When the full moon banquet was about to end, the security guard outside the Doomsday Hotel came to Chu Qingge and said that there was a woman outside who wanted to see her.

"What's your name?" Ye Hanzhi asked.

"She said her surname is Zheng." The security guard said, "I've been lingering at the entrance of the hotel for a while. Our people went to ask her, and she said that she wanted to see the eldest lady."

Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi looked at each other: "I'll go and have a look."

"I'll accompany you."

The two went to the door together.

The woman stood with her back to the door, heard footsteps, and turned to look at them.

After she turned around, Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi stopped and looked at her.

The woman was wearing a long dress, with long hair over her shoulders, and an orchid hairpin pinned above her right ear.After seeing them, she smiled and said, "Long time no see, both of you."

Chu Qingge and Ye Hanzhi looked at the person in front of them.

Although it was not obvious on the surface, both of them felt a little emotional in their hearts.

It was the woman who used 319 and was bullied by those people at the finishing touch ceremony that year.

At that time, Chu Qingge assured her that he would be able to save her.

Chu Qingge did not break his promise.

"Long time no see." Chu Qingge said.

Miss Zheng said: "Actually, I've wanted to see you for a long time. It's just that I couldn't disturb you when you were pregnant, and I didn't know where to find you. I also read the news on the Internet today, and I wanted to come here to try my luck."

"Go up and sit down." Chu Qingge said.

Miss Zheng nodded.

Went upstairs and found a quiet place, Ye Hanzhi left.

The two sat facing each other, and Chu Qingge said, "Have you recovered?"

"Yeah." Miss Zheng said, "It's completely fine. Thank you."

Chu Qingge shook her head.

"I really want to thank you." Ms. Zheng said, "I didn't want to live at the time, and it was you who gave me a hand. That's why I can sit here properly now, and I can still watch the countless scenery in this world. "

"There's nothing hard to get through." Chu Qingge said, "As long as you live, you will be fine."

"I believe it now." Ms. Zheng said, "When I think about the past now, it's like a dream. When I wake up, I find that it's just a dream. Compared with my life, it doesn't take up one ten-thousandth of it. .My good life shouldn't be ruined because of this."

Chu Qingge looked at her and listened to her, rubbing her fingertips with her hand on the table.

"Actually, it was very painful when I received treatment in the hospital. 319 will continue to attack at intervals. Every time there is an attack, what happened that day will be staged again." Ms. Zheng said, "Because 319 is hallucinogenic, the attack is like I've experienced it myself. I can always clearly feel them touching my body. It's really life and death."

Chu Qingge's hands clenched a little.

"Nothing can suppress 319. I feel that the hospital is completely to prevent us from committing suicide during the attack. They say that if I endure it, I can overcome it. But I haven't experienced it myself, so I don't know that feeling. "

"But every time at this time, I can always hear your voice in a trance. You said that I can still be saved, and I can still be saved. I think...you said it so seriously at the time, you will definitely not break your promise. So I persisted .”

Ms. Zheng smiled: "I live a good life now. I used to worry that others would think I was a monster and would look at me differently. But when I bravely go out, contact and communicate Only then did I realize that everything is actually beautiful, and that kindness is always much more than malice. And those evil...why should I consume my mood and waste my energy because of something that is not good to me?"

Chu Qingge nodded.

"Actually, it's just like what you said. Other people's eyes and other people's evaluations are not that important. How you live is your own business." Miss Zheng said, "The important thing is that you dare to face yourself, and you don't despise yourself. Outsiders don't care about it. It's important."

Chu Qingge responded.

"So no matter what, I should say thank you in person."

After Miss Zheng left, Chu Qingge stood at the door of the Doomsday Hotel for a while, until Ye Hanzhi came to find her.

Ye Hanzhi touched her face.

Chu Qingge turned his head to look at him.

"Everyone has their own choice." Ye Hanzhi said warmly, "We cannot change what has happened, but fortunately, we did our best to prevent the tragedy from happening again."

Chu Qingge lowered his gaze, took a step forward, and leaned into Ye Hanzhi's arms.

Ye Hanzhi kissed the top of her hair: "In a few days, I will accompany you back to Hanqing Village."


After the banquet, most of them left, and only a small number of people stayed in the Doomsday Hotel.

The finishing work was almost done, Chu Qingge went upstairs to meet the black ghost.

Ye Hanzhi saw her press the elevator, and followed her: "What are you going to do?"

"Go see the nigger." Chu Qingge said, "He's upstairs."

"I didn't see him much today." Ye Hanzhi entered the elevator with her.


The two went to the top floor that was open to the public together, and when they arrived at the black ghost's room, Chu Qingge knocked on the door.

It took a while for the nigger to open the door: "Boss, third master."

The door was ajar and the nigger's arm could be seen being grabbed, but no one was inside.

Chu Qingge glanced at the slender fingers on his arm, and said, "Can I go in?"

"Okay." The nigger opened the door wider.

It was only then that Ye Hanzhi saw the girl holding the nigger's arm.

He froze for a moment.

The girl looks very similar to Chu Qingge.

It's just not as amazing as Chu Qingge, nor as cold as her.

When the girl saw them, she held the nigger's arm tighter, and looked at them with fear.

But he just pursed his lips tightly and looked at them beside the black ghosts, without any drastic actions.

Chu Qingge glanced at her, fearing to scare her, then looked away.

It does look like her, and she feels like it herself.

Also because of the resemblance, Jing Yanbai would arrest people and drive them crazy.

After entering the room, Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge sat on the sofa.

The nigger took the girl back to the room.

Chu Qingge sat outside and heard the black ghost say: "Stay here obediently, I will be back when I count to one hundred."

"Okay." The girl's voice was very obedient and soft.

But as soon as the nigger turned around and was about to close the door, the girl suddenly said quickly: "One hundred, I'm done counting."

The nigga paused as he closed the door: "."

Chu Qingge, who was listening outside, raised his eyebrows.

But Ye Hanzhi frowned, he felt something was wrong.

"Be good, I have something to talk about." The black man said patiently, "Come back and take you to eat cotton candy."

"Count to one hundred?" the girl asked.

"Count to three hundred." The nigger suddenly changed his mind.

The girl looked at him without speaking.

"Three hundred. Buy two." The nigger said again.

"Okay." The girl replied again.

The nigger managed to close the door.

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