The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 618 Extra Story 59 Ye Tingjun Missing

Chapter 618 Extra Story 59 Ye Tingjun Missing

After the matter was settled, Ye Hanzhi sent Chu Yue to the hospital.

Then he called Chu Yue's brother.

The answer is: "Your brother kidnapped my son."

When Ye Tingheng and Chu Qingge heard this, they both glanced at him.

The other party was stunned for a while, and after a while, he carefully asked: "Chu Yue, is he still alive?"

"Stop breathing." Ye Hanzhi said, "I'll have someone throw him to M State, you can pick it up yourself."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Stay away from the fire to solve the follow-up matters.

Ye Hanzhi and the others left the restaurant.

As soon as she went out, Jian Yan ran over first, looked at Ye Tingheng and said, "Ye Tingheng, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Seeing her, Ye Tingheng was surprised: "You're here too?"

Simply nod.He pulled his arm to see if he was injured.

Ye Tingheng was pulled to the left and right by her, and said with a smile, "I'm really fine."

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge looked at them.

Jian Yan saw that he was really not injured, and felt relieved, only then did he find Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge beside him.

Her face instantly turned red.

Ye Tingheng looked at her blushing face and raised the corners of his mouth.

"Uncle Ye, Sister Chu" Jian Yan whispered, "Aren't you injured?"

"No." Chu Qingge looked at her and shook her head.

The corner of Ye Tingheng's mouth twitched.

Uncle Ye?Sister Chu?
He glanced at his father quietly.He got a slap in the face from his father.

He smiled twice and said, "Mom and Dad, we"

"Aren't you going to have a meal together?" Chu Qingge looked at Jian Yan and asked.

"No, sister Chu." Jian Yan said softly, "I have to go back before dinner."

"Another day." Ye Tingheng said, "Let's eat together another day."

In short: "."

Chu Qingge glanced at him.

Ye Tingheng smiled and said, "Then let's go first."

"Go." Ye Hanzhi said, "Be careful."

"it is good."

Jian Yan said: "Uncle Ye, Sister Chu, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Chu Qingge said.

Ye Tingheng took the computer from Jian Yan, and the two left first.

The two signed up for a competition some time ago, and today they made an appointment to meet in the library to do the questions together.

I came out of the library at three o'clock in the afternoon, ate something at the dessert shop, and encountered something after four o'clock.

After this toss, the sun went down.

The two walked side by side, after a while, Ye Tingheng asked, "Scared?"

"No." Jian Yan said.

"I'm talking about my parents." Ye Tingheng said.

Jian Yan glanced at him: "No. Uncle Ye and Sister Chu are very nice people. They also have a very good relationship."

Ye Tingheng looked at her and didn't speak.

Seeing him looking at her all the time, Jian Yan tilted his head to look at him, and said fiercely, "What are you looking at?"

Ye Tingheng smiled: "Jianyan, you took advantage of me."

"Who takes advantage of you."

"You call my mother, Sister Chu, isn't that taking advantage of me?" Ye Tingheng said, "It's amazing to give yourself the status of an elder, Miss Jian."

"I, I." Jian Yan didn't come up with anything for a long time, and finally said, "I can't call auntie."

Jian Yan has long known that Chu Qingge is Ye Tingheng's mother.

It was Ye Tingheng who said it himself.

The two were still young at that time, Ye Tingheng said to her: "I will tell you a secret, my mother is Chu Qingge. I only told you, and you have to keep it a secret."

Jian Yan didn't believe it at first, thinking he was bragging.After all, Chu Qingge is only fourteen or five years older than him, so how could she be his mother.

She didn't believe it until she saw Chu Qingge come to pick him up from school.

Later, she found that Ye Tingheng and Ye Hanzhi looked more and more alike, and thought that Ye Tingheng was Ye Han's son and Chu Qingge was his stepmother.

They are not a couple for life as the outside world says, Ye Hanzhi has liked others, and he has a son!

Jian Yan thought that she had discovered some big secret, and kept silently and carefully guarding it.

But in the end, the person who came to give Ye Tingheng a parent meeting was Ye Hanbei.

Also after the parent meeting.Ye Tingheng told her that this was his real father.

Ye Hanzhi was actually his third uncle.

After listening to Jian Yan, Ye Tingheng's expression changed.

What did this child go through at such a young age, and why did he have such a complicated life experience.

"You just want to take advantage of me." Ye Tingheng touched the top of her hair, and took a few steps forward.

Jian Yan stopped, looked at his back and shouted: "I said it all! Don't press my head! I won't grow any longer!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Tingheng ran away.

Jian Yan immediately chased after him: "Stop! Let me press it back! Don't run! Let me press it back, or I won't grow any longer!"

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge watched the two children leave.

Ye Hanzhi patted Chu Qingge's head: "Let's go."

Chu Qingge nodded.

After the two sat in the car, they fastened their seat belts, and Chu Qingge said, "Talk to Ting Heng."

Ye Hanzhi glanced at her and said with a smile, "Okay. Let's talk at night."

Chu Qingge didn't speak any more, and lowered her hair to tell Luo Nanchen that she was fine.

Ye Hanzhi started the car, and after driving less than 100 meters, the phone rang again.

"little girl"

Chu Qingge took out the phone from his pocket and looked at it.

It was Lin Nai who called.

"It's Mom's call." Chu Qingge said.

Ye Hanzhi said: "Go ahead."

Chu Qingge answered the phone and pressed the speakerphone: "Mom, Ye Hanzhi is driving."

"Qingge, Qingge" Lin Nai's tone was traced, with a crying tone.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge looked at each other, and Ye Hanzhi immediately turned around and drove towards Ye's house.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Ye Hanzhi asked in a deep voice.

"Han Zhi. Ting Jun, Ting Jun is lost." Lin Naiyi's crying became more serious, "It took almost an hour after he left by himself to find that he was not at home. He threw the positioning device on his body at home and walked away by himself No. It’s not at the Chu family’s side either, your elder brother has already had the imperial capital sealed off and sent people out to look for it.”

Chu Qingge tightened her fingers suddenly, and her pupils trembled violently.

Ye Hanzhi glanced at Chu Qingge first, and said, "Are you sure he's not at home?"

After all, Ye Zhai is so big, it is very likely that he was not found.

"Checked the monitoring, and he sneaked out by himself." Lin Nai said together, "Still checking the monitoring at each intersection."

"Let's go home now, don't worry too much," Ye Hanzhi said.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Qingge immediately called Luo Nanchen.First asked Ye Tingjun if he had been to his place, and then told him to check quickly and send someone to find him.

Ye Hanzhi also called and sent all his people in the capital to look for him.

When the Chu family heard that the person was missing, they were a family member, so they were terrified.No one could hear the word "missing", and immediately sent someone to look for it.

(End of this chapter)

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