The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 593 Extra Story 34: Ink Spot Plum Fragrance

Chapter 593 Extra Story 34: Ink Spot Plum Fragrance (32)

Cheng Zhaodi woke up the next morning.

After waking up, the spirit has not been very good.The main reason is that I feel depressed, talk less, and eat very little.

Cheng Nanzhi and Cheng Niandi stayed with her for a long time, and after a little lunch, she fell asleep again.

After she fell asleep, Cheng Nanzhi and Cheng Niandi left the ward and went outside.

"What should I do?" Cheng Niandi said, "Since when did Big Sister live like this?"

Cheng Nanzhi remained silent.

The two talked outside for a while, Cheng Nanzhi said: "Second sister, you and your brother-in-law still have to go to work, so go back tomorrow."

"You don't have time either." Cheng Niandi said, "The two of us work, if we take two days off, we can take two days off, it doesn't matter."

"Chu Yimo hired a nurse who will take care of the elder sister's daily life and will come over in the afternoon." Cheng Nanzhi said.

Cheng Niandi nodded, and patted Cheng Nanzhi's shoulder: "Nanzhi, this man is really nice and careful."

Cheng Nanzhi smiled.

The two sisters chatted outside for a while about Cheng Zhaodi's situation, and then went back to the ward to accompany the eldest sister.

When the nurse came over in the afternoon, Cheng Zhaodi asked Cheng Nanzhi and Cheng Niandi to go to Han's house to get some of her documents.

Chu Yimo left last night, leaving Chu Tian here.

So Cheng Nanzhi asked Chu Tian to send them there.

When Cheng Nanzhi asked where to go, Chutian sent him there without hesitation, regardless of whether this place was suitable for Cheng Nanzhi to go.

He is only responsible for obeying orders.

So when Cheng Nanzhi and Cheng Niandi went to Han's house and opened the door, what they saw was a yard of disabled people.

The dozen or so bodyguards were all in the yard, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, everyone's mouths were gagged, and everyone's hands were crippled, hanging limply by their sides.

There were several men in black suits standing at the gate of the courtyard, all guarded by the Chu family.

Both Cheng Nanzhi and Cheng Niandi were taken aback.

Cheng Nanzhi stared blankly at the people in this courtyard, and asked after a while, "What's going on?"

Chu Tian closed the door and said in a low voice, "The young master said that they hurt Madam's hand and destroyed their hands."

Cheng Niandi looked at Chutian in disbelief.

Cheng Nanzhi's lips trembled: "Why, why didn't you take them away here?"

"Well, the young master didn't let him take him away. He was beaten here and interrogated here." Chu Tian said, "Qian Yue and the three members of the Han family are all in the house."

Cheng Niandi looked at Cheng Nanzhi, she was a little scared.

When she first found out Chu Yimo's identity, she was very scared.But after getting along for a day, Chu Yimo didn't seem easy to get close to, but he was very gentle and respected them all.

But she still underestimated him.

They don't seem to live in the same world.

In Chu Yimo's world, there are methods and influences that they have never thought of.

It seems to have another set of survival rules.

Cheng Niandi was a little afraid that Cheng Nanzhi would be bullied with such a life.

Cheng Nanzhi saw her sister's fear, stepped forward and shook her hand: "It's okay, let's go, sister. Go to the room first to get the ID."

Cheng Niandi followed her into the room blankly, and as soon as she entered, she saw four people in the living room.

They looked fine, with no injuries.

It's just that the mental state doesn't look very good, and they are a little sluggish.

But when he saw Cheng Nanzhi and Cheng Niandi, their expressions changed immediately.

Han's mother seemed to see an enemy, Han Mo seemed to see a savior, Han's father and Qian Yue didn't react too much.

Father Han's lack of response was pure numbness.But Qian Yue didn't respond, she was indifferent, indifferent to them at all.

Han Mo got up and walked towards Cheng Nanzhi: "Nanzhi, do you know them, let them let us go quickly."

Chu Tian stopped him.

Cheng Nanzhi stopped and looked at him.

Seeing her stop, Han Mo showed a smile on his face: "Nanzhi, let them let us go quickly. They won't let us go anywhere, and they just give us some rice and vegetables every day, and we can't swallow it at all."

Chu Tian blocked him expressionlessly, not letting him approach.

"Why don't you ask my sister?" Cheng Nanzhi said.

"Your sister? What happened to your sister?" Han Mo asked.

"Don't you know what's wrong with her?" Cheng Nanzhi looked at him and said, "As a husband, don't you know what's wrong with her?"

"Oh." Han Mo wrote lightly, "You're talking about her miscarriage. Didn't she go to the hospital, and the doctor said nothing happened. Where did she go? Why is she not at home, but we are all trapped here .”

Cheng Niandi couldn't believe what she heard, and looked at Han Mo in shock.

Cheng Nanzhi's eyelashes trembled several times, and he asked, "What do you mean nothing happened? She lay in the hospital for a day and a night, and only woke up this morning. She is your wife, and that's how you treat her?"

"Is it so serious?" Han Mo said, "Isn't it just that I lost a child? Why is my body so weak?"

"Fuck you!" Cheng Niandi rushed forward and slapped him, then pulled his hair, pulling it down hard.

The attack was so ruthless that Chu Tian, ​​who was caught in the middle, was pulled and shaken.

Han Mo was in so much pain that he yelled in pain, "Mom! Mom! Mom! It hurts so much!"

When Mother Han saw her son being beaten, she rushed up and wanted to beat Cheng Niandi: "Little bitch! If you dare to touch my son, I will beat you to death!"

It's just that as soon as she raised her two hands, Chu Tian and Cheng Nanzhi grabbed one of them.

Chu Tian looked at Cheng Nanzhi.

Cheng Nanzhi let go.

Chu Tian pushed Han Mu aside.

Cheng Nanzhi also pulled Cheng Niandi away.

Han Mo held his head in both hands and quickly backed away. Mother Han wanted to rush up and beat Cheng Niandi again, but seeing her son let go, she went to hug her son first: "Son, does it hurt, does it hurt?"

Cheng Niandi was still clutching a lock of hair in her hand, and threw it towards Han Mo: "Smelly man! How dare you say it hurts! My sister hurts a lot more than this in the hospital! Why didn't I realize you were so useless before?" Ah! Bah! What a waste of air, bastard!"

"Okay, second sister." Cheng Nanzhi pulled her, "Don't be as knowledgeable as them."

"My sister is really blind. She has lived with you for so many years." Cheng Niandi continued to curse, "What! Trash! Garbage!"

"Do you think our Han family wants her!" Mother Han scolded, "Apart from her attractive face, what skills does she have! If Cheng Li hadn't sold it to us, we wouldn't have loved her." I will! I can’t even give birth to a child! I don’t know where the money in her hand came from. I don’t know if the lost child is from our Han family!”

"What the hell?" Cheng Niandi walked around the living room, and finally picked up a potted flower in the corner and threw it at them.

The vase shattered with a loud noise, and the soil inside fell out.

Mother Han took Han Mo to hide for a while, and Jiang Jiang was not caught.

"I'll beat you to death!" Cheng Niandi still wanted to beat them.

Cheng Nanzhi held her back: "Second sister, forget it."

And at this moment, Qian Yue, who was watching from the side, suddenly laughed.

She still smiled happily and relaxedly, as if everyone just played a family drama for her to please her.

(End of this chapter)

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