Chapter 240 Always Running to the Water Prison

some time ago
The first protector of the Demon Palace quelled the rebellion in the northwest of the Demon Realm. He came to ask for a reward, and asked for the Black Nightmare by name.

Lou Qinghan didn't realize that his achievements were not worthy, so he gave him one.

He remembered very clearly that the Black Nightmare was not long after it was born, and its horns were still grayish, which was exactly the same as the one Yu Yan brought.

Why did Yu Yan have this thing, needless to say.

Someone must have used the Black Nightmare on her!

After Lou Qinghan finished speaking, his expression was a little subtle. He looked at Yu Yan, half teasing, half probing,
"My first guardian, is he still alive?"

Yu Yan raised her eyebrows, she said honestly, "I don't know."

Seeing Su Ruoruo's injury, she knew that the number one protector of the Demon Palace was a ruthless person.

That is alive.

Lou Qinghan breathed a sigh of relief, he is usually too lazy to take care of things, and the affairs of the Demon Palace depend entirely on the first protector.

"However, you'd better check it out, your number one protector is probably quite ambitious."

Yu Yan thought of Su Ruoruo's injury that she found out.

The meridians in her body were forcibly integrated into the magic breath.

The magic breath is like the lifeblood to the magic cultivator.

The stronger the magic breath, the stronger the strength.

In her opinion, the magic breath in Su Ruoruo's body is at most borrowed from her body for temporary storage and cultivation.

Probably, when a certain time comes, the pair will take it back.

As for the strength of the owner of the magic breath after taking it back, Yu Yan didn't think about it.

After explaining the situation, Yu Yan patted her buttocks and was about to leave.

Lou Qinghan was contemplating with eyebrows frowned, he hurriedly called people to stop,
"My elixir,"

"I'm working on it, don't worry."

As Yu Yan spoke, she only left him a back view.

She always thought that the reason for her insanity in the book was that she was not strong-willed. Until today, when Su Ruoruo tried to put the black nightmare on her, she realized that there was such a secret behind "Yu Yan"'s insanity.

Lou Qinghan was not disappointed either, he knew there was no need to rush this matter.

When Yu Yan was going back, she passed by Qianju City
A plausible blue mist hangs over the City Lord's Mansion.

The color of the mist was very light, and the concentration was also very light. It seemed that it was about to dissipate completely.

Yu Yan took another look curiously.

The city lord's mansion was investigated by her before, so what is this blue mist?
Yu Yan let go of her spiritual sense and searched to no avail.

So he went directly to Qianyaozong.

She didn't come to visit the library last time, but the bruises on her body are still there.

The entire land of Xingling Continent is surrounded by vast seas.

The sea area and the continent have never interfered with the river water, and there is also a natural barrier between the sea area and the continent.

Today is the birthday of the lord of the entire sea area, the Water Kylin King.

Inside the palace made of blue jade stone
An extremely enchanting woman supported the Water Kylin King, and she held his shoulders behind him,
"My lord, I heard that the second child always takes people to the water prison these days. You don't know, my lord, people outside are rumoring that the second princess has taken a fancy to which criminal in the water prison."

"Hmph, how decent is the second princess, call her to me!"

Ji Zao frowned fiercely, covered her lips and coughed twice after speaking.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry, today is your Majesty's birthday."

Shi Ji patted Ji Zao on the back carefully, her enchanting eyes were full of calculations.

Ji Wutang, oh Ji Wutang.

Since you control the water dungeon to prevent my people from investigating, I have a way to know what you are hiding in it!
"My lord, Qing'er told my concubine yesterday that she brought you a surprise from the mainland!"

Shi Ji smiled and changed the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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