The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 594 Extra Story 35: Ink Spot Plum Fragrance

Chapter 594 Extra Story 35: Ink Spot Plum Fragrance (33)

Qian Yue sat on the single sofa a little far away from them.

Her legs were crossed, her hair was a bit messy, it was simply coiled up, her complexion was not very good, she was a little pale, and on her neck was the blue and purple handprint left by Cheng Nanzhi pinching her.

Even so, she exudes a leisurely, undisciplined and lazy posture all over her body.

She didn't care about her current situation at all, and was still watching their excitement.

Cheng Niandi stopped when she heard her laughter.

Cheng Nanzhi also looked at her.

Qian Yue was still laughing.

Cheng Niandi asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"Don't you think it's funny?" Qian Yue said with a smile, "It's so funny."

"Is there something wrong with you?" Cheng Niandi said, "I suggest you see a psychiatrist. Just let it be if you are sick, don't delay others."

"By delaying others, who am I delaying?" Qian Yue still had a smile on his face, "And even if I delay others, what can I do?"

Cheng Niandi was at a loss for words, it was the first time she had seen such an arrogant person.

"Do you think no one in this world can control you?" Cheng Nanzhi said.

Qian Yue raised her eyebrows and looked at Cheng Nanzhi with great interest: "Sister, you don't think you can do anything to me if you imprison me here for a few days? Do you dare to kill me?"

Cheng Nanzhi didn't speak.

Qian Yue smiled: "I know, you are a bit powerful, so you can trap me here. But let me tell you, as long as I don't die, you will never have anything to do with me."

"Really?" Cheng Nanzhi said coldly.

"Of course." Qian Yue put down her legs, leaned into the sofa, looked at her and said, "Sister, some forces are completely beyond your imagination. Your cognition and the world you see are not enough to support you With such insight."

Cheng Nanzhi's eyebrows moved slightly.

"There are some powers that people like you will never understand or experience." Qian Yue said, "You will trap me here for a few days at most. Your people will soon be stronger than those in the yard." The fate of those people is even worse."

"Kill her to death! Xiaolang hoof!" Mother Han scolded, "I don't know who I hooked up with and provoked these wild men. Ah!"

Chu Tian stood behind Cheng Nanzhi all the time, expressionless and silent.

But when he heard someone yelling at Cheng Nanzhi, he moved immediately and arrived at Han Mu's side in an instant, grabbed her chin, and pulled her chin hard.

Mother Han screamed, she could only open her mouth and make ahhh

Cheng Nanzhi glanced at her and then looked away, then took Cheng Niandi's hand and went upstairs.

The two found the documents according to what Cheng Zhaodi said, packed them in bags and went downstairs.

"Want to get some clothes?" Cheng Niandi said.

Cheng Nanzhi thought for a while and said, "Buy a new one."

"it is good."

The two went downstairs, ignoring the people in the living room, planning to leave directly.

Arguing with such a person can't get any results.

Saying one more sentence or listening to one more sentence is a waste of time.

Just when the two of them reached the entrance of the living room, the guards at the gate ran in, gave Cheng Nanzhi a deep nod, and then said to Chu Tian: "Boss, the Qian family called Qi Hai."

Qian Yue in the living room laughed again when she heard the name.

Cheng Nanzhi turned and looked at her.

Qian Yue got up and walked towards Cheng Nanzhi, but he didn't get too close to her, as if he was afraid that Cheng Nanzhi would attack her again: "I've talked too much. You can't lock me up for a few days at all."

"Have you ever thought that if you do this, you will drag the person who protects you behind you into the water."

Qian Yue seemed to have heard some joke, and seemed to be laughing at Cheng Nanzhi's naivety and ignorance: "Pull it into the water? Who did it? Who has this ability? You are too naive. If I dare to do these things, I will be sure to settle them. To put it bluntly , I am different from you untouchables."

Cheng Nanzhi smiled slightly and looked at Chu Tian.

Chu Tian nodded and looked at the person who came to report: "How many people have you brought?"

"Twice as many of us. Surround us."

There are no people in this place, and houses were developed and built later.

At that time, Cheng Zhaodi felt that this place was close to the county seat and the location was good, so she bought a piece of land and built a two-story small western-style building here.

Now there are almost empty houses around, or only the foundations have been built, and there are no people.

So making such a big commotion didn't attract much attention.

Chu Yimo's people were relatively low-key, and controlled everyone in the yard. The cars on the road outside were driven away, and the guards were also in the yard.

But the people Qi Hai brought were extraordinarily high-profile.

Cheng Niandi shook Cheng Nanzhi's hand nervously: "Nanzhi."

Cheng Nanzhi shook her hand back.

Chu Tian said: "Let them in."


Qian Yue never stepped forward, and said with a smile: "Twice as many people, are you sure you're still in a stalemate here? If you stop early, you can save yourself from suffering."

Chu Tian took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

Cheng Niandi whispered: "Nan Zhi, her family seems to be very powerful, will we be in danger?"

"No." Cheng Nanzhi said.

"But there are many of them."

"It's okay." Cheng Nanzhi said, "Chu Tian has one against ten."

"So powerful?" Cheng Niandi looked at Chu Tian.

Chu Tian also looked over, and then nodded heavily, a look of pride suddenly appeared on his expressionless face.

Cheng Niandi felt relieved, and raised her hand to give him a thumbs up.

Qi Hai and Father Qian walked over in a big way.

Seeing the two of them, Qian Yue walked around Cheng Nanzhi warily, and immediately ran towards them: "Dad, godfather."

Seeing his daughter's appearance, Father Qian's eyes turned red with distress: "My darling, why did you become like this? Dad came late and made you suffer."

"Dad, I'm fine." Qian Yue said with a smile.

The Han family, seeing this situation, immediately ran to Qi Hai and the others.

Han Mu's jaw was removed, and she was drooling all the time, but she was still talking with her tongue moving.

Pointing at Cheng Nanzhi and Cheng Niandi, she shouted vaguely: "They! It's them! They beat Qian Yue! Kill them!"

Qi Hai looked at them, glared at them and said, "You guys beat my goddaughter?"

Chu Tian looked at him: "What? What do you want?"

"How?" Qi Hai laughed and said, "I love this girl. If you dare to do anything to her, don't even think about leaving today."

"The tone is not small." Chu Yimo's voice came from the door.

Everyone looked at Chu Yimo.

Chu Yimo was dressed in an ironed suit, with a tall and straight figure and a warm face, but his eyes were cold.Holding a square food box in his hand, he walked into the yard alone and walked towards Cheng Nanzhi.

Both Qi Hai and Father Qian looked at him, feeling that this man had a good temperament.After a while, the two looked at each other and exchanged a look.

As if Chu Yimo didn't see them, he walked up to Cheng Nanzhi as if no one else was there, and handed her the food box: "Fruit platter, have something?"

Cheng Nanzhi looked at him and smiled, "I'll go wash my hands."

"it is good.".

Everyone: ".???"

Do you think of us as human beings?
(End of this chapter)

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