Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 221 Decoration Plan 2

Chapter 221 Decoration Plan 2
Another most important reason for Liu Wen's willful proposal is that she knows that such a small loss can be made up for.

When looking at the store before, Liu Wen noticed that the storey was relatively high.

However, Liu Wen couldn't see things clearly because there was a layer above it before, but now she can use the ladder to see.

I really didn't know if I didn't look at it. I was shocked when I saw it. Liu Wen thought that the height of the storey was only three meters, which was already very good, but she didn't expect it to be three meters five.

Liu Wen really didn't know what to say. Although the height of this floor was still a bit tasteless, it could be fully utilized.

Liu Shuhui's eyes also brightened. If she thinks it's possible, if she can't go there in the future, she can definitely live here.

"Get a studio upstairs."

"You can also entertain guests along the way." The environment required for embroidery is not only very quiet, but also a relatively quiet environment.

Originally, Liu Wen thought that if she could embroider in the shop, people passing by would pay attention, and those who were interested would enter.

But think about it again, are there few people who are curious about Xiu Niang?There must be many. They pass by the shop and see an embroiderer doing embroidery, so they might come in and take a look.

People will ask here and there, and then watch your embroidery, and then ask here and there, and you can't drive them away.

That is to say, it cannot be embroidered at all. In this case, it is better to embroider on it.

But in this way, a space is needed, and now there is a good environment, which can entertain some important guests. If you are tired, there is also a place to take a rest above.

Zhou Sheng has been building for so long, his eyes are like a ruler, "It's about [-] meters high."

"Although the height sounds good, but if you want to come out on another floor, at least [-] centimeters have to be removed to make the second floor."

"What do you think if I lay the floor directly on the ground?" Liu Wen thought of a simple solution.

In fact, if it is possible, Liu Wen hopes to use a steel structure, which can also be stronger.

But don't think about it now, this material is relatively scarce now, and I don't know if I can get it, even if I get it through a relationship, I don't know when I will wait.

Liu Wen bought the shop, but she hoped that it could be renovated and put into operation immediately. It was impossible to wait that long.

I just thought of a good way, which saves trouble and effort, and if it is well decorated, it will give people a different feeling.

With planks? "You mean to use the planks directly?"

"It's not that it can't be done. In the past, wood was used to build houses, and wooden floors were used for partitions."

"But let me tell you, there are gaps between the floors, and the dust layer can easily fall through."

"Although what you are making is not for food, it is also embroidery. When you get it on it." It doesn't mean that the embroidery will be invalid, but if there are guests who happen to come to see it, they will feel bad for the work if they see the dirt on it. Not very satisfied.

When Liu Wen proposed this, of course she thought it through, "Simple, for the floor, lay one floor horizontally, and then lay one floor vertically."

"Then the next one will be decorated with cloth curtains at that time."

"It's just a little troublesome, but I don't think it's a big problem. After all, there won't be too many embroidery items on display."

"You can make a glass cover and put it inside." Although it's a bit troublesome, at least it feels like it's upscale.

In fact, if it is possible, if you add a dozen lights, it will definitely be beautiful, but that is also a kind of harm to the embroidery.

Well, Zhou Sheng has to admit that this is the best way to solve the small area.

Of course, on the side of the first floor, she also vacated a tea room where she could drink tea and discuss business.

Since it is selling art and selling craftsmanship, of course the pomp should be well arranged.

Zhou Sheng looked at the dilapidated shop in front of him, not to mention Liu Wen, even he himself was full of expectations.

About the general decoration, the three of them also discussed about the same, but now they are all discussing whether it can be done or not, it still depends on whether the workers can handle it when the time comes.

Zhou Sheng and Liu Wen are acquaintances, that is to say, they talked about the labor price. As for the materials, they will follow the market price at that time.

When negotiating business with others, Zhou Sheng will definitely sign a contract with the other party, which is a guarantee for himself.

But working with Liu Wen, Zhou Sheng didn't have any troubles in this regard, knowing that Liu Wen would not treat him badly.

Liu Wen put the key in Zhou Sheng's hand, "Brother Zhou, please."

"No trouble, no trouble." How could Zhou Sheng find it troublesome, "Maybe when my project here is not over, more people will ask me to do the project."

This location is really good, with a lot of people, their construction team works, and few people will pay attention to it for a day or two, but after a long time, he doesn't believe that no one will pay attention.

After coming and going, word of mouth spread like this. Zhou Sheng deeply felt that Liu Wen was a noble person in their husband and wife business.

Because of her, their grass-roots team was able to spread their reputation and received an order from Sioux City.

But they have worked hard for so long, and the results are not very great, but now, they really don't need to worry.

In the past, Liu Wen asked them to renovate the house, and now they are renovating the shops. When they are finished, it will definitely develop in many aspects.

Although they originally wanted to build a house, so what about decorating the house now, as long as there is work to do, as long as there is money to be made, it is the best.

Liu Wen was not worried that Zhou Sheng planned to use the store as a signboard, and would let the people around him know what it would look like after the renovation.

Even if the surrounding shops know about it, they don't do embroidery, and they are not in the same industry at all, so there is no need to worry.

It's not that Liu Wen looks down on them, but it really needs a lot of money to decorate in this way.

There really won't be many who are willing to invest so much, and they bought this shop, otherwise Liu Wen wouldn't be willing.

Don't invest a lot of money. After two years of renovation, the landlord will take the house back. It's really crying.

Even if some colleagues are willing to spend money in the future, they will invest heavily and want to compete with Liu Wen and the others for business, she is not afraid.

Her family is the first one, the signboard has been sold out, their hardware can be copied, but how can the software be copied?

Even if they plagiarize, Liu Wen is not afraid. If you can't do it, put in more thought, make a little more trouble, and change the layout frequently, which can also give guests a refreshing feeling.

I just don't know if they will continue to follow. In short, to seize an opportunity, not to mention standing on an invincible position, at least through this method, we can also let the guests know our strength.

In addition to being happy and looking forward to it, Liu Shuhui is also a little worried, "Xiaowen, if you say that we open a store, it is not that we should display works. We, we have so many works."

As an embroiderer, although she has been working non-stop, there are not many products left.

If you open an embroidery workshop, you have to put some of your own products, otherwise, what can you do.

(End of this chapter)

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