Chapter 222 Worry
Regarding this concern, Liu Wen has thought about it before. After all, the store is open. If there is nothing, it is actually a big joke.

"I still have some works over there."

"Sister, I remember you used to have some small embroideries for practice, and you can also take them out."

"Small ones?" Of course Liu Shuhui has these things to do, but the question is whether such a small work is too shameful to take out.

"We can't give up big customers, but we can't let go of small businesses either."

"Embroider something on the handkerchief, and then get a cloth bag with something embroidered on it. It's actually pretty pretty."

"The price of the item is not expensive, and there will definitely be many people who buy it."

"I think if more people know about it, maybe we can earn money for utility bills."

"Although we don't have to worry about running out of business, we don't have to worry about losing money."

"I just think that if I can make a little money, it would be better to earn back the cost of opening the store."

"And sister, we can also slowly accumulate some business tips by communicating with these people."

"What do you think?" Liu Wen thinks it's good to do so, and Ok also depends on what Liu Shuhui thinks.

Does this still need to be considered?Liu Shuhui directly expressed that she had no objection, "If you can make money, that's fine."

"And such a small job, many embroiderers can do it." Liu Shuhui also used her brain to discuss with Liu Wen how to develop business.

"Actually, we can also get some cotton clothes or skirts and embroider something on them."

"Before I thought that the clothes that looked good, many people would wear them when walking on the road."

"No matter how beautiful the clothes are, if there are too many people wearing them, I think they are average or a bit ugly." Liu Shuhui used to come to the city once in a while, and she would feel that the people in the city wore very foreign style, and the clothes they wore were very good-looking.

But now that I have come to Sioux City more times, I have discovered the problem. I feel that it is not good here or something is not good. I always feel that there is room for improvement.

"The things embroidered on each piece of clothing are different, so there is a difference." Liu Shuhui said her thoughts carefully.

Wow, Liu Wen knows that Liu Shuhui is a person with ideas, but she just doesn't have the opportunity to say so.

Now that she has such a good opportunity to see her performance, she is absolutely awesome.

"Of course no problem."

"But this can be slowly developed."

"I don't know if it can be opened before September." Otherwise, it will open in winter, and there will not be many people going out to shop.

In addition, it is approaching the end of the new year, and those who should give gifts have already thought about what to give, maybe everything has already been bought, if there are no accidents, there should be no changes.

Liu Wen hopes that it can be opened in the fall, so that rich people can know that there is another choice for gift giving.

You Liu Shuhui now also knows that those who buy embroidery works may not necessarily like embroidery, even if they are familiar with all kinds of allusions and data.

"In fact, embroidery should be passed on." Liu Shuhui has never experienced the peak period of embroidery, but she has barely experienced the trough.

"At that time, no one liked embroidery works, and no one would buy them, unless they were good embroiderers, and their embroidery works were also confiscated by the superiors, and they were not circulated in the market."

"A lot of people have left this industry and started working, starting to work in the fields."

"The embroiderer's hands can be said to have been taken care of since she was a child." Even now, Liu Wen occasionally works, but the protection work is done well, and I worry that once the hands become rough, there will be no way to embroider.

And those people actually wanted to work in the fields. Liu Wen knew that if there were no accidents, after they left this circle, the possibility of coming back would be almost gone.

"Yes, now they know that even if they are ordinary embroiderers, they can earn more than they do farming. They want to come back, but their hands..." Liu Shuhui has seen their hands, they are rough.

Not to mention worrying about breaking the silk, even asking them to pick up embroidery needles is quite a challenge.

"But more people have seen it, and you can earn more by doing business." Liu Wen said lightly.

"It's okay to be an embroiderer, but the income of more embroiderers is actually average."

"But in business, if people are willing to endure hardships, they will definitely make money."

"But Xiuniang doesn't just have to be hard-working, it also depends on talent."

"Talent alone is not enough, you have to work hard. It can be said that talent plus hard work is indispensable."

Many people say that Liu Wen is so young, how can she embroider such beautiful embroidery works, is she very talented?

Liu Wen really doesn't want to tell them that she doesn't have so many so-called talents, but that she is just working hard when everyone is relaxing, eating, drinking, having fun and resting.

For a good embroiderer, the painstaking effort behind it is really not ordinary ruthlessness.

"Yeah, it's too hard." Even though she has made a lot of money through embroidery, Liu Shuhui has to admit that from the beginning of learning embroidery, this road has not been an ordinary one.

"I just don't have a daughter. If I had a daughter, I don't think I would be willing to let her continue to be a embroiderer."

"Of course I'm not talking about Aunt Gong." Liu Shuhui recalled that Liu Wen's family has been an embroiderer for generations. By saying that, is she reflecting Gong Jing's cruel heart.

Liu Wen doesn't care about these things, "I felt very hard when I was a child, people can go out to play, but I can only stay at home, all kinds of unhappy."

"But now I really want to thank my mother, if not for her embroidery skills."

"I don't have such a good life now."

"So I hated it at first, but I don't hate it now. At least we don't have to worry about a decrease in income."

"And our works will be sold at higher prices."

"However, I think Xiu Niang's words should be cultivated slowly."

Liu Wen knows that with the development of the times, young people like to make money easily and quickly, instead of studying so hard for many years, but they still don't get ahead.

"It is to be cultivated."

"Those who are talented may not be able to persevere." Liu Shuhui still remembers the people who learned embroidery like her back then, but few of them really persevered.

"But the reason is that there are really not many teachers." It's not that if you teach apprentices, the master will starve to death, but now that you earn so much as an embroiderer, no one will be willing to teach apprentices unless they are your own children. .

In the past, teaching apprentices, at least how many years of income was given to the master, but now you can't do this, and everyone has no idea of ​​imparting skills,

After all, delaying one's own money making, and it is still possible, is a thankless task, who is willing to do it.

Liu Wen felt that it was a tricky task. There was no financial guidance these days, and few people were really willing to do this.

Regarding this issue, let alone Liu Wen and the others find it difficult, even the leaders of the silk factory in Sioux City are also worried. It is not ordinary difficult to train young embroiderers.

In fact, it is not without a long time, such as setting up a school, and then everyone will have a certain income when they go to class. Liu Wen does not believe that there will be no teachers in this way.

However, this project is not a small project. As far as the current situation is concerned, it really cannot be carried out by her and Liu Shuhui. It still needs a highly respected embroidery master to complete it.

(End of this chapter)

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