The queen's wife, she is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 619 Extra Story 6: Master 3 Gets Angry

Chapter 619

When Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge returned to Ye's house, except for Ye Lin, only all the women were at home, and all the men took people to look for them.

"Sister." Seeing her coming back, Chu Qingyan walked up to her first.

Chu Qingge's expression was very cold, and when she saw Chu Qingyan, she shook her cold hand first.

Although her hands are not going anywhere warm.

"Qingge, I'm sorry." Lin Nai's eyes were swollen from crying, "I didn't like Ting Jun, I didn't keep an eye on him."

"Mom, it has nothing to do with you, he ran away by himself."

On the way here, Chu Qingge has already received some monitoring from Luo Nanchen's investigation.

Ye Tingjun sneaked out of Ye Zhai.There were people at the gate of Ye's house, but he pushed them away.

After leaving the range of Ye Zhai, it disappeared.

Luo Nanchen only found some surveillance cameras that captured his legs or arms, and then disappeared completely.

He is not big, but he avoided the surveillance one by one.

The whereabouts are still unknown.

You can only go to the place where he has walked, or the place where he will go to find it.

"It's me, I'm noon." Lin Nai was interrupted by Ye Lin before he could finish his sentence.

"I hit him twice at noon." Ye Lin said while holding Lin Naiyi's hand.

Lin Nai glanced at him and said nothing.

Ye Hanzhi and Chu Qingge looked at them.

Ye Lin said: "Blame me."

Chu Qingge looked at the two of them and said, "If he is disobedient, he should be beaten. It's his problem."

Ye Lin and Lin Naiyi didn't speak any more.

After a while, Zhen Lei came over with a computer.

"Master." He gave the computer to Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge sat down and checked the monitor.

Ye Hanzhi couldn't sit still at home, so he went out to find someone.

Chu Qingyan hugged Ye Chunuo and sat beside Chu Qingge.

Ye Tingheng didn't come back when he was outside.

The entire imperial capital was blocked, and some road sections were closed.They couldn't find anyone, and the Ye family was also worried that Ye Tingjun would be abducted.

So the imperial capital was blocked and the intersection was checked.

Ye Tingheng found something was wrong outside, so he went directly to find someone.

From sunset to eleven o'clock in the evening.

Chu Qingge just found out some news from the surveillance system.

On the window glass shadow of a clothing store, she found Ye Tingjun's figure.

The clothing store was still in a remote corner of the commercial street. At that time, there were not many people.

Seeing from the shadow reflected on the glass.

Ye Tingjun met a man.

The man leaned over to talk to Ye Tingjun, he seemed to be holding something in his hand and wanted to give it to him.

Ye Tingjun didn't answer, turned around and left.

The man took two steps after him and grabbed his small arm, Ye Tingjun broke free and wanted to run.

But he was picked up by the man and taken away directly.

The shadow on the glass is not very clear, and it can only be seen roughly.

"It's Tingjun!" Chu Qingyan said.

The whole family gathered around, Chu Qingge gave them the computer, and went to call Ye Hanzhi with his mobile phone.

He told Ye Hanzhi where Ye Tingjun disappeared last.

Then he called Zhao Lanchuan again.

Last month, Zhao Lanchuan asked her for help because of a kidnapping case.She wanted to find out if there was any connection.

Ye Hanzhi and others led people to explore and investigate from all directions in the imperial capital, and Chu Qingge continued to monitor and search online.

At four o'clock in the morning, news came from Ye Tingjue, saying that he had been found and that he was fine.

Everyone in the Ye family who was waiting breathed a sigh of relief.

Those who were looking outside also rushed home.

At five o'clock in the morning, Ye Tingjue entered the house with Ye Tingjun in his arms.

Ye Tingjun's little face was stained, she must have cried, her clothes were also dirty, and there was a tear in her trousers.

He was in Ye Tingjue's arms and entered the front hall. When he saw Chu Qingge, his eyes lit up for a moment, and then he turned his mouth to cry again.

"Brother." Ye Chunuo cried first when he saw Ye Tingjun.

