Chapter 241 The Man From the Mainland

Ji Zao looked back at her,
"Oh? Qing'er brought a surprise? Hmph, she's not too young, she doesn't even like so many husbands-in-law that the king has chosen for her, don't think that you can escape the marriage by playing tricks!"

A trace of pampering flashed across the eyes of the Shui Qilin King.

Although they were all angry, they were completely different from the expression when Ji Wutang was mentioned just now.

Shi Ji reached out and caressed Qilin King's neck, she leaned on his shoulder like a baby, and her whole body was tightly attached to Ji Zao's back.

The woman tilted her head and whispered in the man's ear,
"Your Majesty, Qing'er is full of filial piety, you can't just wipe it out~"

Ji Zao grabbed Shi Ji's hand fiercely, his eyes were scarlet, but Shen Ke's old body was a little weak, but the little goblin was still seducing him.

"This king... has always been fair!"

With a hoarse tone, Ji Zao caressed Shi Ji's face, and then pulled her to her side after speaking.


It was less than half an hour before the birthday banquet started.

Ji Wutang stood in front of the Qilin King's palace, getting angry at the maid who stopped her,

"So what if the princess wants to go in?"

The woman's face was full of anger, don't think she didn't know Shi Ji was inside, why should she stop her!

"Second princess, the princess has orders..."

The maid was also trembling, with the majestic princess on the one hand and the second princess on the other, she didn't want to offend them either.

Ji Wutang crossed his arms and said ironically,

"Princess? She is a concubine of my father!"

"Oh? Is the second princess looking down on me like this?"

As the enchanting female voice sounded, Ji Wutang flicked his whip, his face became even more stinky.

She still has the face to say?
Don't know what she's doing hooking her father up inside, it's disgusting!

Ji Wutang's sharp eyes fell on Shi Ji, who was lazily wearing a belt, and the upper part of his half-open chest was covered with red marks.

Shi Ji stroked her slightly disheveled temple hair, she turned her head and said something to the maid, only to see the maid back away in panic.

"Tang'er, the birthday party is about to start. If you don't help your elder sister receive the guests, what are you doing here?"

Shi Ji acted like a hostess, looking at Ji Wutang with three points of love, three points of dissatisfaction and four points of admonishment.

Ji Wutang slapped her whip at her feet, the woman raised her chin slightly, her face full of arrogance,
"Don't be complacent for too long!"

After she finished speaking, she turned and strode away.

Shi Ji looked at Ji Wutang's back with a smile, she wondered if she was thinking too much, Ji Wutang is just an idiot.

Maybe just like the rumors she released, the idiot Second Princess has taken a fancy to some lowly prisoner in the water prison.

On the other side, Ji Wutang stood in front of Ji Wuye.

"Brother, why are you still awake?"

At that time, the father sent someone to call her over, and she guessed it was Shi Ji's handwriting.

It was not the first time that he called her and stopped her from entering.

That woman just likes to bully her and humiliate her, watching her become impotent and furious in front of her servants again and again.

She was just jealous of her queen mother.

Ji Wutang stroked Ji Wuye's hair.

Today is my father's birthday, and I heard that Ji Wuqing brought a man back from the mainland.

The father once said that whoever of the two sisters gets married first and has a child will pass on the throne to him.

After so many years, did Ji Wuqing finally stop pretending to refuse?

Ji Wutang's eyes were full of sarcasm.

The king's father's promise was just to create a reasonable reason for Ji Wuqing's succession.

Not to mention whether she intends to compete with Ji Wuqing, even if she wants to get married, Father Wang and Shi Ji will find ways to screw her up.

(End of this chapter)

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