Three days after Chu Qingge returned home from the confinement center, she held a full moon banquet for the two little ones at the Doomsday Hotel.

There is still no information disclosed, and the whole network knows it again.

Because this time all the luxury cars are heading towards the doomsday hotel.

It is not a strange thing for a luxury car to enter and leave the Doomsday Hotel. After all, if you are not luxurious, you cannot enter the parking lot of the Doomsday Hotel.

But with such a large circulation within two hours, there must be something big.

Calculating the time happened to be the full moon banquet.

A group of netizens eagerly counted the days all day long and guessed what happened.

And this time is different from the day of production, there are more people today.

One is that someone brought their family members, and the whole family went there.For example, He Yuzhe's family, the He family went to a family of three, and Uncle He Yuzhe went to a family of three.

Su Qian's fathers also came.

Second, some good friends from both the Ye family and the Chu family also came.

Many people also came to the research institute.

And this full moon banquet was invited and an invitation was sent out to set a time.

Many people made this day out and came in advance.

So many people.

The parking lot of Doomsday Hotel is big enough, but someone still parked outside.

The online discussion has been on the rise.

Gradually, some people are eager to move and start to catch the heat.

He even went to the vicinity of the Doomsday Hotel with a camera, intending to make a fortune by secretly taking pictures.

Then not only the people in the opposite building were taken out, but even the one hidden in the tree canopy was found out.

But in such a day, it did not embarrass them.

Inside the Doomsday Hotel.

When Yun Zhan came, he clamored to see his godson and daughter.

No one had a louder voice than him, and his voice didn't decrease until he saw the child.

"Let me see, why is my goddaughter so beautiful?" Yun Zhan teased the child, "She's much prettier than your mother."

Chu Qingge didn't bother to talk to him.

"My godson. Oh, he's even more handsome than Ye Hanzhi." Yun Zhan said, "This must be a hundred times more handsome than Ye Hanzhi, right?"

"Go and see if you have problems with your eyes," Chu Qingge said.

Yun Zhan glanced at her: "You don't want to hear what he said. You husband and wife. Hmph. I asked you to take a photo for me to see, and you didn't take it. You're so petty."

"Keep your voice down." Nan Cheng said, "I scared my younger siblings."

"Okay, okay." Yun Zhan's voice immediately dropped.

After a while, Su Qian and Shen Weixi came over. Su Qian looked at the two children and said, "I came to see you again. Do you still remember Aunt Qian?"

"You have never beaten a ghost." Yun Zhan said directly to his heart.

The smile on Su Qian's face froze, and she looked at Yun Zhan: "If you want to survive, don't ask about beautiful women."

Yun Zhan laughed, obviously mocking.

Su Qian endured it in front of Shen Weixi.

Chu Qingge saw Mei Yanchi coming upstairs with Fu Zhu behind her, and went downstairs to find them.


Mei Yanchu laughed immediately, and Fu Zhu's eyes lit up behind him.But after meeting Chu Qingge's eyes, he immediately lowered his head.

"Come, come, let me introduce you, your junior sister, Fu Zhu." Mei Yanchi pulled Fu Zhu and introduced.

Chu Qingge glanced at Fu Zhu and said with a smile: "It seems that Master is very satisfied."

"I want to be satisfied." Mei Yanchi was in a good mood, as if she was a few years younger.

Fu Zhu glanced at Chu Qingge and lowered his gaze, his ears were red, "Thank you, Senior Sister."

Chu Qingge looked at her and said quietly: "Thank you yourself. I worked hard to come here."

Fu Zhu nodded, and said again: "Then I also want to thank Senior Sister."

Chu Qingge chatted with them for a while, then went to find Ye Hanzhi.

The two entertained some people on the first floor, and when they went upstairs, a group of people surrounded the two children and were giving gifts.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge stood behind them, listening to their delivery.

Yan Qi gave two apartments with good locations in the city center, Mu Fei gave two pieces of land, He Yuzhe gave a diamond mine, Su Qian gave a gold mine, and Li Gui gave a share of his own shares.
Chu Qingge: "Why don't you send me off?"

Ye Hanzhi smiled and said, "We're not far behind."

Chu Qingge nodded, thinking so too.Then he walked aside and looked at the gifts they brought over.

They were all exquisite gift boxes, she opened one casually, took a look at it and closed it again.

"What?" Ye Hanzhi asked curiously.

"Gun. Type 92." Chu Qingge was speechless for a while, "Pure gold. Two."

Ye Hanzhi raised his eyebrows: "Who sent it?"

Chu Qingge looked at the name: "Master Yu Tuo."

Ye Hanzhi smiled.

Chu Qingge has a headache, what will these two children look like in the future?

Just as she was thinking, she heard Yan Qi suddenly say: "The gold mine in D continent belongs to you."

Su Qian said, "Yes."

"You and Jiutian are so familiar, so...the gold mine...she knows about it?" Yan Qi's voice was not loud, but his tone seemed to confirm something suddenly.

Su Qian didn't hide it either, her smothered smile overflowed a bit: "Yes."

"Then who owns the jade and jade in Dazhou?" Yan Qi asked again.

"Third Master's." Su Qian laughed directly.

Then there was Yan Qi's long silence, and the people around him looked at him puzzled.

In less than a minute, Yan Qi sorted out everything clearly.Then squeezed out of the crowd to find Chu Qingge.

At this time, Chu Qingge was about to run away.

"You stop."

Chu Qingge didn't stop walking.Yan Qi ran directly in front of her and blocked her way, looking at her.

"Here are all my people." Chu Qingge said, "You have to think about it."

Yan Qi was so out of breath, she looked like she wanted to fight her hard, but in the end, she only said four words: "You pay me back!"

Chu Qingge was silent for a while, and then said: "No."

This "no" was indifferent and ruthless.

Yan Qi was startled, and couldn't believe what she heard.


Chu Qingge backed away, and Ye Han stepped forward to block Chu Qingge behind him.

Yan Qi looked at Ye Hanzhi, his livid face changed again and again, but he didn't dare to say a word to Ye Hanzhi.

Chu Qingge looked at Yan Qi from behind Ye Hanzhi.

When Yan Qi saw her indifferent face that deliberately angered him, she became even angrier: "Come out, we will solve it alone."

Ye Hanzhi touched Chu Qingge's face, gently pushed her head back behind him, then looked at Yan Qi and said, "I'll give you a [-]% discount for the jade in the second half of the year. It's [-]% off the current price."

Yan Qi's anger dissipated instantly, and a smile immediately came to his face: "Okay, thank you, Third Master."

Mu Fei looked at them with a gentle smile on his face, and his thoughts drifted away involuntarily.

He still remembers the first time he saw Yun Shang.

While being amazed by her appearance, she was also shocked by the cold and dead breath around her.

He didn't know what happened to the girl who lost contact with him for a while, she was clearly a real person, but people couldn't feel the feeling of a stranger.

The sense of brokenness in her body makes people feel that she will leave this world at any time.

The coldness in the eyes, the dead silence is frighteningly sharp.

He called her "Yunshang".

And she told herself that her name was "Tang Zhixi".

He said, "Should I call you Xi'er?"

She replied without expression: "Up to you."

And the current Yunshang, although she still looks cold and alienated, she doesn't seem to be close, and she refuses to be seen
But it can make people feel that she has changed.

Become naughty, mature and stable, occasionally revealing a little cuteness.The smile on the face is also from the heart.

Someone pulled her back from the brink of despair.

Mu Fei looked at Ye Hanzhi.

Not only did he pull her back, but he also melted the layers of ice in her heart little by little.

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