Everyone in the Ye family gathered around.

Lin Naiyi took the man from Ye Tingjue's arms and held him in his arms: "Ting Jun, are you scared? Did you hurt anywhere? You scared grandma to death."

"Okay, okay." Ye Lin comforted at the side, stroking Ye Tingjun's head, "It's good to be back."

Not long after Ye Tingjun was in Lin Naiyi's arms, Lin Naiyi gave him to Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge took him, and when Ye Tingjun hugged her neck with red eyes, she put him on the ground.

Ye Tingjun looked at her wrongedly.

Chu Qingge's eyes were also a little red, but her expression was as usual, calm and calm: "Why did you run?"


"Answer the question." Chu Qingge said.

No one in the living room dared to speak.

Ye Tingjun twitched twice in a low voice and said, "Grandma, grandma hit me."

Neither Ye Lin nor Lin Naiyi made a sound, they looked at Chu Qingge.

Chu Qingge only looked at Ye Tingjun: "Why did you hit you?"

Ye Tingjun didn't make a sound.

"Speak." Chu Qingge's voice was very soft.

Standing aside, Chu Qingyan was a little scared.

Ye Tingjue took Ye Chunuo from her arms and hugged her, then pulled her behind him.

At this time, Ye Hanzhi came back from outside.

He walked quickly and hurriedly, his face was gloomy, his eyes were evil red, and after hearing Chu Qingge's words, he stopped at the door.

Ye Tingjun clasped her fingers and said in a low voice, "For lunch, I don't like the vegetables that grandma put in."

"And then?" Chu Qingge asked.

The whole living room was covered with a tense atmosphere, no one dared to step forward, Lin Nai took a step forward, but was held back by Ye Lin again.

"I, I lifted the bowl. The bowl was broken. The rice was also spilled." Ye Tingjun's voice became softer, "Grandma spanked my butt twice and made me stand as a punishment."

As soon as Xiao Tingjun finished speaking, before Chu Qingge made any reaction, Ye Hanzhi walked into the front hall and picked him up directly.

He didn't say anything, didn't look at anyone, just grabbed the trousers around his waist, carried him up to the second floor, entered the study room, closed the door, and locked it.

It was like a cold wave passing through the border, freezing everyone.

It wasn't until they heard Ye Tingjun's miserable cry from upstairs that everyone reacted.

Both Ye Chutong and Chu Qingyan trembled in fright.

Ye Chunuo cried out in fright.

Chu Qingge's pupils trembled slightly, and she stood up with her back facing upstairs.

Yan Tong and Lin Naiyi's first reaction was to go upstairs. When they reached the kitchen door, they couldn't open the door. Lin Naiyi knocked on the door: "Han Zhi, Han Zhi, he was scared, don't scare him anymore."

"Third brother, he knows he's wrong, don't hit him." Yan Tong also said.

But the only response to them was Ye Tingjun's increasingly miserable cries.

Ye Lin was getting older, and his legs and feet were inconvenient, so his speed of going upstairs was a bit slower.

He stood at the door of the study with a cane: "Ye Hanzhi, open the door. He is so young, what does he know. Why are you beating him?"

Ye Hanzhi didn't open the door from the inside, and no one dared to open it from the outside.

No one in the Ye family dared to provoke him,

Ye Tingjun's crying became more and more miserable.

The three upstairs all looked at Chu Qingge downstairs.

Chu Qingge always turned her back upstairs.

Ye Chutong looked upstairs, looked down, and walked up to Chu Qingge: "Auntie, go and persuade Third Uncle."

"Sister, go and have a look." Chu Qingyan also said, "Third Uncle will also listen to you."

Chu Qingge didn't move, she lowered her eyes and said softly: "It's better to hit him less, and he ran away from home after hitting him twice. No one is used to his stink."

"Sister." Chu Qingyan took her hand, "He's only that young."

"He has kept everyone up all night since he was young." Chu Qingge shook Chu Qingyan's hand, and said coldly, "If you don't hit, you won't have a long memory."

(End of this chapter)

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