Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 319 Who is the partner looking for?

Chapter 319 Who is the partner looking for?

"Well, Xiaowen has always said before that when she has money, she will buy land and build an office building in a suitable place. The two floors below can be used as shops, food, and small department stores. The upper part is Office building."

"When I have more money, I will build office buildings that feel particularly luxurious, and they are all rented by big companies."

"In this way, you can get a lot of rent. When someone is willing to pay a high price, you can also consider selling it."

"And don't forget to build a dormitory on the land, you can get a one-bedroom or two-bedroom apartment, which can be rented out to migrant workers."

"No matter when, don't worry about not being able to rent out, it's just that the investment is a bit big now." Song Boyang knew that Liu Wen had always wanted to be a charter woman, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

Song Bohua was stunned. He didn't even think that he could do it like this, although Liu Wen must have thought about it for a long time before he came up with such an idea.

But he has been in the beautiful country for so long. Although he has not invested in business seriously, he has invested a lot. He has seen a lot of investment plans, visited a lot, and met a lot of people.

Compared to Liu Wen, he can be considered a well-informed person, but just now he thought of investing in real estate, but what kind of field he wanted to engage in, his eyes were really dimmed, and he didn't know where to start.

In the end, I didn't expect Liu Wen to have so many ideas. , Song Bohua remembered how she was not good enough before, and he didn't know what to say.

Song Boyang knew that Song Bohua was embarrassed, but he didn't expect his elder brother to apologize, "Now the economy is slowly developing."

"I admit that foreign countries are very good, but once domestic development develops, it will not be worse than foreign countries."

"The most important thing is, brother, you have been in the beautiful country for several years, how do you feel about it?"

From the news that Song Bohua occasionally revealed, Song Boyang can be sure that there are actually many disappointments in the days when the eldest brother is abroad.

I don't know if it's because he drank a little wine, or because the burden in his heart is a bit heavy, and he can't tell his wife and children that he can take on some things, and there is no need to worry his wife and them.

"The supply of materials over there is very sufficient, but the people over there are xenophobic. Even if you have money, it is really not easy for you to integrate in."

Once the nagging mouth is opened, it will be difficult to take it back. Song Boyang originally wanted to change the topic, but he didn't expect that in the next time, he would keep grilling meat and pouring wine, listening to Song Boyang's nagging.

When he returned to the room, he didn't want to talk anymore. Not only was it late, he was exhausted, but also he felt a little too depressed.

Liu Wen originally wanted to make a joke, and after chatting about it for so long, she still looked like she had no love in her life.

Seeing that he was so tired, what else could he do? My man was in pain, so I could only let him go to rest earlier.

Anyway, it's the same for tomorrow's question. Turn off the lights and go to sleep. Although she has ideas, Liu Wen is still careless and falls asleep soon.

Song Boyang also fell asleep quickly, not without worries, but really tired, and as a doctor, he still has heavy tasks during the day, so he can't act according to his temper.

The husband and wife fell asleep just like that, but Song Bohua couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.

Originally, when he came back this time, he just wanted to negotiate the embroidery business. He had investigated the market, not to mention that the market is huge, but if it is done well, it will also be a stable source of income.

More importantly, you can get to know people above the middle class, and maybe even get to know the rich one or two.

No matter from which point of view, talking about this cooperation is really beneficial to him, and maybe the benefits he gets will be more than doing business.

I thought that I would be rewarded with a lot of rewards when I came back this time, but I didn't expect that there would be unexpected surprises.

If the operation is good, the money earned will not be less than that earned abroad. He has always known that it is easy to say and easy to make money in China, it depends on how to operate.

Although the Song family is considered a scholarly family, they are really not that repulsive about doing business.

They know that whether it's going out to study or taking on the responsibility of supporting their families, money is a must.

After transferring most of the family's assets before, as long as they can be realized and taken away, it is rare that there are good businessmen in the family.

However, it is quite difficult to do business in a foreign country. Otherwise, most of the Song family members now live on rent or company dividends.

The aspiring clansmen go out to work, while the unpromising clansmen live on the money.

Song Bohua didn't want to live a life like this. Although his wife and children were fine, how could a man be around the house all day? Of course he had to go out and work hard.

On the American side, he can operate, but on the domestic side, Song Bohua just wants to say that there is not enough manpower.

Not to mention the cost of a round-trip air ticket, it’s really not an ordinary toss. If something happens somewhere, it’s really likely that there will be no time to deal with it.

But is Song Bohua willing to give up such a good opportunity like this?
Of course he is not reconciled, if he doesn't know, it's fine, but the problem is that he knows this, if he just looks at the opportunity to make money, it flies by.

Just thinking about it, Song Bohua felt that he could hardly breathe, "We must find someone to cooperate with."

Song Bohua knew that finding a partner was the best way, but who to cooperate with was a problem.

Song Bohua knew that Tang Hai was the best candidate, and he was in the business circle, so if there was a trouble, he would know it immediately.

But for some reason, Song Bohua just didn't want to cooperate with Tang Hai, even if he knew about this kid, he wouldn't cheat him.

Song Bohua knew that Liu Wen was the only person who could cooperate with Tang Hai if he didn't.

Not to mention the idea of ​​making money, it was also Liu Wen's idea. It didn't make sense. After he knew the news, he increased his investment to make money.

Song Bohua knew that it wasn't that Liu Wen didn't want to act, even if she was in Sucheng, she couldn't handle these things in Yangcheng, so could Tang Hai not care?

For Song Boyang's face, Tang Hai will not give Liu Wen face, so she has not taken any action. Except for having no money, Song Bohua thinks the other possibilities are unlikely.

"Then Liu Wen." Song Bohua thought for a long time, feeling that the sky outside was bright, and finally made a decision in a daze.

Song Bohua, who had made up his mind, couldn't hold on any longer, and soon fell asleep.

He knew that even if he wanted to cooperate with Liu Wen, he had to ask Song Boyang, so he was not in a hurry.

After relaxing, or having found a way to make money, Song Bohua relaxed and slept soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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