "Do you want to tell your family?"

"You contact me." Ye Han said.


"Does it hurt?" Ye Hanzhi held Chu Qingge's hand.

Chu Qingge grabbed his hand: "Calm down."

"I am fine."

"Take your vibrato back and say you're fine."

Ye Hanzhi pursed his lips and stopped talking.

When we arrived at the hospital, all the doctors were waiting.

The doctor checked Chu Qingge, and then directly pushed into the delivery room.

Ye Han subconsciously wants to go in with him.

"Stand there." Chu Qingge said suddenly.

Ye Hanzhi paused: "Can't I go in?"

The doctor looked at him: "Yes. The husband can go in to accompany the delivery."

Ye Hanzhi looked at Chu Qingge again.

Chu Qingge said: "Wait outside."


"Wait." Chu Qingge looked at him and said.

Ye Hanzhi didn't dare to move.

The doctor looked at Ye Hanzhi who was frozen in place with an aggrieved expression on his face, and pushed Chu Qingge into the delivery room.

Before the door closed, Ye Hanzhi suddenly reacted like a corpse, pulled the door, the grievance on his face turned into a stern expression, and said in a deep voice: "Everything is based on my wife and my wife's health. "

The doctor looked at Ye Hanzhi who suddenly changed his face, was startled, and immediately replied: "Yes, yes."

As soon as the door was closed, Ye Hanzhi changed his face again, his whole body collapsed, and he supported the wall next to him.

"Third Master." Li Huo helped him up.

Ye Hanzhi avoided his hand, walked to the opposite side of the delivery room, leaned against the wall, and stared at the delivery room.

His hands were clasped tightly by his sides, and the veins on his hands were raised.

The end of the eye is also red, and the eye socket is soaked with moisture.

Thinking of Chu Qingge's pain inside, Ye Hanzhi's breathing also became difficult, and every time he took a breath, his chest hurt.

The heart seemed to be caught, throbbing and throbbing.

When the Chu family from the Ye family came over, Chu Qingge had already been in the delivery room for more than 20 minutes.

But at this time, Ye Hanzhi seemed to be out of his body, and he didn't respond to anyone who spoke to him.

His eyes were fixed on the delivery room, blocking out all sounds from the outside world.

Seeing him like this, the Chu family of the Ye family could not count on him, so they asked Xunfeng.

The two families hurried to the hospital. As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, it was immediately on the hot search.

Netizens can guess that Chu Qingge is about to give birth after a little calculation of the days.

Hot search.

Nan Cheng at school saw the news, skipped class again, and took a taxi to the hospital by himself.

And Mei Yanchu, He Yuzhe, Mu Fei, Mu Fan, Yan Qi, Shangguan, Duan Nian, Yue Guyuan, Yue Sinuo.Everyone in Baigui Pavilion, even Hui Yao's people, when they saw the news, those who were abroad rushed to the country, and those who were in the country rushed to the imperial capital.

Unlike the last inspection, this time it is production.

All who can come rush to the hospital.

One is that they are worried about Chu Qingge, and the other is that they all want to meet the young master or princess of the Ye family and the Chu family.

This time the outside of the hospital was even more serious than last time, and the cars were all parked on another road.

Yun Zhan heard that Chu Qingge's due date was coming and he was going to be hospitalized, so he rushed over from M state.

As a result, I saw the push on the Internet as soon as I got off the plane.

He went to the hospital immediately.

Everyone on the Internet is watching the news, looking forward to the landing of the little ancestor of the Ye family and the Chu family.

Outside the delivery room of the hospital, the number of people increased little by little. They stood on both sides to make way, and they all waited quietly.

When Nan Cheng arrived at the hospital, he ran inside. Gu Xia and Huang Shan happened to see him at the door, and called him twice, but Nan Cheng didn't hear him, and ran away in no time.

When he arrived outside the delivery room, Nan Cheng ran directly to Lin Naiyi's side.

"Why are you here?" Lin Nai was surprised.

Nan Cheng was sweating all over his forehead, his hair was sticking to his forehead, his little face was flushed, he was gasping for breath and couldn't speak clearly: "My mother."

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Lin Naiyi wiped his sweat, "It's time to come out in a while."

Nan Cheng's eyes were red, he was very scared and wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to cry.

As soon as Lin Nai finished wiping his sweat, he stood beside her for a while, then walked to Ye Hanzhi's side.

He called Ye Hanzhi twice, but Ye Hanzhi didn't respond.Then he also stood beside Ye Hanzhi and did not speak.

One big and one small, like two wooden stakes, standing motionless.

But Ye Hanbei never approached, he stood at the farthest place, looking at this side alone.

He dare not approach, that place will always have memories that he dare not touch.

After a long time, the door of the delivery room opened.

Ye Hanzhi was the first to rush to the front.

The Ye family and the Chu family immediately surrounded him.

Nan Cheng squeezed to the front from the crowd.

One of the doctors came out with two nurses holding the baby.

Seeing a group of people around, the nurse holding the child subconsciously took a step back, not knowing what happened.

The doctor was also taken aback.

Obviously there were only three people outside when I went in, but when I came out, it was densely packed with people.

"Where's my wife?" Ye Hanzhi grabbed the doctor's arm.

At that moment, the doctor felt that his hand was about to break: "Ms. Ye is fine, she is fine. After observing in the delivery room for about two hours, she came out. The baby is also fine."

"Can I go in?" Ye Hanzhi interrupted him.

The doctor almost flicked his tongue, swallowed his throat and said: "But Mrs. Ye said that you are not allowed to go in and asked you to wait outside."

Ye Hanzhi frowned, and let go of the doctor's arm.

The sleeve of the doctor's white coat was stained with blood, but no one noticed.

The doctor said again: "The children are very healthy. One baby boy and one baby girl."

Ye Hanzhi's eyes were always on the delivery room, and he couldn't hear him from the time the doctor said about the baby.Still feeling noisy, moved two steps to the side.

Nan Cheng also followed him to the side.

The doctor saw him go: "This"

The actions of the two nurses who were holding the baby and preparing to show him were also taken aback.

The doctor looked at the others again, and seeing someone listening, he continued: "A male baby weighs [-] grams, which is five catties and six taels. A female baby weighs two thousand and seven hundred grams, which is five catties and five taels."

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