Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 320 The Embarrassing Scene

Chapter 320 The Embarrassing Scene
Liu Wen knew that Song Bohua drank alcohol yesterday and did not rest until very late, and knew that he would have a good rest today.

Unexpectedly, when she went back to cook at noon, she found that no one had eaten the breakfast she had prepared.

What's the situation?Did you not get up?Liu Wen couldn't help but get anxious. If she is really tired and wants to sleep in, then of course there is no problem.

Liu Wen was worried whether Song Bohua drank a little too much yesterday, and because he was resting alone, something might happen.

Liu Wen thought for a while, and felt that she should knock on the door to inquire about the situation. If she was really tired and wanted to rest, then she should continue to rest.

If something happened, it seems that it would be too late to find out now.

Liu Wen kept complaining in her heart, but she was actually trying to cheer herself up. There was nothing she could do about it. I heard that this person was also angry about getting up.

When she walked to the door, just as she was about to knock, she saw the door opened, and Song Bohua yawned and walked out of the room.

Liu Wen didn't expect that she finally mustered up the courage to ask Song Bohua how he was doing, but it turned out that he had just woken up.

And the current Song Bohua hasn't taken care of it, he is definitely without makeup, and the image of this one is really not very good now.

But no matter what, Liu Wen couldn't laugh at one or two outright, so she could only bear it.

Song Bohua didn't expect Liu Wen to be at the door, so he froze for a moment, really embarrassed.

Although he is a man, it's not that embarrassing. Song Bohua calmed down and greeted Liu Wen calmly.

Wow, it's really not a loss. After going to the beautiful country, the people who took back the shares of their brother's trust fund from those black-hearted relatives, if they were replaced by other people, it should be more embarrassing now.

Looking at this one again, he can greet people calmly. This is really a gap, and Liu Wen can only sigh in her heart.

Song Bohua always felt that Liu Wen was staring at him, which made him feel like a thorn in his body, but he couldn't panic too much.

Otherwise, in case Liu Wen didn't notice at all, he would notice after running away like this.

Song Bohua didn't even know how he got into the bathroom, anyway, when he got into the bathroom, he quickly looked in the mirror.

After looking up, down, left, and right, Song Bohua had to sigh, no wonder Liu Wen felt strange, because his current image is really, alas.

Song Bohua actually stroked his hair before opening the door, thinking that there should be no problem.

In the end, I didn't expect that the hair didn't become a chicken coop, but there were a few disobedient hairs, so I insisted on standing there firmly.

Then there is still eye gum in the corner of his eye, and more importantly, he can now say that his image is really bad.

It feels like haggard, nothing but haggard, which scares Song Bohua a lot.

Even in the most difficult years, Song Bohua knew that he should pay attention to his image, so that no one could see his haggardness.

In the end, I didn't expect it, and I didn't pay attention today. Alas, Song Bohua could only sigh helplessly in the mirror.

"Forget it, let people see it." I can only think so, otherwise, what should I do.

Song Bohua quickly adjusted his emotions. After freshening up, he stared at the mirror for a long time, and after confirming that there was no problem with his image several times, he walked out of the bathroom slowly.

Every morning when Liu Wen goes to work, she will prepare all the ingredients that will be prepared at noon today, so that she can prepare them immediately when she returns home.

Although she was busy in the kitchen, she actually pricked up her ears to listen to the movement in the bathroom.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that Song Bohua is a person who cares about face, and if she saw his bad image just now, she might care about it.

Liu Wen sighed again in her heart. She was a little dissatisfied with her at first, but now it's all over. When this happens again, she doesn't know what to say.

No matter how uneasy I feel, I can only let it go, things have happened, no matter how entangled I am, there is no way to go back to the past.

Since Song Bohua was fine, Liu Wen speeded up cooking, after all, not only Song Bohua was eating, but also Liu Shuhui and the others.

Liu Wen had stewed the soup a long time ago, and then put the braised pork into the dish. By noon, the taste was already good.

After copying two vegetables, Liu Wen quickly put the vegetables on the plate, and then put the soup for today's lunch.

As for the lunch brought to Liu Shuhui and the others, it would not be too late to put it in a thermos when she left.

Liu Wen thought that Song Bohua should be sitting in the room waiting, but she didn't expect that when she was about to serve the dishes, she saw him walk into the kitchen and serve all the dishes before Liu Wen.

What's the situation?Liu Wen was a little dumbfounded, and didn't understand how Song Bohua would take the initiative to help out.

You must know that he used to sit at the dining table, waiting for the food to be served, but today he came out like this, which made her feel very uneasy.

What happened?Could it be that after Song Boyang talked with him yesterday, he changed his temper today?

But this idea, just think about it, if you can really persuade this person, yesterday someone didn't know how to express it.

Could it be that he wanted to flatter her and tell her not to tell about his imageless scene today?

Liu Wen thought it was impossible. After all, people who just got up, unless they are public figures, would pay more attention to this, but this is also based on the occasion of facing outsiders and the presence of the media.

If it's at home, Liu Wen doesn't believe that these people will maintain their image 24 hours a day. That's the image, but isn't it tiring?

Liu Wen felt that Song Bohua should not be like this, maybe he did good deeds every day, anyway, he would restore his attitude towards her after a while.

Liu Wen felt that this must be the case, so she didn't take it to heart, walked to the table, and prepared to have lunch.

As a result, this meal made Liu Wen feel like a grand banquet, because Song Bohua chatted with her very enthusiastically.

You must know that if there were only the two of them, there would be nothing to say except for some questions about embroidery and cooperation.

Song Bohua didn't know how to ask Liu Wen, and Liu Wen didn't know how to find topics to chat with. It can be said that at the dinner table, the point of not talking about food was really achieved.

Although this may make people feel awkward, if Liu Wen chooses, she would rather choose a quiet scene.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, it made people relax. Although the scene is not embarrassing now, the consequences are more serious than that.

What surprised Liu Wen even more was that after lunch, Song Bohua would take the initiative to clean up the table and wash the dishes again.

My god, what's going on?This person mentioned before that the housework should be done by women. For men, after a busy day outside, they should rest when they get home.

As a result, this person's behavior was just such a slap in the face. Liu Wen felt that there must be something hidden in it, but even if she knew there was something hidden, she didn't dare to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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